NeW PoSt.... :) Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships Post 19....I think....
"Geez, Harry, I've never seen Ron so depressed." I told him while I chopped some carrots.
"I know. What a shame. Did he say if its true? Did him and Lavender really do it?" He asked.
"They didn't Harry." I frowned at him for even asking such a question. "I thought you knew Ron better than that!"
I left the dinner to cook and decided to go and see Hermione. "I can't imangin things have gone to well." I told Harry.
"Have a bit more faith in them than that." He replied. "I'm sure its not as bad as you think."
Harry waited in my room. I didn't think Hermione would want an audience if she started crying or getting argry or something. I knocked lightly on the room door. There was no answer so I peeped my head around the door. Hermione was currled up in Ron's arms that he had wrapped tightly around her waist. Hermione's face was blotchy and tear stained. They were sound asleep in each others arms. I walked over and pulled the covers over them. Hermione let out a sigh, and streched slightly but turned around in Ron's arms and place her own around his neck and burried her head in his shoulder. I believed him. There's no way he slept with Lavender. Sure, he was stupid enough to go out with her but I know him well enough to know he would never ever sleep with her!
I went into my room to change into my pyjama trousers so I was comfertable. Harry was sitting on my chair when I entered the room. "Hey." I said getting changed
"Hey." He said as I began tidying up my room.
I was a little anxious and I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact Lavender was spreading such a terrible rumour about my brother or maybe it was the stress I was starting to feel about this years important exams. I rushed quickly downstairs to check on the dinner just as mum came back from doing another food shop. What else does she do? I told her what to do with the dinner because she just had to take over. I was too tired to be botherd with anyone and decided I needed alone time with Harry. I climbed onto his lap as he sat on my chair and snuggled up close. He put a finger to my chin and pulled my face up to his. He kissed me gently once, twice, three times and smiled.
"Ginny." He whispered in my ear.
"What is it." I said kissing along his colar bone and up his neck.
"I'm about to ask you something, that involves you and I want an honest answer."
"Ok, try me." I kissed his passionatly and turned around in his lap, wrapping my legs around his body pressing myself closer to him. He broke away.
"Move into Grimrauld place with me next summer."
"You've already asked me last week." I said and continued to kiss his face.
"Yeah, but I got the impression you were just going along with it because we were all loved up and just back together."
"I thought we were still loved up? And long may it continue, and yes, I was agreeing to anything you were saying." Staring into his eyes.
"So...." He said
"So what?"
"Your answer."
"I'll have to think about it." I watched for his reaction.
"Ok" He said with an emotionless expression, though there was a hint of dissapointment in his voice. Silly boy.
"Harry, kidding. You know I want to move in with you."
"So you can really see us with a future?"
"Harry, I told you before, I won't have a future if your not in it." And at that he kissed me. It was a romantic moment. My lips tingled againt his and my body went warm at his touch. I could feel the sparks in the air, and I knew at that moment we'd be together, now and forever. Tell me what you think.... And could you also tell me if you want me to send you a personal message whenever I post.... Thanks
S x
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