Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Welcome to all my readers, as always I hope you enjoy tonights chapter, and all comments are welcome. This chapter is very long, and I hope you stay with me after it's done. Replies are going to be short since the chapter is so long.
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie! Thank you so very much! Quote:
I love how you had Harry thinking it was Ginny who was screaming when the Dementors entered the compartment. This seems to foreshadow the deep relationship that will develop between Harry and Ginny in the future...
You are soo right! Quote:
I wish Tom could just jump-up and say, "Harry... it's me... your childhood buddy!" sigh... Soon, right?
So does Crookshanks. He wants very badly to do just that! But don't look for that to happen. (Anytime soon anyway) Quote:
I love the friendship between Ron and Harry. As dim as Ron is, Harry will never have a more loyal friend. Everyone deserves that kind of love.
Yes, right again. Their relationship is sorely tested in a few more chapters or so.
Droo: Thanks Droo! That means a lot to me. Really, cause I know you are really busy.
Veggie Potter: Hi there Stef! It's good to have you back! Quote:
I just love it all. I think you really capture Ron's personality! You have him funny and irksome at all the right parts (I especially loved the Harry half-naked scene
Thanks Stef. And you never have to say your sorry here. Real life takes priority over SS everytime. Keep your priorities in line. I really like Ron. Next to Harry, he is my favorite character of the kids. It's easy to write him, cause he is really just an uncluttered human boy. I'll say this about Harry being shirtless. It happens again, but not from Harry taking it off. And nothing naughty either!
Harita: Thanks Harita! Quote:
the dialouges by Ron about Ginny was really funny..poor Ginny...what will she every do of a brother like him..
Her sisterly love for him is put to the test later on.
Molly W.: Hello Sweethart. Thanks Stephie It means so much to me that you take the time to read my story. And I know you are very busy. I wish you didn't work so hard, and kiss Avery from Grandma. I hate he is sick. 
Next weeks chapter 25 is titled "Slumber Party" It's a lot of fun. See you next Thursday hopefully.
Harry Understands His Real Life Nightmare
Crookshanks was taking pleasure in his good fortune of late. One such good fortune was getting Hermione for his new master. She was very good to him, and in many ways was like Lily. She was extremely smart and levelheaded. She was kind and compassionate, a little short on patience, especially anything to do with Ron, but not too bad.
He was also happy with the fact that he gets to be close to Harry. He has turned out to be such a fine, boy. All those nights James laying his head on Lily’s lap conferring with his son way before he was born must have paid off. He new it would. He only wished James were here to see.
Having Remus here as a Professor could come in handy. He hadn’t paid any attention to Crookshanks and would have to make sure he puts a thought in his mind that he doesn’t know him.
Another good fortune was that Sirius escaped. He needed to start looking for him. He would have to put a strong charm on Dumbledore. He spent too many meetings sitting on his lap and having silent conversations with him to expect a change of fur color to fool him.
He couldn’t have Severus finding out who he is. That woudn’t do well for Crookshanks at all. He remembered making plans to kill Severus, but this would ruin Dumbledores uses for him. He trusts Snape with his life, and Crookshanks knows he’s loyal to him, but Snape, still has his own agenda. He doesn’t know what that agenda is, but it isn’t against the order. Severus really has turned against Voldemort.
The thing that he is extremely happy about is Scabbers being so close. He was there only maybe four feet away from him trembling in Ron’s pocket. He won’t kill him, because he needs Peter alive so they can prove Sirius innocent. His plan is to scare him so badly that one of these days he will try to run to where he thinks he’ll be safe.
They were all in the common room being happy, laughing, and having fun. Harry was quiet, but he was enjoying the fellowship of his friends, his family. He was still a little peaked, but he mainly was just tired and had things on his mind. He watched Ron come over to put another log on the fire.
“Ron, why are you limping? Did you get hurt?” He asked in a concerned way.
Ron looked sheepishly around as if hoping know one heard the question. “I’m alright mate.” He answered quickly.
“Ron, what happened?” Hermione asked as she lifted his robes, saw his uniform slacks ripped, and bloody. “Ron!” She pushed him down in the chair she had been sitting in. She pointed her wand at his leg, and his pants roled up for her. When they were up to his upper thigh, he put his hands around the top of his leg.
“That’s far enough!” he said in an octive higher than his normal voice. Ron was many shades of red, and totally speechless. Crookshanks jumped down from his seat on Harry’s lap and ran to Ron. He put his paw on his leg, and was truly aggrieved at the pain he inflicked. He then jumped up on Ron and nibbled his earlobe. Ginny came over, as she just came in, and sat down on the arm of the chair where Ron was sitting.
“Ron, your leg looks awful. Have you been to see Madam Pomfrey?”
“No, he said beginning to laugh. “O.K., O.K. I forgive you Crookshanks. Please stop.” Crookshanks was still nibbling on Ron’s earlobe.
Crookshanks put a thought in Ginny’s mind to write a note asking for help in the Gryffindor common room, and attach it to him.
“Here Crookshanks, take this to Madam Pomfrey.” She attached a note to his collar. Crookshanks shot out the door after Ginny opened it for him.”
He ran directly up to the Infirmary and went to the new intern, Miss Lissydove. Crookshanks looked around and found the room unoccupied. He was about to take a huge chance. Nevertheless, he needed to. He would not take a chance on anything happening to Ron.
“Hello, “She said stooping to pet Crookshanks and took the note. Someone needs Madam Pomfrey.” She started to rise, but Crookshanks spoke to her.
“Please don’t be frightened, I am a werecat and am no threat to you, or anyone at Hogwarts. Today when the Dementor came aboard the train, I bolted to the nearest thing to escape being stepped on again. The nearest thing unfortunately was Ron’s leg. Ron is a third year in Gryffindor. My claws dug deeply into his leg and it needs tending to. Do you know anything about werecats Lissy?
At the name, she caught her breath, and put her hand over her mouth. “I had a friend who had a werecat. She didn’t know it was though.”
“Yes, I thought you knew what I was. Thank you for not telling anyone. James and you knew, but for you two, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Remus and McGonagall no one else knew.”
“But, Voldemort killed you," she said, "and you were black and gray."
"Yes, well, he did kill me. But, Sirius,”
“You saw him there? Sirius?” Her eyes were tearing up, and her fingers trembled. “I need to know everything please. I saw where he escaped Azkaban. I was working as an R.N. at a Muggle hospital, when a news bulletin came on the news I was watching on my lunch break. I quit my job right then, and came to see Professor Dumbldore and asked for a post here. He was happy to have another Order member nearby and hired me. Today is my first day here.”
“Yes, I’ll tell you all you want, but, we need to tend to Ron. You’ve heard of cat scratch fever?”
“Yes, of course,” she said quizzically.
“Well, Ron is coming down with a severe case of it; we need to get him treated and now.”
On the way to the dormitory, Crookshanks filled her in on how he was Lily’s cat, and how Sirius cleaned him up, wrapped him up in the orange towel, to keep him together and not bleed anymore, and then put him in Harry’s arms to comfort him. He told her he died in Harry’s arms, and came back to life. Crookshanks told her what Sirius did for James and Lily, getting them sent back to Dumbledore to keep the death eaters or the Ministry of Magic from getting them. He went mad with grief, but only in the sense that he wasn’t able to devise a plan of action and acted only on his anger to drive him. He disapparated before I had a chance to talk to him to let me go with him to capture Peter Petigrew.
“Why would you want to? Oh. Then it was it Peter who betrayed them.” she said. Lissy stopped and wept right there. “I knew Sirius was innocent. I also knew that if he could escape he would come here to see Harry. Oh, Tom, I’m so happy!“
“I‘m known as Crookshanks now, And, Harry will need more chocolate. I‘m sure he will stay up with Ron for awhile, but he is still somewhat shaky, and used up.”
“O.K. lets get to Ron, and take care of him. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
They got to the dormitory where Hermione, Ginny, and Harry were attending Ron. They had him draped in a blanket and Hermione was trying to clean his leg. Harry was wiping sweat off Ron’s face, giving him sips of water, and Ginny was clearing the room, telling everyone to go to bed or something.
“Can I help?” asked Miss Lissydove. The note said someone’s been scratched by a cat? My name is Miss Lissydove, and I’m working as an intern under Madam Pomfrey."
“Yeah, Me.” said Ron with an odd look about him. “He didn’t mean to though, he’s already apologized and everything. He was just hurt from Neville nearly killing him when he stepped on him today on the bus I mean train. You are the most beautiful angel, I have ever seen! Nurse! I meant nurse, is what I, --- He shook his fevered head and looked helpless at her. You’re making me, -- I can’t seem to think right, or talk straight.” he was struggling so hard, and, Miss Lissydove, smiled and saved him from himself.
“It’s the fever, sweetheart.” It has you out of your head. You’ll be all right after you’ve used up these medications.” She waved her wand and a jar of ointment and a small bottle appeared in her hand. She cleaned the wounds and spread the ointment liberally into the wounds. She felt him wince, but said nothing. “He’s being so brave, she thought.” She started singing a song softly, as she worked on him. He started relaxing, and started trying to sing with her. Harry arched his eyebrows, and wide eyed, looked at Miss Lissydove. She finished and another wave of her wand, the lid to the jar tightened itself, and the bottle uncapped itself. "Make sure he gets one teaspoon of this every six hours." She gave him his first dose. “Thank you sweetheart.” Ron said to her, and dropped off to sleep with a smile on his face.
Hermione smiled, she knew his fever gave him the nerve to say that. She wished he thought of her as a beautiful angel. She thought he was adorable, but wished he didn’t have to be sick.
“Is it cat scratch fever?” Harry asked her, still mopping Ron’s face.
“Yes, it is.” she said after waving her wand over Ron. Let him sleep here for the next six hours. He will not stir about, so he will be fine. Then wake him, and let him get ready for bed, give him his next teaspoon of medicine and let him go to bed in his own bed. Have him apply more ointment, three times daily. When he gets up Friday morning, he will be good as new. Until then, he will need watching, and help making sure he is medicated. He will be pretty much out of it until then. That is a powerful infection he has. I’ll let the Professors know about him so he can have excused absences through out the rest of the week.”
“But, you said he’ll be back to normal by Friday morning, shouldn’t he get to go to classes that day?” Hermione asked worrying about him loosing so much school time, before term even started.
“He has a very serious infection going through him. This medicine will keep him sleeping through almost all of it. He’ll need Friday, and the rest of the week-end to charge his body.”
“How do you know about, cat scratch fever?” She asked Harry, as she cleaned the common room area where Ron‘s blood had dripped, and then worked the Scourgify spell, again.
“Oh, I had, er, well, I don’t know. I guess, I heard of it is all.” he shook his head slightly, not being content with his answer. “That was a beautiful song you was singing. It’s my favorite. I sing it all the time at the Dursley’s.” He was talking softly and honestly to her. Miss Lissydove thought he was very charming and enchanting. He reminded her so much of Lily, and James. They would have been so proud of him.
“It’s my favorite also. My best friend used to sing it all the time. All of us girls had to learn to like it, because --- she sang it all the time when she was feeling down.”
“Yeah, it gives me hope.” I’ll stay up with Ron these first six hours, and make sure he gets to bed after his meds. As long as he doesn’t call me sweetheart he said with a smile.” He wanted to change the subject. He had caught the pause in her sentence. She had almost let something slip. He had pretended not to catch it so she wouldn’t start walking on eggshells with him, the way the Weasley’s do. She seems so familiar to him. Had he seen her before?
She remembered exactly how Harry knew of this fever, because then (Tom) had clawed Harry very badly, when he had an accident with him on his broom. Lily had called her and asked her to come over. When she got there, she told of her finding Tom on the floor at first thinking he was dead and Harry sitting there looking amazed at Tom saying, “Tom big kitty man.” Tom had scratched him pretty badly, but Harry was more amazed with the cat for some reason. Lissydove had called, Dumbledore, because Harry would need tending to, and the Healers would notify the Ministry of Magic, of a werecat wound and Tom would be taken away to be experimented on or slaughtered. Rumors had it that at one time there was werecats in St. Mungo’s, until they all died from experimentations and then slaughter. However, now they presume them to be extinct. Dumbledore had come with the very medicine she used on Ron tonight. He had made it himself so there wouldn’t be any questions asked if he had asked for the medicine. She stayed there with Lily and James helping take care of him for three days. She had loved caring for him so much she decided to become a specialist in the field of nursing in the newborns with special needs ward at a Muggles hospital.
Miss Lissydove smiled at Harry, and wanted so badly to tell him she loved him, that Sirius loved him also, and that he wasn’t in any danger from him. “Those Dementors are quite the horrid things aren’t they?” She said with a far away look in her eyes, handed him a huge chunk of chocolate, and shoved a smaller one in his mouth. He was about to object to being force-fed when he noticed she put a piece in her own mouth, without missing a beat. The far away look left her and she looked at Harry staring at her wondering what was up.
She laughed easily at his expression. Then she patted his shoulder. “I’m sorry, you’ll have to excuse me, I’m used to feeding all my patients. I need to get used to working with people, who are not babies she added. I was a neo-natel nurse, before I came here.”
Harry smiled politely, but wondered about the question she asked about the Dementors.
“Have you had run ins with them, the Dementors?” he asked in his quiet way?
“Yes, sadly I have.” she looked at Hermione and Ginny, who stood up.
“Please, excuse us.” Hermione said regretfully, but it’s getting late and we need to get our showers yet and get to bed. It was very nice to meet you, and thank you for helping Ron.”
“Oh, of course, it’s so good to meet you all, and I’ll go ahead and leave. Good-night.” she said with a very warm smile.
Harry put his hand on her shoulder, then withdrew it quickly.” No, please finish what you was saying.” he requested.
“I have a friend, a very dear friend, who was sent there, to Azkaban that is, unjustly, without even a trial. I tried at first to visit him, but, I couldn’t take being around them. I’ve tried to force myself to go time after time, but I can’t get past them. My friend had set in that filthy place- I’m sorry sweetheart, I really can’t talk about this. OK? The important thing is he’s out now.” She wasn’t crying, but the slightest thing would start the tears Harry was sure.
“Here,” he said and poked a piece of chocolate in her mouth. They both laughed, and ate the rest of the choclate she had brought. They talked for a little bit longer, about Quidditch, favorite subjects, and worst subjects. He confessed to her how he loathed and detested Snape, how Snape puts down his father all the time, lets him know how much he hated him, and how apparently he inherited his hate for some reason.
“I think the thing that makes it so bad is, I’d, well I don’t know what I’d do, but Snape obviously knew my parents, and I can’t talk to him about them, because of this hate. I don’t know anything about them, except they were wonderful people according to Hagrid. I can’t talk to him about them, because he starts crying over them being gone and it not be’n fair. He gave me a photo album, that’s all I have,” -- He sit up suddenly, staring at her, then jumpted to his feet. “You your, it’s you! You’re in my picture of their wedding! You’re standing with my Mum! You were her best friend. She’s the one who sang my favorite song when she was feeling down, Sirius Black was my Dad’s best man, ---- and your friend was sent to Azkaban, he’s your very dear friend, he’s out now, because he escaped, you love him!” He grabbed a handful of hair with both hands, and clamped his eyes closed and opened his mouth to scream, and then he froze stiff as a board. Lissy had quickly seen where this was heading to and charmed him into total oblivian.
“How did he put all that together, and so quickly?” she asked Crookshanks, breathing hard. He’s quicker than James was! Remember, how James could figure everything out so quickly?”
“Yes, I do remember. Harry is so quick to figure things out, because he’s done it all his life. Trying to put pieces together about his past, of which there is no memory. It’s all he does, is look and listens for clues. He’s very good at it. Look at the anguish on his face. He’s starting to remember that night. We can’t let that happen yet. The memory is too painful for him to be able to carry right now. I really don’t know what it would do to him, finding out all at once. I know he is powerful, and strong, but this is beyond what even he could endure at the moment. You was quick on the spot to obliviate his memory. Can you adjust it to the point where you was talking about the subjects each of you liked?” Then when you are done, I will remove the paralyzing spell.
“Yes, ok I’ll try to be pin point accurate.”
“When he comes out of it, he’ll be slightly confused. It’s ok; it’s not a new feeling for him. He has been under this spell all his life since that night. It’s why he’s so curious. He is so persistent, and determined to get answers. This skill will one day save his life. Still, there is sadness to keeping him in the dark. At least he didn’t forget the lessons James taught him. Did you know that he fired a spell at that Dementor today? It went for him, and only him. He stood up to it and fired a shot while it had ahold of him. He has a strong constitution and that serves him well.”
They lifted their spells and Harry looked about quickly. He was going for his wand, but relaxed when he heard Lissydove talking. “Yes,” she said laughing. “I understand, but I had a different potions master when I was here. Now, I need to get back to the Infirmary, and you’ll stay up with Ron-”
Harry looked to the couch then narrowed his eyebrows together. How was he standing here, when he thought, ... hadn't they been sitting there on the couch... the two of them at Ron's feet?
“Yeah, I’ll see to him. Thanks for the chocolate; it gave me a boost I really needed. I’ll doze a bit here while I think on some things.” he said “There’s only three more hours left before he gets his next dose of meds then we’ll be in bed.”
“I’ll look in on him tomorrow; actually, I’m sure Madam Pomfrey will want him moved to the Infirmery for closer observation. She won’t ask questions. So, don’t be alarmed when you’re done with your classes, and you don’t find him here.”
“OK then, good night.”
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 08:06 PM.