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Old 06-04-2010, 02:20 AM   #164 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,415

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Emily Black: Hey Emily! thanks for your comments and for pointing out the quotation mark. I think it was a Goblin snuck in and put it in, cause I know it couldn't have escaped both of our notice.
That was quite rude, Sirius.
Yes, he needs to work on his social graces doesn't he. I think he is just impatient to get back in the real world. He has been cut off for twelve years, and he's so close to getting a real life again.Thanks Emily for your hard work. Serious has to work on his social graces and I need to work on my impassive voice. Who new they could be such an annoyance.

Molly W.: Hey sweetheart.Hope you're doing ok tonight. Aches and pains from a car accident can't be fun.
I think my favorite part was the initial interplay between sirius and crookshanks. Poor Sirius. Hope Dobby sees fit to give him butterbeer next time.
I love writing Sirius and Crookshanks. There is more to come of them. Dobby is a great caregiver isn't he. I like Katies idea of chocolate milk myself. But, he'd most likely climb out of the story and choke me till I promised to write him in something better to drink. rest up Stephie, and I'll see ya later. Love ya.

Miss Weasley: Hey Katie Girl!
Two words... Loved it! As the chapters, and Thursdays, quickly fly by, I become more and more engrossed in your chapters. You out did yourself this week. The torment that Sirius was feeling, as the thought about his lady-love, Lissydove, was almost excruciating. It tore my heart out to imagine the crazy look in his eyes and yearning in his heart and voice.
Thank you so much sweetie! There are certain things that I hope I can do in my writing. And one thing is to make the reader feel what the characters are going through.
and when the ministry covered it up... well! Who knew???
I think it was mostly for the Muggles that there was a cover up. They couldn't let it be known that wizards were to blame. And they had to make the ones who survived the carnage oblivious to what they seen.
I can't wait to see Dobby tell Sirius: "Dobby is sorry sir... but Dobby is not giving Mr. Sirius, sir, his fire whiskey, because Sir is not able to drink fire whiskey without losing his temper with Dobby, sir!" Goooo Dobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, I'm just glad it's Dobby and not me!
Excellent chapter Connie. You've outdone yourself! You, my friend, are a great writer... and don't you forget it!
Thank you sweetheart. I'm humbled by your praise. I'll try to be worthy of it.

To all my readers: Thank you each one for reading. All though I don't have many people comment I am very blessed to have such great and loyal readers. Thank you everyone!
Next weeks chapter 29, "Crookshanks on the Go" will be up about the same time hopefully Thursday evening.


Crookshanks Set Free?

Late one very cold, wet, and blustery evening, Harry and his teammates came trudging into the common room. Harry, whom appeared to be nearly frozen, went directly to the fire and stood in front of it warming his hands. Then he sat on the hearth looking at his friends. He smiled and said happily that it looks like the team has a good chance to win the championship this year. Crookshanks caught a spider and jumped up on Hermione’s lap. She started petting him, while at the same time flipped her wand and said something that nobody heard, and Harry and his clothes were dry.

“Thanks!” said Harry with an appreciative smile. “I need to learn that one, as it seems we’re always practicing in the rain.” He looked at the windows and listened to the wind howling while sheets of rain pelted the window.

“Does he have to eat that right in front of us?” asked Ron, eyeing Crookshanks in disgust.

Hermione cooed over her pet as she stroked his fur and glared at Ron, telling Crookshanks what a clever cat he was.

“You need to keep that thing on a leash or in your room. You give him way too much free reign all the time! Poor Scabbers has to be shut up in the dorm most of the time in fear of his life. It’s not fair, him not being well and all!”

Crookshanks had originally planned on dropping the spider in Ron’s pocket to scare him and hopefully cause Scabbers to make a run for it. He wasn’t going to kill the rat, just keep him scared all the time so he’d eventually make a mistake and Crookshanks would catch him and take him to Sirius. They had been planning and decided to step up the scare tactics so he’d be easier to capture.

Crookshanks looked at Ron and ate the spider.
“That’s disgusting!” Ron said with distain, holding his stomach and clapping his hand over his mouth. Scabbers started squealing in Ron’s pocket.

Crookshanks jumped at Ron’s pocket and out flew Scabbers. He ran with Crookshanks after him batting his hind quarters back and forth. This was so much fun for Crookshanks, who was just about to let him get away, when Ron shouted, “Catch that cat!” and tore after Crookshanks. He caught hold of him while Crookshanks got away, but not before Ron kicked him. He started running again to get away from Ron. He needed to stop this game of cat and mouse before anyone got hurt.

“Ron, don’t hurt Crookshanks!” Hermione screamed pithily.

Ron caught Crookshanks and bodily threw him to Hermione. “Lock up that monster before I kill it!” he yelled hatefully as he caught Scabbers and looked him over.

Hermione hugged Crookshanks to her tightly and ran to the girls’ dormitory. She raced to her bed and dropped onto it. “Crookshanks,” she moaned in sobs, “Why do you go after Scabbers? I know it’s natural for cats to go after rats, but you know Scabbers is a pet.” She examined him closely as tears welled in her eyes.

“Are you alright, Hermione?” Ginny asked softly as she sat at the bottom of the bed.

“Yes, I’m okay. Crookshanks doesn’t seem to be hurt, which is a good thing for Ron. He was awfully rough with him. He could have hurt him badly, just because of that stupid rat of his! I don’t know why he even likes it. It’s so ugly and lazy. All it ever does is sit in his pocket cowering. Even before I got Crookshanks it was just a useless, cowering, and ugly, fat rat.”

“Well, I don’t know if he actually does like it. He takes care of it because it’s his. If he were given a choice of keeping it, or getting a new pet of his choosing, he wouldn’t think twice about giving up Scabbers. Ron never gets anything new, it’s always hand-me-downs. If something happened to Scabbers he knows he wouldn’t have anything.”

The girls stopped talking as a first year walked over to them. “Excuse me, my name is Tina, and I just wanted to see if your cat was okay. I hope you know that he was just playing with that awful rat. I used to have a cat, and I could tell he was just playing. I just love your cat.” She pet Crookshanks and smiled at Hermione.

“Thank you Tina, that’s very sweet of you. Crookshanks is fine. Thank you for asking about him.”

The girls watched as Tina left, and Hermione said, “That was sweet of her.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed her petting Crookshanks a lot,” said Ginny “She really misses her cat.” The girls turned their attention back to Crookshanks. They both started to speak at the same time. “Go ahead Hermione. What were you going to say?”

“Well, not to pry, but I’ve always wondered why you don’t have a pet? I mean it’s nothing out of the ordinary, this is the first year I have a pet.”

“I just didn’t want to be the cause of an extra expense for Mum and Dad.
Ron feels bad for getting hand-me-downs, but, I wonder how he’d feel if by the time it came to him there wasn’t anything to hand down. I don’t mind though, I’ll probably get one in a couple years. I know that my parents would try to get me one if they thought I really wanted one.” She smiled looking at Crookshanks, “and besides, I can always depend on Crookshanks to share himself with me when I need an extra friend.”

“Of course you can. He’s very comforting to have around. What were you going to say?” Hermione said kindly.

“Oh, I think I already know the answer to this, but, since Ron was so brutal to Crookshanks,”

Hermione cut in with a small smile, “Do I still like Ron?”

“Like? Be serious Hermione.” Ginny giggled, “I was going to ask if you’re still madly in love with him.”

Hermione blushed, “Well, I can’t stay mad at Ron for how he feels about his stupid rat, and I can’t fault him for being angry with Crookshanks. However, he better not ever lay a hand on Crookshanks in anger again. Did you see that when he was so red in the face, how brilliantly blue his eyes looked, and how his hair looked like real flames of fire? He is just so gorgeous!”

“Gorgeous is what I saw standing in front of the fire all dripping wet, muddy, and nearly frozen, trying to warm himself. Didn’t he make you want to wrap him up in a blanket and snuggle him all warm? If only I knew transfiguration! I could transfigure into the blanket that was wrapped around him and,”

“Ginny! Stop it now,” Hermione said laughing, and trying to sound motherly.

“Oh Hermione, don’t you dare hush me! What were you thinking of just now talking about Ron and his brilliant blue eyes, and flaming red hair!” Both girls giggled till tears streamed out the corners of their eyes.

“Oh I know, I just can’t get over how bold and blunt you are,” admitted Hermione.

“Not around Harry though. I just freeze up. I wish I could at least tell him how good he is at Quidditch.”

“You just need to relax and free up your emotions. You’re so wrapped up emotionally that it keeps you from just being a friend.”

“I guess you’re right. I wish I could say something to him to help him relax about the way the professors all treat him. He can’t go out, only to classes and practice. He’s not going to be allowed to go to Hogsmeade either. It’s not fair that he has to be all cooped up.”

“I know,” said Hermione. She looked at Crookshanks, who was reveling with all the attention the girls were giving him and purring loudly. “I feel so badly about Crookshanks having had to be cooped up in that tiny cage all that time, and now Ron wants me to keep him locked up. I don’t blame him for chasing that stupid rat. It’s like Tina said, he was just playing. If Crookshanks wanted to catch it, he would have had it before it hit the floor, jumping from Ron’s pocket.”

Crookshanks wished he could tell Hermione not to feel badly about being caged. He remembered the nights after the shop was closed and everyone was gone. He got out of his cage and visited with the other guests there. He was quite happy there. Her name was Moondrop, and she was quite beautiful. Crookshanks realized just then how much he missed her. He was thinking of how he let her loose every night and the two of them… “What is Hermione saying?” He became very alert and listened.

“It’s not fair that he has to be cooped up. I’m wondering if I should give him his freedom in Hogsmeade. I know he can take care of himself. He doesn’t have any friends, and Ron won’t have to be worried about his stupid rat.” She picked him up and cuddled him to her. “I just love him so much, and I want him to be happy.”

“No,” said Ginny “Hermione look at him. He’s perfectly content living with you. And there are lots of cats here in Hogwarts.”

“I guess I didn’t think of that,” said Hermione. “But what about Scabbers? I can’t take a chance on him going after that rat.”

“I think it’s sweet you want to make sure Ron’s precious rat is safe.” They both laughed, “But don’t worry about it.” And a friend of mine has a cat. She’s in Ravenclaw. Luna said she has a cat this term. You know how you said you could have sworn Crookshanks told you to buy him?”

“Yes?” she answered, curious as to what Ginny was about to tell her.

“Well Luna said she and her Daddy went to the menagerie to get her an owl, and when her daddy came out with one, a pair of birds told her in so many words not to. So, she got a cat instead. And she feels especially lucky because her cat is going to have kittens. She sounds really pretty. She’s pure white and her fur is really soft and fluffy. Her name is “Moondrop.”

Crookshanks was ecstatic with this bit of information! “Moondrop is here!” he thought. “I’ll have to visit Ravenclaw House and find her. And kittens!” He was so happy. “A good chance of more werecats, which is just what this world needs.”

“Oh how sweet! Kittens! We’ll have to visit them after they’re born. Maybe your friend wouldn’t mind giving one to Tina,” Hermione suggested.

Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 09:11 PM.
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