With her wand once again stretched toward the chalkboard, Lexi added the newest suggestions to the list they'd already made.
- How has magic made our lives easier?
- Summoning objects (accio)
- Cleaning/household chores/repairs
- Levitating/carrying objects
- Personal hygiene/healing
- Cooking (Lexi placed a little star next to this one)
- Light (lumos)
- Relationships (cheering others)
- Helps the visually impaired
- Long-distance travel (Apparition) and packing luggage
How has magic made cooking and being in the kitchen easier? - Peeling and cutting vegetables
- Charming utensils to do work for us
- Preparing the food
- Washing the dishes
- Fire spells (to create fire) and spells to put out fire
- Healing (choking)
- Setting the table
- Management (multi-tasking and locating objects)
"Those are excellent suggestions, and lots of them relate to what we'll be doing in class today. House points to everyone who shared a suggestion!" she said, lowering the chalk and dropping her wand to her side. With the second list done, Lexi turned back to the class. A few people had either asked a question or made a point that she wanted to address.
"Go ahead and add that second list to your notes. You'll need it for homework, too." Quote:
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Trixie quickly wrote down her notes as she copied it down from he board using her pheonix feather quill. She raised her hadn. "Please Miss. Well obviously food cannot just simply be made and summoned with magic. It certainly cannot be made out of nothing You have to have a solid object on you" she replied with a sweet smile. "But magic can be used as a tool to help prepare the food" she told the proffessor. "For example your wand can be used to stir up, lets say a soup" she said using examples. "It's not creating the actual food for you but it is an aid to creating the perfect dish" she smiled. "The wand can also be used to pour out sauces and of course finish with the dirty work of cleaning out the pans afterwards" she giggled.
"You're exactly right about that. Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration tells us that we can't produce food out of thin air. We can, however, move food, change food, or use other objects to help us with our food," she explained. Merlin, all that talk about food was making Lexi weaker by the moment---she wanted
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Ainra jotted the list down on a piece of parchment. This was exactly why she had been nervous about coming to charms, she had always been awful at household chores. She had always trusted that her ability to make a sandwich would keep her from starving... and as for cleaning and such... well she could do with out it. Perhaps though magic could help her to improve these skills, but the questions was... did she want to improve them? She decided to answer the question and raised her hand. "I mean it can make it easier right?" She asked. "It can help you with like stirring or something so you can go do something else while that's going on." She hoped she was right, she knew she would look like and idiot when they started so she didn't want to sound like an idiot as well.
"Magic can most definitely make our lives easier, which leads me to...those," she said, using her wand to point out a box of aprons near the front of the classroom. Walking over to the box, Lexi pulled out a plain white apron. She directed her wand towards the apron, swished it the right, then swished it in a circular motion to the left.
"Colorus Revolvo Pink!" she said.
...and that explained how the professor's apron had turned that pretty pink color.
"Now this lesson isn't about the Coloring Changing Charm, but if you'd like, you may use it to change your white apron to the color of your choice," she said. ...and yes, she'd just said
your apron, which meant she wanted the students to wear aprons for this lesson, as well.
"Come on up and find an apron in your size. If you like the white color, then so be it, but you can take a few minutes to change its color, too. Come on now...you, too, boys," she added, waving her hand in the general direction of the box.
"Remember to do your swishes in flicks in all the right directions, too. You'll likely end up with some atrocious, snot-colored getup otherwise," she said. Sigh...unless of course someone
preferred a green and brown mixture. Eww.
"Swish to the right, then swish to the left in a circular motion. The incantation is Colorus Revolvo, plus the name of the color you choose." OOC: I'm going to stop here (for a little while) to allow some people from other timezones to catch up. In the meantime, you may roleplay your character getting an apron and working with the Color Changing Charm.