Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 05-11-2010, 07:00 PM   #105 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Post Wedding Chapter!
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

Chapter 14

Harry came back looking very smart in his dress robes. "Well don't you look....dashing." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You think so? It's so uncomfertable." He complained tugging at the collar.
"Yes, you look very handsome, Harry." I told him "And I'm looking forward to dancing all night long with you."

"Ginny!" I heard my mum shout from upstairs.
"Coming!" I shouted back then hurried up the stairs.
"Ok Ginny, here's your dress. Go and put it on quickly." My mum told me handing me the monstrosity of an outfit. I went into my room and changed quickly. Ok, so I admit it the dress wasn't too bad once I had my shoes on and my hair done, though it should have been doing with straps or being not so low cut. I walked up the stairs to the room Bill was sharing with Charlie which was they're old room. I wasn't as fun without all my brothers since they moved out appart for Ron. I knocked once and walked inside. "Oh, Ginny," my Mum sobbed. "You look lovely dear." I gave her a quick hug.
"Yes look beautiful, Ginny" My Dad told me with a smile. "My little girl all grown up."
"I'm going to see how things are out at the marquee." I told them before they went back to fussing over Bill.

************************************************** ************************************************** ********

Harry, Ron and Hermionie were waiting at the enterance of the Marquee. "Hi Guys"
"Wow, Ginny, your so beautiful." Hermionie said giving me a quick hug. "Doesn't she look lovely, Ron?"
"Yeah." Ron agreed and smiled at me before giving his baby sister a cuddle.
"Eh, Hello?" Harry said holding out his arms thinking I'd forgotton him. I fell into his arms and he kissed me is front of everyone. I blushed as we broke away.
"Eh, Hi!"I replied without letting him go. "You look very handsome." I told him fixing his collar.
"So you've already said. Your not so bad yourself." He said as he twirled me around and smilled

We greeted friends and family for ten minutes before Bill, Charlie, Mum and Dad came to the Marquee and took their places. Harry, Ron and Hermionie took there seats and I was called to the back of the stand to where Fleur stood beeside her father, Mr.Delacour who was a tall muscular man who I looked good despite his older age. He had white hair and a long face, with striking blue eyes and a friendly smile. Fleur was very much like her Dad. A sulky Gabrielle stood behind them. Although both she and Fleur had blonde hair and blue eyes, Gabrielle was like her mum, by looks and by nature. She had a rounder face and was small for her age. Like her mother she too was very stuberon.
Music started to play and Gabrielle and I began to walk down the isle. When we reached the alter, the music changed to Canon in D and Fleur and her dad procseded down the isle. I caught Harry's eye. He was staring at me, igroring the beautiful bride. He smiled and I winked at him.

I tought I'd let you see how Harry sees Ginny, Its only for a brief moment and probably will never happen again but anyway...

Harrys POV

Ginny was bautiful absolutly stunning. I stared after her as she walked down the isle. She stood at the alter, waiting for the bride. She caught my eye and I smiled at her. She smiled back and winked. I love her. Her long red hair flowed behind her in the light breeze. The sun reflected beautiful copper tones in her curled red hair and the dress was a lovely colour that complemented her skin tone. I pictured Ginny walking down the isle with her Dad, and meeting me at the alter. It was good to think about. I can see her being Mrs. Ginny Potter. I was looking forward to dancing with her later. I seemed to have entered into a trance, that I got such a fright when everone around me started clapping and cheering. I looked up to find Bill kiss the bride. Ginny was clapping too but I seen her laughing at me. She must have noticed my dreamike state I was awaked from.
Bill and Fleur walked down the isle as guests threw confety over them.
At the back of the marquee, I joined Ginny who gave me a peck on the cheek. I wrapped my arm around her waist.

************************************************** ************************************************** ********************** back to Ginny's POV

Harry joined me at the back of the marquee. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. He wrapped his arm around my waist. Everyone was busy taking pictures of the happy couple. "So, what were you so deep in thought about?" I asked him.
"So you noticed?" He laughed
"Of course I did. I can read you like a book, Harry."
"Well, I was thinking, maybe one day, like a long way in the future, when we're like, old" He made a face at the word 'old' an I laughed "that mabey that would be me and you up there."
He studied my expression carefully, not knowing what my reaction would be. I though for a brief moment and pictured me in a white dress walking down the isle with my father. I laughed out loud, but I had enjoyed the vision. "Most definetly!" I told him.

It was time for the bride to dance with the best man and the brides maids to dance with the groom. Bill came over and asked me to dance. "Of course, Silly!" I told him.

"So hows my baby sister been?" Bill asked me
"Not bad, Bill. Back to school in a few days though."
"Those were the days" He told me looking into the fields behind me "Cherish them" he said looking down at me with his brown eyes that were very similar to mine. "They don't last forever you know. If you don't do anything in life, please take this onboard" he paused "Live everyday like its your last. Don't wait around on everyone for their approval. Do what you want in life. Just, close your eyes and jump."
"Ok. Thanks for that completly unlike you thing to say" I said smiling at my big brother. "I'll take that on board."
The music slowed down and ended so I now had to dance with Charlie.

"How are you, Dragon Slayer!" I laughed
"I'm very good" He laughed. "How are you Ginny."
"Not too bad." I smiled
"Well I thought you'd be better than that 'cause from what I hear, your back with Harry Potter."
I smiled and blushed at the mention of Harry. "That is correct, Charlie" I blushed "How do you know?"
"Well I do keep in touch Ginny and mum was worried about you and she told me that in every letter. The I heard you and Ron the other night there." I rolled my eyes. Charlie continued "What he said to you was uncalled for and I told him that. How could he talk to our baby sister like that?" Charlie laughed "He loves you really Ginny. He just cares so much about you."
"Yeah, I know." I sighed. The music ended.
"We'll talk before I leave Ginny, ok?" Charlie said
"Sure." I told him giving him a hug and a peck on the check.
"Ok Kiddo. See you later."

We sat down for a meal, which was... nice... but no-one can cook like my mum. The speaches were lovely. I never knew Charlie was so funny. I mean I know he's funny, but I was crying with laughter at some of the things he said! And Bill. I never knew he could be so emotional. He wasn't crying or anything, but he had my mum and Flure in tears saying how they are the two most important women in his life. It was nice but rather sickening...or maybe thats just me. I danced with my daddy and caught up with cousins I haven't seen in ages. I sat sipping on my firewhisky, exausted form dancing with every other person on the dancefloor and wondered if Harry would stick to his promise and dance with me!

Someone tapped me on the shoulder "May I have this dance, Miss Weasley?" I turned around to see Harry. I smiled and took his hand and let him lead me to the dancefloor.
"I was begining to give up hope." I told him. "I thought I'd not get a dance off you!"
"And why would you think that?" He asked
"Well let me think? The Wedding was at 3 this afternoon then we had the meal and the speeched that was two hours or so and its now the sky is pitch black" I glanced at my watch. It was nearing midnight. "Harry, Its taken you over six hours to ask me to dance with you!" I told him "Plus, I noticed you even danced with Gabrielle before me!"
"Are you keeping tabs on me?" He asked with a laugh and a smile in his voice. "And anyway, I always save the best till last."
"Mmm" was my reply.
"And anyway, she asked me to dance!"
Again my reply was "Mmm."

Around two in the morning, everyone wished the couple many congratulations as they headed off on their honeymoon. They were spending three long weeks in sunny Florida. They had hired out a beachouse at a place called Clearwater. Dad was running them to the airport in the flying car so Hermionie and I decorated the car with a splat of paint across the boot that said "Newleyweds Bill & Fleur." We also tied old tins old empty tins of broom polish to the bumper. Muggles do it too apparently, but I'm sure it was us wizards and witchs that started the craze!

Mum told us to thank all the guests for coming as they began to apparate home or go by floo powder by the fireplace.

"Night Everyone" I called not bothering to say goodnight to them indvidually. I took Harrys hand as we accended the stairs.

Please tell me what you think... S x
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