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Old 06-18-2010, 03:41 AM   #177 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Emily Black: Thanks Emily. I'm glad to have you reading my story. You're such a talented writer yourself. I really enjoy your, Meet You Under The Moon-Sa16+ in the High Security Vaults.
Awe, I can't wait to see their reunion! I know it's precious!
Hehehe, you have to wait a little while longer.
Thanks Emily

MissWeasley: Hey Katie Girl! Thanks for reading and commenting!
The fact that you openly discuss the idea that a pet, or any animal for that matter, most surely has feeling and a conscience is a stroke of pure genius. It is sad how some animals are treated today, as possessions, rather than living things. The fact that you have brought them to life and given them thoughts and feelings, adds great dimension to your story and allows people to wonder of its truths. Great job!
Here is a little clue, sense you mentioned this in particular. This that you have just mentioned, not the part about my stroke of genius, is a foundation for the Epilogue.
Connie! Are they finally going to get to meet? Like two star-crossed lovers in the night... seperated only by their different destinies, but ultimately meant to be together... sigh... I can't wait... *sniff.. sniff...* *wipes a way a tear of joy and hope...*

Okay so... next week, right... I'll be here... you'll be here... you bring the beverages... and I'll bring the snacks? Can't wait Connie! Exceptional chapter, as always!
Ummm, Sounds familiar, "Meet You in Seattle?" maybe? I don't know, sounded nice though. It goes really well with my story.

OK! I could go for some Banana Cream Pie, but that's not much for snacks, but come ahead, and we'll munch and crunch, and have some chocolate milk?Thanks sweetie.

TheChosenOne: Hello Kate! Thanks for joining us here. I love new readers, especially when they comment!
New reader!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!! I only just discovered your story because usually I stay in the HSV but Omg!!!!! AMAZING MUCH??????? I love the idea with the werecats and I love the way you write!!!!! It's so great, I'll keep an eye out for more!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't hurt yourself! Take a deep breath, and calm down. Thank you for all the nice things you've said, and I'm loving the excitement you bring, but, I'm not deserving all of it I'm sure. But thank you. If there's anything you don't understand please ask me, I'll be happy to help you understand.

Obi-Wan K'Lari: K'Lari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Welcome back! Been missing you so much!
So, first off, wouldn't it be hilarious if Harry was super buff under Dudley's huge clothing?
That would be hilarious! But, wow, what if he had been?! Dudley would have been singing a different tune yes?
Although I'm not sure Hermione would know enough about Avada Kedavra until fake Moody's demo to guess it was Lily's death.
Actually I was careful to think of that when I wrote it. My thinking is that Hermione told Harry when she met him she knew all about him. He being in books and all. I'm sure it would have said in those books how his parents died. And in the books, she did know all about the curses when fake Moody taught.
I wonder, can young werekittens control their power? As in, couldn't Tom Jr. suddenly transform into werecat mode at random times?
For the most part, Crookshanks will be teaching him what his powers, are and how they are to be used. Yes, he does have the ability to transform fully. The thing is, he has no idea he can. It is born into them that they be able to protect themselves immediately after birth. It is very dangerous to be a werecat. It is only on instinct of harm coming to them that they can transform before they know about their magic. This chapter tonight will show more about werecats.

Tina6080: Hey there sweetie! Yes! How about that!?!?!?!?!!?! I know you'll bring him up well. Just like Lily did with our Tom. (Only, lucky you, you get yours when he is still a kitten. Watch out for his claws.)

Harita: Your Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you so much! I'm so happy your free of your practicals and exams! I know you did very well on them. Thanks for reading and commenting, and I'm glad your enjoying the story still.

Derfel: Hey Owen, thanks for coming. I know you get awful busy. I'm glad you look forward to reading more.
"Dobby the midwife" and "Dobby the Guardian"?
Well, when you put it that way... Oh well, I wanted somebody reliable, and I wanted to have a foundation for later on so I can use Dobby without just throwing him into the story. I love Dobby!
Ooh, thanks for your kinds words about my ff.
You're very welcome. I'm happy to, because you have a most excellent story, and I can't wait to read your next chapter.

OK folks, thank you to everyone reading and staying with me, and thanks to all my new readers whether you comment or not. It makes my day when I check my view count and see I have readers.

Next Thursday, chapter 31, "What's Love Got to do With it?"


Sirius and a Fully Transformed Crookshanks

Crookshanks Apparated into the Shrieking Shack to find Sirius pacing the floor.
“You’re looking much better since you’ve the use of your wand.” Crookshanks transformed into Jim and smiled at Sirius. “You’ve been home then to get some clean clothes and bedding I see.”

“Yes, I took a chance of going and getting some clothes. My prison rags were worn bare through and filthy. When I took them off, they crawled off on their own. A hot bath and a shave did wonders for me. And Jim! Oh the wonders and bliss of a toothbrush and toothpaste! Toilet paper! You just can’t imagine how human and civilized I’m beginning to feel.”

“I’m happy for you, but were you very careful not to be seen? Isn’t there a house elf there to take care of the manor for the family?
Sirius looked angry only for an instant. “It’s been alone and senile for years more than likely, probably living in my mother’s bedroom crying in an old pair of her bloomers, oblivious to the world. Or maybe it’s dead somewhere if I’m lucky. Even if it was there, it is bound to the Black family and forbidden to leave there.”

“Jim, tell me about Harry. Dobby has been telling me some fantastic stories about him. Is he learning to be a great and powerful wizard?” A smile came across his handsome face, just as would be the case if Sirius had been the true proud father. “Does he play Quidditch? I’m sure he flies well. I still remember a picture and letter Lily sent me. He was so happy and proud of himself. She also said he nearly killed you one time.”

“Yeah, well, I taught him to fly you know, and that particular time she was speaking of, I had a ball in my mouth, and I was running around making him chase after it. I had told him that if he touched the ball, then he would be the best flyer in the world. I misjudged his abilities, and once as I was turning away from him, he anticipated my next move and as to make sure he touched the ball he rammed both of his little hands in my mouth wrapping his fingers not only around the ball, but my canine teeth also.”

Sirius was laughing so hard tears welled up in his eyes. “Surely,” Sirius said still chortling, “Lily exaggerated the whole thing. That wouldn’t have nearly killed you. But still, that must have been terrible!”

“Oh it was way more insidious than the letter tells. I couldn’t let loose of the ball because he had my teeth right?”

“Yeah, right,” said Sirius wanting more of the story and wiping his wet eyes. “What happened?”

“Well, he wouldn’t let loose either, and as I was mid jump when he “became the world’s best flyer,” he tried to shake me off. But he had my canines like I said, and he’s still flying. Here I am hanging by my teeth, flying into the lamp, the bookshelf, the magazine rack and the footstool, and I know he is about to fall off, and he did. One of his knees came down on my foot, and the other knee came down on my tail. The rest of his body fell onto the rest of me. I was completely under him.”

“Oh man, that had to have hurt!” said Sirius becoming grave.

“Do you know what instinctively happens when a cat is being hurt?” Jim asked Sirius quietly, and looking like the memory was causing great pain. As Sirius shook his head Jim continued.

“They bear their teeth with their mouth open, their claws extract, their hair stands on end, they scratch and bite whatever is harming them to defend themselves and run away. When a werecat is being hurt, we instinctively and instantly transform. Our canine teeth protrude into massive fang like teeth, and our claws extract like hooked blades of steel. Our hair stands on end like porcupine quills, and our tail elongates and can be used as a lethal whip. We grow to an enormous size and have the strength in our muscles to overwhelm any enemy that comes against us in mere seconds. And we don’t run away. We kill what is hurting us. As a matter of fact,” and at this point, Jim turned into a fully transformed werecat, “this is what the enemy sees a second before he dies.”

Sirius scrambled to his feet and backed away from Jim, very much shaken. He stared at Jim, and asked, “What are you called when you’re in this form?”


“But, have you been this way very much before? In this form?”

“I have.”

“And did you, I mean to say, umm…”

“I did.”

“Did you ever when you were with James and Lily?”

“Once on the day Harry accidentally caused it, and another time I was about to, but failed. It was the night Voldemort killed James and Lily. I was about to pounce on him, transforming in mid jump when he, in a split second, performed a spell that caved in my ribs. This kept me from getting the great amount of oxygen I needed to transform. It also caused internal bleeding.” Jim looked at Sirius with conviction, saying, “If it were not for Peter yelling out to warn his master, I would have killed Voldemort that night. But, he saw me coming at him from his side. You are the only person alive who has seen me in this form, and not been in danger of dying.”

“But Harry saw you this way…”

“GEROAR! And he very nearly died!” he snapped his tail with a report of a whip. “I told you when it is a matter of transforming from being hurt, the attacker always dies! Luckily, when my head enlarged to support my massive jaws and huge canine teeth, his hands slipped off of my teeth, (he kept a hold of the ball mind you). I did claw him that day. It was just one time, and I was pulling away from him because I recognized him almost too late, but I still hurt him, and he got very sick from it. And I nearly died because I transformed back to Tom too quickly so Lily wouldn’t see me. I dropped to the floor, passed out from too much blood pumping hard and fast to supply a much larger animal the adrenaline and blood it needed to kill. And if I hadn‘t been able to slow it down, I would have died. GEROAR!”

Sirius, very white in the face, looked at the beast in front of him. “Calm down, just calm down now, I’ve got the picture. Do you think you can turn back into Jim, or Crookshanks, Jim, actually is good?”

“Sorry,” he said, transforming back into Jim. “I know that I came within a fraction of a second from killing Harry that day. I still, to this day, have nightmares about it every time I sleep.”

Sirius saw the anguish on Jim’s face and felt empathy for him. He knew what it was like to live a nightmare for years. “Here now,” he said sympathetically, sitting down on the bed, and patting the mattress beside him. “Come here son and sit down.” Jim obeyed and Sirius put his arm around his small shoulders to comfort him. Tears flowed from Jim’s eyes falling to the floor. “Listen to me Jim, I know you came very close to killing Harry, and admittedly, I don’t know why he didn’t get scared to death when he saw you. But, the fact remains that you were able to keep from killing him, and you took the pain rather than killing him. He had his hands in your mouth, and you were able to keep from hurting him. Come on now son, it was a close call, but your love for him kept you from hurting him, and you sacrificed yourself to keep from killing him.” Sirius wiped Jim’s tears away and softly rubbed his back, then patted his shoulder. Still, tears fell, so Sirius just held and rocked him tight against him, silently comforting Jim ‘til his tears subsided.

“Everything better now?” he asked Jim as he smiled kindly upon him.

“Yes, thank you Sirius. You’re a good human. It’s no wonder why James loved you as a brother.”

“Umm, sure Jim, and when you start thinking about that, just think quickly about other flying lessons you had with Harry. Did you have any more lessons after that one?”

“Yeah we did, but never again did I put anything in my mouth for him to get. And there were many times he caught me. Sometimes it was by an ear or my tail, once even by my whiskers, and we both survived.”

“That’s great, those are fun memories.” Sirius was nodding his head and smiling, as he imagined the stories in his head. “And now, you get to see Harry as a lad growing into manhood. According to Dobby, he’s already done more than most grown men, and he’s a very great and powerful wizard!” Sirius laughed as he conveyed Dobby’s exaggerations to Jim.

Jim didn’t laugh, but said, “Harry is more powerful than he realizes. His magic is strong and he has yet tapped into that strength. He learns spells and charms quickly for the most part, but he has amazing reasoning skills. He is wonderful to be around, and I greatly resent the fact that James and Lily was deprived of being allowed to raise him in love the way they wanted to. His life with the Dursley’s was a horrible existence. I made it over there from time to time to check on him. I mixed in with Mrs. Fig’s cats on dates I knew Harry would have to be there.”

“Anyway, I need to fill you in on things at hand, and get back up to the castle. Hey, guess what! I just found out I’m to be a father, and my Love is here in the castle!” Jim said proudly, reaching up and ruffling his hair as he’d seen James do so many times.

Sirius’s eyes twinkled with the grin on his face. He remembered the last time he had seen James do this was just shortly before his death at an Order meeting, bragging on his little man’s flying abilities.

Jim told Sirius how he had been giving Scabbers a rough way to go, and he’s thinking that soon, Peter will lose his nerve, and try to make a run for it. Then they’ll have him.

“I still think we should tell Dumbledore of our plans Sirius. He could get him now, instead of us running the risk of losing him.”

“No, we can’t do that. We can’t involve Dumbledore at all. If it’s found out that he’s been willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive then it’ll be bad for him. He’ll lose all his accreditations, and his being Headmaster of Hogwarts. He’d also, I’m sure, be sent to Azkaban. No, we must not tell him. I know we are taking a risk of Peter getting away, but we’ll just catch him if he does.”

“I’ll have to be careful not to scare him when the kids are around anymore though. Tonight, Ron got really angry at me, for a little cat and mouse chase we had. I better just chase him when the kids are in their classes. It’s more fun that way anyway. They have both taken to shutting us in our cages for our own safety. I can get out of any locked place. I go to the boys’ dorm and torment Scabbers, something fierce! He begs and pleads for me to leave him be. He makes a real mess of himself.” Jim laughed hard. “It does my heart good to see him so terrified. I’m going to miss the fun after I kill him,” said Jim with an evil grin on his face.

“After I kill him!” interjected Sirius.

“Well, whatever. We just have to make sure we do it when the coast is clear… Wait a minute! What are we saying? We are letting our lust of killing him cloud our thinking. We can’t kill him. We must take him to Dumbledore like we planned.”

Sirius looked nettled. “Yeah, well, I’ve been thinking, and if I get a chance, I’m killing him.”

“Don’t be a fool! We need him alive to clear your name, so you and Harry can be together like James asked of you that day playing basket ball. Do you remember? He asked you to be his Godfather that day if anything happened to them. To raise and love Harry. You said you would. Things were taken out of your hands and now we have a chance to put them right again.” Jim scowled at Sirius. “And also, there’s the matter of you getting together with Lissydove. It’s arranged for tomorrow night.” Jim told Sirius about the arrangements he made with Dobby and Lissydove. This made Sirius calm down instantly.

“I’m so excited to see her, but I must say, I’m somewhat hesitant,” he said with a weary look on his face. “She had every right to forget I existed-”

“And yet she didn’t,” put in Jim. He told Sirius of the first day of term, the Dementor attack on Harry and the sickness his claws caused Ron to get. He told the anxious man in front of him, of his conversation with Lissy. How she had repeatedly tried to make herself go see him every day in Azkaban ‘til she had to stop going, because of the great depression she was getting herself into.”

Sirius listened intently as Jim told him everything. He was greatly disturbed when Jim finished. “She’s a wonderful woman, and it’s not fair she had to go through so much. When I see her, I’m going to see if she’ll marry me. We wanted to after James and Lilly did. Things were getting so bad; I told her we needed to wait so I could concentrate on helping James and the Order. I was wrong in doing that. We should have gotten married right then. James and Lily could have been there—”

“Sirius, there’s no point in this torture. Let’s just make the best of what’s at hand now. Marry her now if you want, just realize the life you’re subjecting her to. It would be risky to ask a minister to marry you, because you’re an escaped convict, and this isn’t exactly a Honeymoon Suite. Where do you plan on living? Just think on these things before tomorrow night.”

“You’re right again,” said Sirius in a defeated voice. He looked up with a smile on his face with renewed hope. “We’ll get everything worked out. For now, we’ll just get to know each other again. It’ll be great.”

Jim got up to leave and turned to him with a smile on his face. “Well, have fun planning your date for tomorrow night.”

“Jim! I’m sorry, but why wasn’t I told about Harry being attacked on the train by the Dementors?”

“Well, I just found you, and you were in awful shape. You needed to get yourself built back up. Dobby has said you are just now completely mended. It’s why we’ve waited ‘til now for you to see Lissy. Oh, and if you want, the kids will be going into Hogsmeade tomorrow. Harry is to be confined to the castle though, so you don’t break in and kill him.”

“Your point?” Sirius laughed

“If you change into the beast within you, you can sneak down to the Quidditch pitch and watch him fly. He’s pretty bummed out about not getting to go to Hogsmeade with his friends. I heard him telling Ron earlier today he was going to sneak out his broom and do some flying while they’re gone. He always feels better when he’s flying. You’ll really enjoy watching him, he really is a magnificent flyer, the best in the world,” he added with a grin.

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 10:14 PM.
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