Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
Posts: 1,415
Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Hello, and to all my readers, each and every one; Thank you so very much for your loyalty and devotion you show me by reading my story. I humbly thank you, and wish to thank the ones who nominated our story here. I do love my story, it is very precious to me, and I am honored for it's nominations. Thank you, even if this is as far as the nominations get. I'd like to extend a congratulations to each of SS's many talented writers who have tremendous stories, and of course to the ones who have been nominated. Good luck to each, and may the mightiest pen win.
Emily Black: Hello Emily, Quote:
And I'm sorry that I'm too exhausted to comment on everything right now, but the post was fantabulous! I loved it, as usual
Thanks Emily, and don't worry about the length of the comment. I'm thrilled you read it! Take care of yourself and get your rest. Congratulations on your nominations. 
Miss Weasley: Hello Katie Girl! Quote:
Okay so, I'll bring the pies: Banana Cream, Coconut, Chocolate and pizza, and you can bring the milk and... cough, cough, water!
Yea, A party and I'm invited! I'm drooling all over myself just thinking about all those pies. Blackberry and Peach pies are great too! Quote:
So, Tom taught Harry to fly? I oftened wondered about that, since wizards aren't supposed to use magic outside of school... but I guess since Tom did it, there's kind of a grey area... right?
Yeah, I think umm, maybe in the second book, when the twins and Ron flew the car to get Harry, they told Harry flying isn't considered a magic rule, because so many family's depend on it. I think she (JK) had to put that in there cause clearly the rule would have been broken, by all the Quidditch playing so many of them do at home on the holidays. And all the kids toy brooms that fly like Harry's when he was little, and like we saw at the Quidditch World Cup. Quote:
So, why doesn't Harry remembeer it? Was he too young or tramatized maybe?
Yeah, remember when Ron got sick, and Crookshanks had to make a memory adjustment on Harry? Remember Crookshanks telling Lissydove that he's had to modify Harry's memory before? Well, that was the time when he had to modify it. Later, though we find it's been modified more than that. Quote:
This was just to precious Connie. Sirius, a man who is so broken and hurt inside, still has the ability to love and comfort a fellow hurting soul, even if it is the soul of a werecat. Sirius is a real man, a man of compassion and substance.
I believe with all my heart every being has been empowered to be able to do this. It is only if we decide we want to if we do or not. Quote:
Connie!!!! Is it time? Is Sirius really and truly finally going to see his Lissydove? I can't wait! It seems like I've been waiting forever for this to happen.
Sorry sweetie, you'll have to wait a bit longer. And so is Sirius. Quote:
Excellent work, Connie! I can't wait until next week! Don't forget the grub... I'll invite: Owen, Stephanie, Tina, Emily and the rest of the crew...
Thank you sweetie, and congratulations on your nominations.
Prongs.RJGirl: Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello! It's great to have you back! I've missed you, and hoped you'd be able to come back. Quote:
Finally caught up with the rest of your story today!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG!!! This is, like, wonderful, amazing!!!! PAMS!!!
P.S. I miss you sooooo much!!
Thank you very much! You're very kind to saysuch things. 
Derfel: Hello Owen, LOL You didn't comment on here, but, you did read the chapter, and told me yourself you liked it, so I thank you, and I want to say congratulations on your nominations.
Now next week fasten the seatbelts on your brooms or enchanted cars, cause we fly right out of canon, except for a few landmark highlights to show where we are in the story. Hope you enjoy it, cause I had a blast writing it. Chapter 32, "Strawberry Fields Forever" See ya next Thursday evening!
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
The next morning Ron, Harry, and Hermione met in the common room before going to breakfast. It was a very chilly greeting to each Ron and Hermione. Sarcastic pleasantries were made, not for the sake of conversation or friendliness, but to inflict hurtful stabs at one another with words.
“Good morning Ron, Harry, how are you two this lovely morning, and Ron, how is Scabbers?”
“Good, I’m good,” answered Ron, and before he could continue Hermione spoke again.
“Good!” Both of them were talking over Harry’s response, not even noticing he was there.
“Scabbers is on the mend from his fun and games last night with Crookshanks. He nearly died from all the fun he had.”
Hermione’s face reddened, but she answered shrewdly, “Oh good, I’m so glad. Maybe they can play more later today, after we return from Hogsmeade. Get him back in shape. It can’t be healthy for him always cowering, I mean sleeping all the time.”
Ron’s ears were getting close to the same shade of red as his unkempt hair. “Well, he wouldn’t need so much sleep if he didn’t constantly have to provide entertainment for your monster!”
“Great!” Harry said, glaring at his two warring friends, and a little louder than he needed to. Ron and Hermione looked at him startled. “You asked how I was. I’m great you’re both great and the pets are great! Could the two of you just kiss and make up so we can go have breakfast?”
Ginny walked across the room trying to get by Harry un-noticed. “’Lo Ginny, care to have breakfast with me? I could really use some good company. How ’bout it?” he said, glaring at Ron and Hermione. He took Ginny’s arm and escorted her to the Great Hall, without waiting for her response. He figured her stopping was just her waiting for Ron and Hermione to stop and join them. Actually she stopped because she was mortified that Harry noticed her and didn’t know what to do. When he took her arm she was flushed and all flustered, and were it not for the fact that Harry had her arm in the crook of his arm while he chatted pleasantly to her, she would still be frozen to the spot where he said, “’Lo Ginny.” Now with her heart throb escorting her, she felt like she was just floating beside him, as if she was one of the ghosts floating in the halls of Hogwarts.
“So, what are you going to do while everyone else is in Hogsmeade?” he asked pleasantly, and smiled at her as he turned to look at her.
“Um, I don’t know,” she managed to say, and was startled that he asked.
As he looked at her, his smile ebbed away. She was all white and looked quite terrified. He hadn’t noticed until just then how his conversation with her had been one sided. Then he remembered that Ginny was like a church mouse whenever he was around. That first year he met the Weasley family at their house, Ginny had run off when she had seen him. Ron had said she liked him. Then, last year, he had saved her in the secret chamber from Tom Riddle. She had bled her soul to that diary about her being so much in love with him, Harry Potter. He didn’t think she knew that Riddle had told her that he knew of her feelings for him. He always went out of his way to be kind to her, but was that it? Was she angry at him for knowing what the diary said? Or maybe she was just so uncomfortable around him because he is a constant reminder of that terrible memory.
The realization of this caused a brutal pain in his heart. “It hurts her to be around me; and here I am dragging her with me like there wasn‘t a thing in the world wrong,” he thought. He had really been enjoying being with her too. With extreme heartbreak, he released her arm.
“Here we are.” He smiled kindly at her and said, “Ginny, I’m sorry I hauled you off with me, without even waiting for you to answer me. Well, anyway,” he smiled another weak smile, “you don’t have to sit with me. You can sit with your friends.” And he gently squeezed her hand, which he had caught when he let go of her arm. He looked deep into her eyes and was thankful that they didn’t say, “I hate you, leave me alone,” but he couldn’t tell what they did say. He gave the top of her hand a little rub and pat with his other hand and let it go. She turned red in the face and started breathing hard. He was kicking himself for causing so much discomfort for her. She managed a quick nervous smile and turned quickly away causing her hair to fan his face. Exhilaration ran through his body as he watched her run off to her friends.
Suddenly Harry felt all alone and not at all in the mood for eating. He fell into a serious state of funk. “Odd, this,” he thought. He was thinking of how fresh and sweet she smelled. Her hair was thick and silky, and so pretty with the life it showed as she ran off. He saw her now laughing with her blonde Ravenclaw friend as he turned to leave. “Is this the way my life is to be? I grew up without love, and now I’m to be denied love again.” He didn’t know that it bothered him so much. But, just these couple of minutes he spent walking and talking with Ginny (he glanced back at her, then walked away), he knew it did in fact bother him very much.
Harry was about to reach the large wooden doors to go outside to find solitude and ponder his reason for existing. He felt Crookshanks weave his body against and around his legs. He stooped down and sat on one heel.
“’Lo Shanks. How is it you always know when I need a friend?” He smiled, pet the cat, and rubbed his face as he talked quietly to Crookshanks. He ran his hands over his back and carefully over his ribs, then gently over his hips and hind legs. “You don’t seem any worse for the wear from Ron kicking you and throwing you across the room last night. I’m glad he didn’t hurt you. I had a few words with him after Hermione left with you. He said he hoped he didn’t hurt you, and that it is natural for cats to chase mice. He still reckons that you have it in for Scabbers though. At any rate, you need to be careful of Ron. I reckon he would lose his head and kill you if you ever did kill Scabbers.”
“Oy! Harry!”
Harry stiffened. “He can’t have heard me,” he whispered to Crookshanks.
Harry turned, and Ron and Hermione, at the same time, called to him again and motioned him to come to them. At least they were smiling and looked normal.
He went back to them with a questioning look on his face. He smiled the only smile he could muster up at his friends. It was a very sad smile, but he tried to cover it up and sound cheerful when they told him he was going the wrong way.
“Breakfast is this way mate.” Ron motioned with his hand toward the Great Hall.
“Come on Harry, Ron and I promise to behave,” Hermione said cheerfully.
Harry laughed. “Ah, yeah, I’m skipping it this morning. I’m off for a walk, but hey, have a blast at Hogsmeade today, and bring me back some treats from that Honeydukes shop you told me about.” The smile he left them with was a genuine smile, and he thought to himself that he wasn’t without love all together. His best mate Ron, his family (with the exception of Ginny), and Hermione loved him, and he knew he loved them.
Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 10:45 PM.