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Old 06-20-2010, 05:39 AM   #26 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post

hoyl crap this crap is so good. your humor is excellent....*wishes i had your talent*

It's amazing. and the endign was good too.

the brother makes me laugh.

so does the girl.

thsi story is fantastic.
Thanks! I'm so glad that you're enjoying it, and that Ally and Brad are making you laugh. Welcome

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Another post!!!!! *dances around Ern*

There you go Brad!!! We have that in common!

Sorry Ern (and Ally) for going all BOY on you in here.

Awesome post yet again Ern, keep it up! *poofs away*

Wow. Such a BOY. Sigh. At least we know I'm getting Brad's voice right, even if it makes some of us roll our eyes .

Glad you're liking it. Hope you like the update.

Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Haha, I'm in! *Goes to pack bags* Ready??

Bahaha, I love the Harry Potter references. My friend Ruth and I make them daily.

OMG! Like Dan or someone that looks like Harry?? So exciting! I'd be freaking it out if it were either! Haha.

Great chappie! I loved it! PLEASE PAMS!!
Glad you liked it . Where shall we stop on our trip??

I make HP references all the time, and that's REALLY where this fic came from. Out of my own experiences, and then I added a whole LOT of caffeine.

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
From Silencio through Ginger I was non-stop chuckles.

I can feel her sighing in exasperation at her mother, particularly when she's told to go PLAY. I said it last chapter, but I'll say it again. Her voice is just really excellent.

One thing I noticed this time around is how descriptive you can be in short chunks of text. I particularly noticed it in the description of the cottage. It's not super long, but it's written in a way that I can picture exactly how I think that cottage is.

Plus, you know, I want Harry Potter to be on MY vacation, too. So, I'm going to live vicariously through your Ally for a little bit.
Thanks, Jer. I like that Ally's voice is always very clear to me... as in, if I just let her TALK, generally she does a good job figuring out what she wants to say.

Descriptions are hard when you write in first person, especially when that person isn't particularly observant or careful to notice things. We'll see if Ally NOTICES things, but she's doing pretty well for herself.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
Ern... I have told you this before and shall tell you again... YOU ARE AMAZING. I love your stuff and I look forward to stalking this fic like whoa!

*sets up a tent and camps out for the next update*
*crawls into your tent* Nice place you have here.

Glad you're liking it, Stalker-person. I hope you like this update as well

Originally Posted by TeamHermioneGranger View Post
I love this! It's so great!
And so funny. I think I was laughing the whole way through!
I hope I can continue to be funny . Enjoy!

Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
I feel like I owe you an I told you so. Your doubts, as usual totally totally totally are unfounded. I think the tense and the point of view are both working out really well from a technical perspective; Ally's voice is really clear and more importantly, from the perspective of someone who knows you well, different from your own. Thats a skill that a lot of people can't quite grasp and it takes some practice. (Whee RPing is good practice for this XD) I like the present tense, it makes everything feel more immediate and relevant and allows you to get into Ally's head.

Now 'scuse me while I add some star power to this thread <3
Aww. We love stars . I'm on a smiley frenzy. MER-LIN. Must stop.

I've NEVER written in present tense this much, and... I like it. It's kind of freeing. Haha.

(I'm glad you like it. It means a lot.)

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
I love this so much!!! I would love to have Harry on my holiday!!!

You are doing very well with the UK stuff. We do say Ginger and our jelly (we call it jam actually) is all different colours. The one you mean is Orange Marmalade.

Can't wait for the next post!!!!!!
It's AWESOME that you recognize the things I'm referring to. Haha. I knew it was marmalade, but I'm glad other people caught that as well. The jelly/jam thing is totally an American thing... your "jelly" is actually our "jello" yes?? Or is that only a NZ thing?

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
LOL. I love pink, but THAT much would drive even me, crazy. xD Brad is awesome, by the way. Pepto Bismol and all. xD AND, of course, the Harry Potter reference. =D

You know I love reading this, right? =D

Bwaha. I'm actually starting to like Brad more and more, as the story progresses. Arm Pit. xD
Brad is NOT a bad guy, in spite of what Ally wants us to believe. I think he's the sane one, and I fear for the Cope parents. POOR COPE PARENTS.

I'm glad you're enjoying reading it... let me know if there's any crazy HP fandom stuff you feel like you're missing out on.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
LOL I love that. Made me think of my first time in England.

RIGHT!!! OMG! My brother says the SAME thing. At least the chick is hot!

Do you know MY brother? Brad's my brother... totally. Just give him some stupid joke about him being more Italian than me and I will ask him if he's contacted you on Facebook. LOL.

OMG!!! You can't leave it there! I need to know! I need to see if he's nice, or like Brad (and my brother) a jerk!

I have never written this, but this ending calls for me saying "PAMS!!!"
You know... you aren't the first to find your brother in Brad. I chalk that up to there being some sort of common BOY personality that I have tapped into.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
New Reader

WOW! This is sooo good!
I mean great!
Really well written!

OMG! Harry Potter is on her vacation!?


Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Hope you like the new chapter.

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
New reader here! I LOVE it!!

I love this part, it's hilarious

That sounds like a delightful breakfast...

Yes, Im sure he lost it...acidentaly.

Welcome . I'm glad you're enjoying the fic, and I hope you love the new update!

Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 View Post
Yeah. Tegz is right. ADDIN' SOME STAR POWER. Holy whoa.

HAAHAHAHA. This is made of SO much win. You're killing me here.

Abracadaver. Haha. Lovelovelove. And the door. Mmm. What a pride-killer.

Oooohhhh, EPIC! MMMMMMMmmm.

Queen Ern, I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: you're unbelievable. If I could read your writing all day, every day, I would. So get some books out into the world please. Heh. <3
Someday, my sweet. Someday. Glad you're liking it, and I definitely appreciate the star powerzzz.

Hope you like the next update too .


Day 1, Part 2

I have to say this because some day, Mom is going to get around to tearing the pages out of my trip journals and pasting them into a scrapbook. The pages will probably be squeezed between too many pictures of Arm Pit without his shirt and Dad with a sunburn and receipts from all the trips we made to the grocery store, so what I write is IMPORTANT in remembering what really happens on this trip.

So I have to say this… I am NOT crazy.

Like I completely acknowledge that seeing Harry Potter on vacation is nutso, and I am the first to admit that this isn’t exactly the first time something like this has happened. But that’s a story for another sort of journal.

I am not crazy. Maybe some part of me realized that being in the UK meant I was about a million times closer to JK Rowling and so about a million times more likely to randomly run into her on the street. That happens, right? I mean, JK has to leave her house occasionally, right? I bet people run into her all the time.

But thinking you might spot JK on the street is TOTALLY different then expecting to run into Harry Potter. And not just because I'm a Muggle and can’t see Wizarding travel spots. There’s also the whole fictional character aspect.

This guy, though, looks just like Harry Potter should, and not like that teeny weeny leprechaun Daniel Radcliffe. For one, this guy has dark hair that rises and falls in unruly spikes all over his head, completely free from the help of any hair product. DanRad had the mussed Beatles bowl-cut until his stylists just completely gave up.

For another, he’s skinny. I mean REALLY skinny, with that sort of inverted chest thing that some teenage boys can rock. As in… maybe someone has been keeping him in a cupboard under the stairs and under feeding him. That sort of skinny.

He catches me staring at him. Uh-oh. Stalker much, Ally?

He says, “Hi?” Like it’s a question. Maybe hi? Maybe ‘please stop staring at me like a deranged goldfish and state your business’?

“HI!” My voice is too loud and I think my face is going to crack into pieces and fall off because I’m smiling so big. Definitely going with deranged goldfish. BE COOL, ALLY. BE COOL. “I’m Ally. Allison. Ally Cope.”

That. Was. Not. Cool.

I try again. “I’m staying here for the summer,” I sound all casual. My family travels abroad all the time. We’re awesome like that. “I’m American.”

HP-boy glances over his shoulder toward the lake to see if I’m talking to someone floating out there in the water. Nope, Boy-Who-Looks-Like-The-Boy-Who-Lived. I AM TALKING TO YOU.

“Oh.” I decide he must be shy. Poor thing. Maybe no girls ever talked to him while he was living with the Dursleys. I should hug him. Maybe he really needs a hug.

I hug him.

I AM HUGGING HARRY POTTER. I AM BEING SHOVED AWAY BY HARRY… Wait. In my spazoid frenzy, I seem to have lost my cool for a minute, but I definitely have more control over myself and all my impulses now. Will not hug stranger on the dock, no matter what fictional character he looks like.

By the way, dear Trip Journal, his eyes are green. Be still, my heart.

“Sorry about that. I’m American,” I offer again, by way of explanation. We are a cultural entity unto ourselves, you know? So maybe he just thinks any weird behavior can be explained by that.

Doesn’t work. “You mentioned that.” He pulls one of those rubber inner tubes from the water and drapes it over his shoulder. It could not be more apparent that I’m freaking him out and he wants to get away from me.

“So that’s how we say 'hi' and 'nice to meet you',” I explain. I might be following him a little bit, but it isn’t the creepy type of following. He totally knows I’m there and slows down so I can walk with him.

“That’s odd. I have cousins over there, and we never have issues with undesirable embraces,” Potter!Clone shifts the inner tube so it’s between us. I think it is supposed to keep me from hugging him again, but this kid doesn’t know me very well if he thinks a big rubber tire is going to keep us apart.

Hey, kid? I’ve been to the Rubber Museum. Yeah. I’m epic.

Wait. Cousins? In the US? WHEN DID THE DURSLEYS MOVE TO THE US? I really hope they live in Idaho or somewhere under-populated by defenseless Muggles. I can totally see it now. Vernon Dursley, Potato Farmer.

“But what cupboard would you live in?” I say to myself, only I say it out loud and get a strange look from the boy. “What’s your name?”

Say Harry Potter. Say Harry Potter. SAY HARRY POTTER.

He stops on the path. “Al.” For a minute, he looks embarrassed, and I wonder if he’s lying to me. He’s HARRY POTTER. Not Al. No one is named Al except on old mobster movies.

“It’s nice to meet you, Al.” Harry Potter.

“Erm. Yeah. You too, Ally-Allison-Ally Cope.” The edge of his mouth curls slightly, like I amuse him. “This is me.” He points at the cottage next to ours before heading toward it with his big rubber tube.

Al is getting away!

“Hey.” Oh. Crap. He glances back at me. “Is… everything inside your cottage the same color?”

He grins at that. “It’s all purple. Lupines.”

He just smiled at me. I’m totally going to be friends with Harry Potter.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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