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Old 05-14-2010, 02:06 AM   #150 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Veggie Potter:Hello Stef, thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked the chapter. I think you're right, Madam Pomfrey does need some help. Miss Lissydove is going to be very busy this term.

Miss Weasley: Hey there Katie! I'm glad you liked the chapter. Writing Ron is always fun. He can be cute in any situation.
Let the fun begin!!! I can feel the love and adventure in the air right now! Can't wait for your next chapter!
And so it shall tonight at the slumber party. And yes, an adventure begins with one of the characters next chapter.

Emily Black: Hello Emily, and welcome to my story. It's wonderful reading your comments, but to be fair to the other readers I won't reply to them all. I'm thrilled that you love my story.
Petunia for a brief instant lunged for Lily, and hugged her tight. Be careful of Severus, he is not the same. He is evil I can feel it. I love you. She whispered in her ear.”
How does she know? What does she know? Hmmmm... *strokes imaginary beard*
Sense she isn't head over heels in love with him, and she seen the deceipt in him, then she was able to see how he was. The saying love is blind is very true. When she was in love with him, she was blind to everything about him. When she seen his true colors, she was able to see him for what he really was. It wasn't even sour grapes, she truely felt him to be evil.

AmbiguouslyMe: Hello, and welcome to my story!
Excellent update! I like how you tie in the current cat-scratch incident to one in Harry's past. I've going to have to go back and read the rest of them. I'm really curious!
OK, sure I'd love you to do that. You're welcome to PM me if you have any questions or comments from the past part of the story.

Derfel: Hey Owen, thanks for tuning in. I love putting humor in now and then. Keep reading.

Harita: Hello Harita, and thank you so much! He would be so embarrassed if he ever found out about his boldness in his delirium.

Thank you everybody for reading and commenting. You help me so much to be able to post new chapters. I still get nervous each time I put up a new chapter. I want so badly to please each of you. Thank you. Next weeks chapter26, "Crookshanks On The Prowl" will be up hopefully Thursday.


Slumber Party

Crookshanks watched as Harry mopped Ron’s face one more time and took off his shoes and looked at his wounds once more, and covered him again. Then he stoked the fire and laid a couple more logs on it. He stretched, yawned then half-fell into his chair resting and stared at nothing for a short while. He closed his eyes and lazily said “G’night Shanks,” and dozed off.

Crookshanks ran up to the girl’s dormitory, and jumped on to Hermione’s lap. She just had her shower, brushed out her hair, and then sat cross-legged on her bed. Ginny came over and plopped down in front of her with a smile that could brighten a room darkened with Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder.

“I know what’s on your mind.” Hermione said to her starting to giggle. Before you say anything, I wanted so badly to stay and see to Ron, and visit with that Lissydove woman, but it looked like Harry really wanted to talk to her about something. He was so terribly embarrassed when he passed out today; I thought he’d be able to talk better if we wasn’t there. I hope you agree, and not upset with me.

“I think you’re right, and no, I didn’t want to leave, but I trust your instincts, so I went along with you.”

Ginny sighed deeply, and drawn out, then giggled. “I swear I nearly passed out when Harry took off his shirt!”

“That was the effect of the Dementor,” she said, but quickly apologized for saying it. A person should not even tease about those things. She shivered as cold chills went up and down her spine. “You weren’t expecting him to do that?”

“Nobody expected him to do that. Ah! But, I sure am glad he did. He is so cute! Did you notice there isn’t even a pinch of fat on him? And his stomach is so flat and ripped!” She said dreamily.

“Gee Ginny; I felt sorry for him, I thought he looked kind of stringy.” She could only hold her face straight for an instant, because Ginny’s jaws dropped, and her eyes opened as wide as they could go. Then she saw Hermione grin. They both started giggling and Ginny was hitting Hermione with her pillow.

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” she was trying to say, but was giggling
too hard.

Ginny hugged the pillow to her and said,” Did you see how his hair stood up all over the place when he pulled off his shirt? I bet he’s so adorable when he gets up in the mornings. And when he took off his glasses you could see how his eyes are so, so, so,”

“Green,” Hermione put in for her laughing.

“Yes, but I was going to say deep and really beautiful.” Everyone says he has his mother’s eyes. I wonder if he sleeps…,”

“You best stop wondering right there young lady, or you’ll wonder into places you oughten be wondering about just yet!” She chided her as she fell over laughing at Ginny’s face blushing. “OK, enough about, Harry the Magnificent. Lets”

“Oh but wait, please,” she said with a serious look on her face. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Well, alright, as long as if it’s you asking me to be your maid of honor at your wedding. Or Matron of Honor I should say. I hope to be married before you anyway. She smiled red in the face despite herself.”

“That goes without saying.” Ginny said with a sweet shy smile.“But seriously, I couldn’t keep from crying when that Dementor thing had him. He was so anguished and tormented! It seemed like he was in real pain. I was afraid that it was killing him, and I couldn’t move to help him or anything. Who do you think was screaming?” She asked wiping tears from her eyes.

“I don’t know, Ginny, but I have a theory, if you want to hear it.” She continued when Ginny nodded her head briskly. “Well, remember when he came out of it, he looked right at you and asked if you were alright, and then apologized? When you came in you screamed his name.”

“Yes, well he had his wand pointed at me when I came in. I was already scared out of my mind.”

“He had his wand out because he was about to go investigate why the train stopped. He had a theory someone came aboard. Anyway, you screamed, Ginny I think when that thing had him, he thought something had you. I think he thought something was killing you.”

Ginny had her hands over her heart. The only thing she could say was, “That’s awful!”

“The screaming, your red hair, the green light, I think he was remembering the night his parents was murdered, only not able to remember that, he thought it was you. His mom had red hair like yours, I am sure she was screaming that night, and the green light was the Avada Kadavra,” she whispered “Curse. I’m like you though, I wanted to help him, hold him and tell him everything was ok. I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t breath. It was horrible! All I could do was cry, and I thought it was killing him too. I’ve never felt so hopeless in my life. Poor, Harry, he sure has had a hard life hasn’t he?”

“Something I plan on changing,’ said Ginny, “Ginny Potter” “Mrs. Harry Potter” she said in her dreamy voice.

“Is that a prediction?” her eyes glinting

“Nope, it’s just the way things are going to be, that’s all.”

“O.K. Now about Ron!” Hermione started with a dreamy look of her own.

“Ooh, I still get so angry over what he did on the train today!” Ginny said smoldering.

“You should have seen your face! Don‘t “flame on” take it easy now.” said Hermione. She knew about Ginny’s hot temper.

“It isn’t funny Hermione! When I left there I gave Crabbe and Goyle each a bat bogey hex to the face for laughing at me, and was about to give Malfoy his, when Professor Lupin walked by. I was afraid of him expelling me before term even started. I just get so tired of them making fun of me. “Weasley Beasley the fire headed Queen, the ugliest thing, we ever have seen!” She mocked them. Then with a sly smile on her face she said, “It was good getting even with them. And I could’ve sworn I seen the Professor smile as he walked by.”

“I don’t know why your brothers think they have to protect you, when you’re not afraid of taking care of problems yourself.” Hermione was quite impressed with her younger friend. They laughed for a bit, and she told Ginny that maybe she should start protecting them for a change. “Wouldn’t they love me for that? Ron would have a cow!” Ginny said as she laughed hard enough to fall sideways on the bed.

“Well, everyone has their own insecurities.” Hermione said defending Ron. “Ron has his faults, but he is immensely brave. And until tonight, I had forgotten that.”

“How do you figure that?” Ginny asked, becoming sober.

“Well, he was in a lot of pain when Crookshanks clawed him, and he didn’t, well after the initial clawing, screaming, and throwing him across the compartment leastwise, complain about it after that. And he’s been really sick and didn’t complain about it once.” I feel awful I didn’t see he was bad off.” admitted Hermione.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it. I don’t think anyone noticed until tonight. I think he was masking it the whole time, and just slipped up tonight. I don’t think that’s bravery, it was stupidity. He could have gotten really bad off. He should have said something right away.” she said a little heated.

“I know I get infuriated with him sometimes, the way he just spouts off his mouth without thinking, or the way he just doesn’t think about things. It was different tonight though. I think he didn’t say anything so I wouldn’t get defensive over Crookshanks. He just didn’t want to take a chance on making me angry.” she said quietly. “He’s so sick, I hope he doesn’t worry about getting to far behind in his studies. I’ll help him catch up with them.” she said in a sweet caring way.

Ginny rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and said, “Hermione, I don’t think he’s worried about his studies.” She giggled at Hermione’s surprised look on her face. “And I’m sure he’ll love you helping him catch up everything.”

Hermione recovered her shock and laughed a little with her embarrassment. “Wasn’t he so adorable with Nurse Lissydove tonight? He won’t remember though, when he gets well that is.”

“I can help him remember! This’ll be great to tease him about.” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling, pecking her finger on her chin in thought, and then said, “I know I’ll say -”

But Hermione throwing a pillow at her interrupted her. “You will absolutely not tease him at all!” she said giggling, as Ginny hit her back with her pillow.

They were giggling and having the most fun fighting that they didn’t notice Crookshanks jumping lightly to the floor and sauntering out the door.

“This is fun and all, but I’ve got something that needs tending.” he thought. He ran to the walls of the castle boundaries. Once outside the castle walls he slowed to a jaunty prance.

Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 08:50 PM.
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