Dedicated to Ron&Hermione(L) one of my faithful readers.
Chapter Four: Curses
Miss Jami-son Lyre Frost.
You are hereby granter permission to visit Bulgaria over the summer for extra curricular exams and lessons. You will return to Hogwarts on October First.. It is the wish of Headmaster Longbottom that when you return from your visit to Bulgaria that you would help run extra curricular classes about the history of spells, hexes, jinxes, charms and curses from Bulgaria with us. It will not be a club, but will have a name, it will not be required to be taken, and only those thirteen and older may take it. Those of ages fifteen and seventeen or in there O.W.L or N.E.W.T's will be privileged to gain a O.W.L or a N.E.W.T from your “class”. I do hope you consent to Headmaster Longbottom's request when you return.
Sincerely, your head of house Madam Carter.
Jamie had received the note at the end of her last school year and now she was spending a glorious summer that was almost over in Bulgaria with her newest boyfriend, Jacobi Krum. Jamie was often said to be far different then her mother, yes they were both blonde and had perfect beauties of grey blue eyes. They were both stunningly gorgeous. But Luna Lovegood Frost was not, stuck up and obsessed with fashion. No one was quite sure where Jamie got these genes from.
Though Jamie wasn't completely looks, she had brains, some people said her brains could even be compared to Rosabelle Weasley. Though that was obviously untrue, Rose had the brains of her mother, the famed Hermione Weasley.
“ Jami-son!” Jacobi called up the stairs to his girlfriend, Jamie ran the comb through her hair one last time, grabbed her purse and went downstairs to the front door.” You look gorgeous as always.”
“ And you look positively handsome Jake. I'm going to miss you when I go back to Hogwarts, I wish I could exchange to Durmstrang with you.” Jamie of course, wished nothing of the sort, she only said this to make her boyfriend happy.
*** Longbottom Mansion
“ Your so overprotective of Potter.” Skar tried not to laugh as he and Septimus waited
impatiently for Lily to actually recover from fainting.
“ And how am I overprotective?” Septimus snapped, raising a eyebrow in curiosity as to what would give his best friend the reason to suspect that he, was overprotective of Lily Luna Potter.
“ Well, in her third year you threatened away all the boys that might want to date her, you won't let her be alone in the presence of a male that is non family/ non teacher for longer then a minute, Merlin knows how
you know when she's with a guy, it's a wonder Lily made it on to the quidditch team and when I hugged her goodbye at the end of last term, it looked like you were.. It was highly amusing.” Skar chuckled to himself.
“ I'm sure it was amusing, and full of disgust that you touched her.” Septimus rolled his eyes.
“ And no comment about the rest?” Skar smirked gleefully.
“ I don't care if she's with a guy or not, ad I don't threaten boys to leave her alone, that's her brothers job.” Septimus growled getting annoyed.
“ Explain why when I was talking with Calvin Nelson last year he said he thought Lily was drop dead gorgeous and he really liked her, but wouldn't ask her out because you'd murder him?” Skar's smirk was growing.” And when he finally got the nerve to ask her, you punched him.”
“ What! I did not.” Septimus said quickly.
“ To quick my fine friend, you know you did, then you threatened Calvin till he told Lily it was just a joke and he really didn't like her.” Skar ran out of the room immediately with Septimus chasing him. Suddenly they both stopped.
“ What in the name of Merlin!” They gave each other identical looks of doom then bolted back in to the room which they had just left, Lily was sitting up and rubbing her forehead.” You!” She glowered at Septimus.
“ Hey Lils, that's no way to treat your savior.” Skar rolled his eyes earning himself glares from both Lily and Septimus till the former realized what had just been said.
“ Wait what?” She blinked in surprise.
“ You fainted and Septimus caught you and had to carry you back here to my place, what, did you think a weakling like me did that?” Skar joked.
“ I-what-er... Did you say he carried me?” Lily was to put it lightly, dazed and confused.” I mean, um, well.. Thanks.” She finally managed to get out, hardly noticing she had gone slightly red.
“ I'd force him to say your welcome but it's pointless.” Skar then said jumping in to one of the comfortable chairs to get away from Septimus who was glowering at him.
“ Uh, right.. Now may I-” Lily was cut off by more shouting.
“ SKAR! There is water all over my rug, why?!” Hannah Longbottom screamed, the sight when she got home wasn't fun.
“ Hannah, calm down, I'm sure he has a explanation that's nothing like leaving the door open to see if the house would flood.” The three teens heard Neville say.
“ Dad! Why are you still on about that, we did that four years ago!” Alice pouted.
“ Hey Mr Longbottom, Mrs Longbottom, we didn't mean to get the rug all wet, we had been out in the rain saving damsels in distress.” Septimus walked in to the entrance hall to get away from Skar who was laughing, quietly.
“ Damsels in.. What is going on here?” Hannah squeaked.
“ Er, I um, was by the river and fainted or something..” Lily said, following Septimus to get away from Skar.
“ Lily!” Hannah hugged her.” Are you alright, you didn't eat anything funny did you?”
“ No, no. I. Didn't eat anything funny, was just overwhelmed by.. Family problems.” Lily mumbled.
“ Hey mum, dad! Where's my hug?” Skar asked joyfully entering.
“ Why can't you be quiet for once in your life?” Alice questioned her brother, she loved him dearly, but he never shut up.
“ Because, if I was quiet then the apocalypse must have come upon us.” Skar smirked then ran upstairs.” Come on, my sisters to boring, let's go play chess Sep.”
“ What ever.” Septimus rolled his eyes then followed Skar.
“ Ugh, can't you do THAT quietly, oh Merlin, couldn't you have given me Septimus as my brother, he's far quieter.” Alice complained, smiled at Lily then stormed off, quietly...