The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer
"Good. Keep it up." Truebridge called.
Truebridge cast a crowd of birds at Destiny. A shielded green ball rebounded off of a sword and flew up in the air again, the shield fading just as it bounced down to rebound off of a shield going who knew where. A red beach ball managed to keep its shield as a suit of armour thwacked at it repeatitively with its sword. It bounced away up in the air again, the shield fading as it bumped into another red ball. Two yellow balls somehow got stuck together and they wobbled slowly in the air, a perfect target for an over enthusiastic suit of armour.
A blue beach ball burst on the sharp edge of a shield. Another bounced off the ground and soared up in the air again.
Truebridge cast ice at Patroclus