Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 06-23-2010, 04:35 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart xxx

Yey! it's soooo good to be back ! I have the best sisters eva ! xLillyx

Chapter Two

He looked at her, she’d moved during the night and was clinging to him her pale little hand still tightly clasped around a ball made of the material from the t-shirt he was wearing, her head on his chest and one of her long slender legs bent at the knee slightly overlapping his. It felt right being so close to her, the scent from her hair flooding his senses as he inhaled - even though it was blonde it smelt the same - the warmth of her body beside his but it was dangerous, too dangerous for her.

He tried to move away as gently as possible but she muttered “Harry” under her breath and he lay frozen staring at her before flipping an invisible switch and moving away abruptly. This wasn’t allowed to happen.

“Harry” she mumbled again, this time clearer and more annoyed as her eyes opened “You’re really comfortable”
“Well your not” he started angrily, she stared at him, sitting up when she noted the tone of his voice,
“What’s wrong?”
He ignored her and picked up his bag “We have to go”
She was annoyed now to “Can I at least use a bathroom first?”
“Fine, hurry up” He sat on his bed and didn’t take off the backpack.
She looked at him for moment sitting motionless on the bed glaring off into space, “Have you just become unpleasant over night?”
“You could say that” he replied coldly. He was going to protect her if it killed him and it was likely it would but it would be worth it.
She huffed now past annoyed and verging on furious as she slammed the door and went to the bathroom.

He took a deep breath, his fists clenched and unclenched, he rubbed his forehead. This was going to hurt him more then it hurt her. She came back in after a few minutes decidedly a little less angry so she could try and figure out what was wrong with him.

“Lets go” He muttered, standing up and re adjusting the backpack, she picked up her own,
“Are you going to tell me what the problem is?”
“There’s no problem” he said walking out the door, she followed on
“If you’re not going to tell me I’m leaving”
“You can’t do that” his voice became worried and then changed back to anger “I mean your not safe by yourself”
“I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself brother” she said as the manager from the night before walked past them,
“Getting locked up is not looking after yourself” he hissed quietly but it changed, he swore under his breath only it came out in parsel tongue. Ginny went quiet and stared at him,
“Walk” he said firmly taking her am and pulling her along with him down the stairs and out the door.
“What did you say?” she asked as he pulled her along and promptly let go once they were on the street,
“Nothing” he turned left walking briskly past the shops and to an alley way, “We need to move again” he took her arm but she pulled it away,
“I’m not going anywhere with you if you’re behaving like this”
He pulled out his wand and grabbed her round her waist with one strong arm apparating before she could stop him, or fight his grip.
Before she could say “Let me go” he had and was standing a few feet away from her
“We should find Ron and Hermione” he said walking off into the forest, “They were around here and she said they wouldn’t move until I came back” The plan changed, he couldn’t be alone with her anymore.
She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know what was wrong and the tears fell so easily down her cheeks as she trudged after him.

He found the spot; he was feeling sick, the anger eating away at his insides. The nasty, mean and horrible side of Harry he never showed was a part of him Voldemort liked, that he could relate to. He guessed that the parsel tongue came from that part of him that now only existed in pretence to protect Ginny but was really tearing them both apart. He could hear her quiet sobbing behind him, but pushed on to the clearing trying to ignore it echoing in his head.

“Hermione – Ron” he called out “We’re back”
They were still here he could sense the magic in the air protecting the tent, his finger tips tingling as he reached out feeling the gentle waves of it touching his skin.

The tent reappeared and Hermione stepped out wand drawn “How do I know it’s you?” she looked them up and down seeing blonde hair and different faces.
“You don’t so I guess you’ll just have to trust me” He smirked; she grinned and leapt over to hug him and then her.
She wrapped her in a hug “Ginny, why are you crying?”
“Just glad to see you that’s all”

Ron stepped out of the tent, took one look at her and then went back inside.
“He thinks’ I did it doesn’t he”
“He’ll come round to sense soon enough” Hermione smiled, Harry went inside after him –
“Let’s leave them too it – tell me where you’ve been”
“I wouldn’t count on it, Harry may believe me but he’s angry with me and I don’t know why”
“What do you mean – he got you out of Azkaban right?”
“Yes, then we went on the run for a few days in the forest, they nearly found us so we went to the city and he told me we should head to Hogwarts, he never said you’d be waiting for us anywhere and he was fine until this morning it’s like his flipped, he’s treating me like a child and he said something in parsel tongue, he wouldn’t tell me what it was”
“I don’t know what could be wrong – how was he acting to you before?”
“He was just Harry, he hugged me, he held me last night told me everything was going to be ok – he woke up this morning and he couldn't be near me, he grabbed me to apparate here”
“Gin, I think – I think he’s realising that he cares for you too much”
“But he’s being a pig”
“He’s trying to keep you away from him so you’re not a target”
Her hand went to her mouth and more silent tears fell as Hermione pulled her into a hug, cast the protective spells round the tent again and changed her face back to normal.

Harry stepped inside the tent “She didn’t kill him” he raised his wand changing his face back because the way Ron was looking at him was worrying,
Ron sighed “How do you know?”
Harry sighed “So your back to talking again?”
“Answer my question Harry”
“Because I think she was set up to get to me”
“Brilliant your not even together anymore and she still gets hurt and my brothers dead”
“He might not be and I’m going to protect her now”
“How are you going to do that?”
“You have to help me; I can’t keep her away from me by myself”
“If she thinks I don’t want her she’ll stop caring for me, they won’t have a reason to take her”
“You really think she’ll give up just like that?”
“I’ve got to try, I – I love her it’s the only way”
Ron’s eyes widened and he stared “You what?!”
“Don’t start this Ron, please, just understand what I’m saying”

He spoke for a bit, Ron listening and more often then not replying angrily to some of the things he said but agreeing to help him. Harry left to go back outside after a while; Hermione was talking to Ginny in whispers that stopped when they saw him.

“Ginny said you said something in parsel tongue without meaning to”
“What of it” he stood folding his arms against his chest.
Only Hermione was talking and he was thankful not to have to look at Ginny, “Do you know why it might have happened – it could have something to do with the link to him”
“Course it does, it always does because he’s the only reason I can speak the stupid language, has she been telling you anything else – that I’m talking it in my sleep maybe?”
“Don’t be so arrogant Harry, it doesn’t suit you”
“Don’t assume you know everything that’s wrong with me and that either of you are able to fix it” he stalked off into the forest kicking branches as he went, blood pounding feverishly through his system.

This anger was real now, and it was eating him from the inside out. He had to keep control over it, it was only meant to keep her away for now, not drive everyone he knew away from him for life.
RIP JD Salinger
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