sorry it took so long, i've had exams and assessment tasks galore :S
still haven't finished the art one
so, in this chapter, there's a different star aside from Indie

hope you enjoy it! (:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Chapter Ten – Will You Help Me?
Dinner had gone relatively quick last night, between Mrs Weasley scolding them for having sweets before dinner and the various discussion of tomorrow’s trip.
And now, Indie found herself getting ready for the said trip to Diagon Alley to buy their school things. Their mother had sent her to Grimmauld place with enough money for her books when the list arrived; which they had about, a week ago. Though, because Mrs Weasley had made them clean the house, there had never been an opportunity to go. Until now.
“Hey, Bella,” Indie called, as she squatted beside her trunk, “you haven’t got my jeans have you? You know the light blue ones with the embroidered stuff on the leg?”
A thud served as a reply for Indie, as Bella hit her head on the cupboard shelf above where she was looking. Indie giggled, before she wandered over to have a look for herself.
“Don’t hit the shelf, Bell,” Indie exclaimed, as she snatched her jeans from the cupboard, “you know it can’t fight back!”
“Oh ha ha!” Bella added sarcastically, rubbing the back of her head, “You are so funny Indiana Stewart!”
Indie pulled on her jeans and laughed, before smiling cheekily in Bella’s direction.
“I know, what can I say?” Indie added in equal sarcasm, before she pulled on her favourite blue sweater and headed out the bedroom door, literally barging into Tonks on her way out. Indie managed to regain her balance quite quickly, however the same couldn’t be said for the purple-haired witch she ran into. Tonks ended up falling right over into the bedroom door beside her, before she finally mustered enough self-control to begin standing up.
“Good one, Indie!” she exclaimed, as the younger girl shrugged, “Who’s room is this anyway?”
Suddenly, it opened, but Tonks had not yet recovered from her collision, and was still leaning on it. She fell once again, but rather than hitting the ground, which she’d squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation for, she instead fell onto the taller, stronger and older brother of Indie; Scott.
Indie laughed as Tonks had squealed, but then stopped abruptly when Scott gave her the stink eye. With that, she turned to head downstairs, still giggling.
“I’ll leave you two…friends…to sort yourselves out,” she added, before running quickly down the stairs, where she ran (though not quite so literally) into Ginny.
“Oh, hey there Ginny,” she greeted, smiling, “how are you today?”
The ginger-haired girl did not share Indie’s warm emotions, and came across as cold and bitter. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, as she replied to Indie.
“Fine,” was the abrupt and angry response she got from Ginny, before she stomped toward the kitchen a few floors down.
What is with everybody today? Indie thought to herself, as she continued down the stairs to get her breakfast.
Many were already seated at the table eating their bacon, eggs and toast when Indie got there. Unfortunately, her usual seat – between Harry and Tonks – had been taken by Ginny, and Hermione had moved up into Ginny’s regular seat beside Tonks. Indie simply pulled the chair out from beside Hermione and sat there instead, not caring much for Ginny’s….obsession.
“So I take it you’re excited to start fifth year, Hermione?” Indie asked, as she put some eggs and bacon on her plate and poured herself an orange juice. She was left without a reply however, and turned to actually look at Hermione, who was gazing across the table, appearing to be off with the pixies.
“Hermione!” Indie exclaimed, tapping the girl on the shoulder, but she didn’t budge. Indie recognised the expression; it had been on her features yesterday at the park, as she stared almost dreamily at someone. Aligning her gaze with Hermione’s, Indie was able to work out who she was staring at.
It could have been Dedalus Diggle, one of the Aurors who brought Harry back from Little Whinging, but he was at least fifty years old, and looked about three times shabbier than Lupin.
Check him off the list, Indie thought jokingly.
There was Snape’s empty seat, but Hermione couldn’t possibly be pining for school that much could she?
Then there was Paul, who now sat between Scott and Anton, but Indie highly doubted it would be him.
However, she almost slapped herself for being so stupid. She knew exactly how she could find out who Hermione had a crush on. Gently pretending to be fixing her belt buckle, she put her head down and let her mind wander, in an ever so subtle manner, over to Hermione.
Careful to keep her presence unknown, she had to silence an incredibly startled and somewhat slightly disgusted gasp as she withdrew back into her own head.
It was Anton! Hermione was gazing dreamily at her brother!
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed to herself in a whisper, as Hermione sighed beside her, causing her to look up, her expression still shocked.
“I know he is isn’t he?” Hermione murmured, though possibly not for everyone to hear.
“What was that?” Tonks asked, turning from her discussion over the table with Remus to Hermione. However, before she could say anything else she would regret, Hermione snapped out of her trance.
“What?!” she exclaimed, “Oh, nothing!” She laughed awkwardly, and turned back to her scrambled eggs on toast, blushing profusely.
Tonks raised an eyebrow at Indie, who shook her head. Both girls exchanged expressions of humour before turning back to their food also.
Except for Indie, she instead leaned in to Hermione, who turned to face her.
“It’s okay Hermione,” Indie said, “I totally understand. And give you permission.”
Hermione looked absolutely mortified.
“I simply don’t know what you’re talking about!” she cried, “And nor is it any of your business!”
“It’s my brother,” Indie added, “therefore, it is my business.”
Hermione, looking positively defeated, slumped and gazed at her feet, before turning back to Indie.
“Well, since you’ve now made it your business,” Hermione began, stumbling over her words. They must have been difficult ones, otherwise she wouldn’t have had such trouble with them.
“Will you help me?”