New Post! Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Thanks for all the comments girls, Though I fear I've lost some of you lovely readers :'(
But anywat, Enjoy...
Chapter 16
I pushed Harry off me and burst into extream laughter. I ducked under the covers trying to find a shirt so I looked a bit more decent. Harry climbed off the bed.
"Ron, its not what you think." Harry told him with his arms out in front of him. He stood in front of Ron with a pair of boxers on. I couldn't help but laugh. I contained myself and pulled on my nightgown and found Harry's t-shirt. I stood up on my bed so I was taller than Harry and I put my arms around his shoulders from behind trying to calm him. I handed him his t-shirt amd he pulled it on quckly. Ron continued to rant on asking why the hell Harry was in my room. "Ron, please. We don't need mum and dad wondering whats going on." I told him. At that Hermione came to see what all the comotion was about. "Ron, for goodness sake, they are old enough and responible enough to do what they like"
"Hemione we we're even doing anything" Harry and I told her.
"Don't lie to me young lady." Ron told me angrily. "You're practically a child."
"Ron, I'm only a year younger than you. Who do you think you are bossing me about? You're not my Dad!"
"I'm your big brother. I'm supposed to protect you."
"We wern't even doing anything!"
"Well it sure looked like it!" Ron shouted.
"I can't believe I'm about to tell you of all people this but Ron, I'm a virgin. Gee, are you happy." He had nothing to say. "And I intend to stay that way untill I'm married!" Nobody had anything to say. Hermione ended up breaking the akward silence. "Well, I think we should all sleep in our own rooms tonight. That includes you too, Ron" she told us. Well it looks like it wasn't only me and Harry sneeking about. I smiled. "There you go Ron. Your big mouth landing you in trouble, again. If you had shut up, you could be with Hermione tonight but, oh well, tuff luck." I smirked at him and he pulled a face at me. Harry turned around in my arms that we're still wrapped round him. He looked up at me because I was still standing on the bed and smiled. I poutted, "I don't want you to go." I moaned.
"I don't want to either, but thanks to Ron, I do." He lifted me off the bed. I put my arms around his neck and he took my face in his hands. He caressed my cheek and I threaded my fingers through his hair and pulled his face to mine. He kissed me enthousiasticlly. He parted his lips, as did I. He didn't seem to care that Ron and Hermione were watching, so I didn't bother either. He moved to my cheek and under my chin. I pulled him closer and brought his lips back to mine. I fell onto my bed and brought Harry with me who continued to kiss me. I broke away and Harry stood up pulling me up with him. He kissed me once more. And smilled. I wrapped my arms around him refusing to allow any distace between us.
"Ok," Hermione said. "See you in the morning. Remember, Diagon Alley!" She shouted walking out my room.
"I'm sorry." Ron told us hanging his head. "I shouldn't have just walked in like that."
"Its so you Ron so I'm used to it." I smiled.
"You comming Harry?" Ron asked him.
"Yeah" He hugged me tighter.
"Oh I almost forgot, Ginny. You left your purse at the table and I found it as we were cleaning up. Thats why I accidentally interupted." Ron said as he left it on my dressing table and left before I was able to thank him.
"Love you , Harry." I told him as he kissed my head.
"Love you too, Ginny." He walked out the and closed the door gently.
Ok so its short, but I have a surprise for you all in the next post!
Tell me what you think...
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