Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart
I am SOSOSOSO sorry guys! I have no time to be on SS at all these days. =( But I really want to finish this fic and I don't want it to die so I'll post whenever I can, like now!
Again, sorry for being such a lousy writer. =(
_____________ James and me teased Remus mercilessly, but I was happy for him. He had a girlfriend, and a date, no less. I just had to tease him – it was only fair.
I’d teased James endlessly about Lily.
“One day, Sirius, you’ll find a girl and you will be the one being teased.” Remus said, with a smile on his face. “And I look forward that day.”
James grinned at the idea. “And you’ll wish you never teased us.”
“Oh, like that’s ever going to happen.” I rolled my eyes at both them. It was so ridiculous that I didn’t even need to be defensive. It was insanity. “I’m never going to fall in love.”
“You’ll be eating you own words.” Remus said.
“Trust me, that’s not going to happen.” I laughed, confident with that thought.
James headed to the common room door, on his way to meet Sirius. He ran his hand through his hair with a grin of anticipation, but he quickly stopped in his tracks. “Hey Lily.” He said, trying to appear as cool as possible.
“Hello James.” She said politely, trying to walk quickly past him.
“Lily.” James said, grabbing her arm to stop her before she could get away. “Why won’t you even talk to me?” He asked.
“I am talking to you, I said hello.” She said, shaking her arm from his grip and walking past him and up to the girls’ dorm before he could get to her again.
James frowned. Most of the time Lily would be defiant, or be lecturing and telling him off for things. He was used to that, also all her rejections. She was always around to be all prefect-y. But now he hardly ever saw her anyway, and whenever he did see her it was like she could hardly stand being around him for more then a few seconds.
He shrugged, deciding he’d ask Sirius or Remus about it later, and he stepped out of the common room. Remus was smart about lots of things, and Sirius was just used to the strange ways that girls’ minds work. Not that anyone could really understand them completely.
“It’s about time you’re here.” I said when James finally walked through the door.
“Uh yeah. I bumped into Lily.” He said sounding a bit strange.
“Everything alright?” I asked, sitting down on a couch and looking at my friend. I liked teasing him and everything, but I listened to his problems.
“She was acting – strange. Different to usual around me, like she couldn’t even stand being around me for like, five seconds.”
“Are you sure you haven’t done anything to upset her, you know that happens a lot.” I chuckled.
“No, it wasn’t like that. She hardly even looked at me.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing. I can talk to her if you want, though?” I grinned at James who just laughed.
“Yeah, like that’s a good idea.” |