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Old 06-10-2010, 11:38 PM   #169 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Emily Black: Hey Emily.
I LOVE kittens! They are the cutest little things ever!
Yes, I agree, till they get big. Then, I have a problem with a lot of them. I wouldn't mind having Crookshanks though!
Great post, Connie! PLEASE PAMS!!
Thanks Emily.

Miss Weasley: Hello Katie!
Let's get the frivolities out of the way and get right down to business... That is another great chapter!!!! The way you come up with these ideas is simply intriguing to me... we definitely must talk...
Hehehe Thank you, and it's always great talking to you. I look forward to it.
Hmm... I found this so out of character for Ron. I guess everyone finally has a breaking point though. I bet he would've been totally shattered if he had hurt Crookshanks by mistake. In saying this, I also think that Ron was never actually going to go over-the-top with his anger. He just wanted to really stress his point with Hermione.
I think maybe most times when people are highly stressed about something, then things said and done are not actually meant. The thing is, it is a seed that is planted in the heart, and if it isn't meant one time, it surely might the next time or two if things continue. I decided to let the readers decide about this for themselves. I myself think Ron was at the boiling point, and seeing how Crookshanks mentioned his thought that the game needed to stop, then I've a mind that he was worried maybe Ron was at that point.
All kidding aside, Connie, this was a truly inspirational chapter. I can't wait until the next one. See you next week...
Thank you sweetie.

Tina6080: Hey sweetheart, how are you doing? Are you about to have a wonderful summer vacation?
wow Crookshank is awesome the spider part was my fav and -) and i wish i could have one of those kittens lol but i have Saphira lol cant wait for more sorry i got behind
Hehehe, The spider part gave me the heebie sheebies! Your Saphira is a cutie, but no... oops, I musn't say anymore. It's ok you got behind. Glad you got caught back up though. The story is about to take a wild ride.

Derfel: Hi there Owen! You just made it under the wire. I was pasting my story on and seen you was here! And I'm so glad because it was a wonderful comment.
So, confirmed to me that I'm glad I don't know what girls say about me behind my back..
Is all diabolical and stuff haha
Ah... In your case just like Ron and Harry, I'm sure there is much giggles and talk about all good things. You can always tell though if when they see you do they have a smile on there face, or an evil glare" All smiles I'm sure.
I've now got an image of crookshanks delivering a live rat to sirius in the same way a normal cat will deliver a freshly killed bird to it's owner during dinner.
Yes, it is the plan. We can only hope.
I'm glad you got a good laugh from the chapter, and thought it was wonderful.

Speaking of wonderful: Check out Owens FF! The Ballad of Gryffindor's Sword (Sa16+) in the mature vault, by Derfel. The Battle of Gryffindor's Sword Sa16+
This is a tremendous story. If you haven't read any of it yet, get started now. Take along some cookies and milk to keep you alert, cause you'll want to keep your mind on it the whole time. I love it.

To all my wonderful readers: Thanks for reading and being loyal to my story. A while back, I mentioned that I might have to move my FF to the mature vault. I sent the only scene in question to our thread monitor, and was told it would not have to be moved. I'm so glad. And be assured I haven't written anything immoral or disgusting, but a scene that was vital to the story line. Thank you AmbiguouslyMe, for your help in this matter.

Next weeks chapter, Chapter 30, "Sirius,and a Fully Transformed Crookshanks" will be posted hopfully Thursday evening. Enjoy tonights post in the meantime.

Crookshanks on the Go

Crookshanks stretched then curled himself in a ball in-between the two girls petting him. He needed to nap, because he was going to have a big night finding Moondrop, then calling on Sirius, would make it even longer. Hermione and Ginny continued to talk softly, and the longer time went by the more frequent were the fits of giggling they fell into. Finally, at one thirty in the morning, Ginny very wearily said she needed to get to bed. She stooped over and kissed Crookshanks and said, “Good-night Crookshanks, Hermione.”

“Night Ginny”

Hermione lay down, and as she pulled the covers over her shoulders, Crookshanks took his favorite spot on the pillow above Hermione’s head with his head snuggled against her head. His soft rhythmic purring always relaxed Hermione, as it did with Lily and even Harry, and she fell into a restful slumber.

It was two o’clock when he decided that it was safe to do some roaming. He looked back in his memory to the day he asked a young girl for some parchment, quill, and ink. He remembered her scent and swiftly put his nose in the air and eventually found the lilac scent he remembered of her. It didn’t take long until he was standing before the bronze Eagle shaped knocker. He turned into Jimmy so he could reach it and knocked, then immediately turned back into Crookshanks in case he was caught. A cat wouldn’t be in trouble for being out after hours.

A very soft whimsical voice sang out, “What is always before you, never behind you, and only a breath away, yet you never touch it?”

“My future. Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. Moreover, each breath taken brings the future untouched to the present.”

“Well reasoned,” sang the voice and the door opened of its own accord. Crookshanks stepped into the common room and reached out with his mind.

“You brighten my darkness with your luminous soul. Please, Moondrop, my love, come to me in the common room.”

Within seconds, Moondrop appeared and ran to him, and there was much face rubbing and nose touching.

A very sweet and short heartfelt reunion, then Crookshanks conveyed to her, “I just tonight found out you are here. How are our little ones doing? Yes! We have a werecat in there, and five other sweet little girls. Listen, Love, this is very important. And I’m sorry I’m rushing this on you, instead of slowly so you can take it all in, but, I must leave in a few minutes. But I’ll be back tomorrow!” he added quickly. “When you feel the time is at hand, go to the kitchen and have a house elf named Dobby help you deliver our son. He will come first, then you‘ll deliver the girls. After you clean and feed our little ones, then you’ll rest. Dobby will take you and the girls to Luna saying he found you with your babies.”

“But, what of our son?” she asked fearfully.

“He must, for his own safety, stay with Dobby. It’s the only safe place for him. Werecats are extremely rare and even thought to be extinct. If he is found out, he will be taken to the Ministry of Magic and disposed of.” Moondrop had a sharp intake of breath and meowed softly.

“But how would anyone know he’s a werecat?” she asked with a pleading thought.

“He is all black like my father was, and will be quite a bit larger than the girls, whom are all white like you. He’ll also grow at an abnormally rapid rate. And I’m sorry about this, but, he can’t suckle from you, but for the first time, because he’ll drain your supply, and not leave enough for our precious girls. I’ll come down every day and teach him what he is and how to be a good werecat. When he knows what he needs to know, I’ll take him to a girl named Tina, in Gryffindor House. I know I can trust her not to tell anyone, and she’ll love him, as I was by my Lily.”

“It saddens my heart that we can’t all be together as a family, but it’s the way it is with the life of Werecats. I love you dearly, and I have been faithful to you, and will continue to be until my death. I must leave you for the moment and tend to something urgent. I’ll be back tomorrow, and we’ll catch up on everything. Is there a place we can meet? I’m sure I can come up with witty responses for the door, but it is too risky for me to chance being discovered.”

“Yes.” She told him of a secure place they could meet and spend time with each other.

“And,” she said, “If you ever need to come here, then come to the door, then, without knocking, speak to the door with your mind and tell it that you are a fellow creature, born to be free, and does not need to depend on wit to get along in the world of the humans. The door will acknowledge you and allow you to enter.”

“Oh, that’s marvelous. Now, one more thing, tell me Love, when do you get your best rest?”

Moondrop looked at him with tired eyes and said, “I haven’t rested well ever since you were purchased. I know this is the way for owned creatures. We are to be happy and content with our masters, and do without companionship of our own kind, unless we’re to breed for our masters. But, I love you so dearly, and though I didn’t have you, I would still have our babies. Then, I became depressed to realize that it is the way of the humans to sell off our babies when they become old enough to be away from their mothers. My babies will be taken away from me, and there is nothing I can do about it.”

Crookshanks was deeply moved by the words spoken from his soul mate. “Love, this I know is your first litter, and so you aren’t looking at things clearly because you want to keep your babies. When you were a kitten, did your mother try to keep you with her?”

“No, I guess not, and she didn’t even try to stop me at all from leaving,” she answered.

“Do you remember ever talking about it with her?” he asked softly.

“No, I just left one day and didn’t go back,” she said after thinking for a bit. I don’t even remember why either.”

“Then, you see, you did exactly as you were meant to do. You became of age to go out and procreate. It is the nature in animals to do this to make sure the species survive. You have been unhappy because you thought that you would never see me again, so, you naturally wanted to keep your babies. You must let them grow up the way they are meant to. But, I will be here for you as long as our masters keep coming to Hogwarts. Please don’t dwell on this anymore so you can have rest and enjoy your pregnancy. You need to be rested so you can deliver our little ones. Your first one will be a doozie, but the rest will be a piece of tuna.” Crookshanks rubbed his head over her face and neck and touched her nose, all the while purring loudly. “I must go now, Love. I’ll be back tomorrow, you must rest.”

Crookshanks was on his way down to meet Sirius, but stopped in to see Dobby. Although he was loyal to his cause, family matters take precedence. He must take care of a few things in case something ever happened to him. He explained what was going on with the new family he just found out he had, and asked Dobby to help him when the time came for Moondrop to deliver her babies.

“Dobby is being most happy to do everything Master Werecat wants, and is being most honored to keep care of the young Master Werecat.”

“Thank you Dobby. Please take care not to call me or my son, master werecat, as this will be very dangerous for us if anyone hears. You can however, call me a friend and my son, you can call, Tom. I’m on my way down to see Sirius. Is there any message you want me to give him.”

“Yes, Master Sirius is regaining his vigor back in a steady manner, and Dobby has arranged for his Mistress Lissydove to meet him in the safety of the edges in the Forbidden Forest, being near Hagrid’s hut. Hagrid is being in Hogsmeade that day and won’t be in condition to be suspicious of any voices that he might be hearing. Mistress Lissydove is most anxious to be seeing her Sirius. Dobby is Apparating her there and is staying with her to protect her and take her back to her quarters when their visit is over. Dobby is averting his eyes and ears away from them to give them privacy,” Dobby finished with a shy blush on his downward cast face. “Friend is escorting Sirius from, and back to, the tree of thrashing branches to keep Sirius from doing anything unwise. Sirius is wanting very much to see Master Harry Potter.”

“Dobby, you have done very well. Please continue to keep charge of Sirius’s well being. And thank you again for everything you do. This plan would not work if you weren’t helping.”

“Dobby is just being happy to help Friend, and is not needing thanks,” said Dobby and then bowed to the floor. Crookshanks smiled and decided to work on the bowing thing later, then said goodnight.

Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 09:13 PM. Reason: was were grrrrr
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