Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 05-04-2010, 02:09 PM   #81 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Post Chapter 11
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

I rewrote some of the chapter in the space of 10 minuets to accomidate Connie and Emily's idea, so I hope it's ok...

Well Done to Evangeline!

Chapter 11

The restaurant was nestled in a small village, near where Harry used to stay with they Dursleys I suppose. We were seated at a table at a window that looked out onto a beautiful golden field. Harry smiled at me while gazing deep into my eyes. I smiled at him looking back. "What are you thinking, Harry?" I asked him with a skepctic look on my face.
"Just how utterlly beautiful you are." He told me in his matter-of-fact voice. I blushed at his admiration for me and rolled my eyes. We were interupted by a tall brunette woman.
"Hi, my name's Evangeline, and I'll be your waiteress tonight." She told us. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
I spoke first. "Umm, could I have a butterbeer please." Harry stared wide eyed at me for across the table. I looked back wondering what was wrong.
"Excuse me?" Evangeline asked puzzled. "Say that again."
"Two lemonades please." Harry said quickly to the waitress.
"I'll be right back" Evangeline said.
"Are you serious Gin?" Harry laughed. I was still puzzled. He helped me out "Ordering a butterbeer in a muggle restaurant." I realised my mistake.
"She must think I'm crazy!" He just laughed, then took my hand in his.
"I love you Ginny." He kissed my hand. I blushed.
The waitress, Evangeline soon came back with lemondae.
"So, what do muggles drink when they go out? Cauz we have butterbeer, pumpkin juice, firewhisky and stuff"
"Coke, Lemonade obviously seeing as it is a drink you can order here! Umm... thers lots of different drinks."
"Do muggles drink coffee?" I asked.
"Yes Gin, muggles drink coffee." He smiled
"Then I could be a muggle." Harry just shook his head while smiling

Lunch was most enjoyable. Harry had fajitas, something we both had never had before. Harry told me to close my eyes and pick something at random off the menu for him. He let me try a bit of his because I was greedy enough to ask. It was great. It was a wrap sort of thing. It was hot. A very exotic dish. Not something mum makes.
I had a sandwitch and soup. It ofcourse was not as good as mums.

Harry paid the bill and left a tip. He stood up and took my hand and we went to leave. "No way!" I said astonished at the sight.
"Whats wrong?" Harry asked putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me with a worried and anxious expression.
"Boy!" uncle Vernon yelled pointing his short, fat, sausage-like finger at him. "What are you doing here?!"
"For lunch. And anyway, I could ask you the same thing." Harry shouted back. I squeezed his hand. I know his uncle Vernon was the last person on Earth he could be bothered about but I knew it was hurting him inside.
"Harry, lets just go." I whispered, not wanting to say anything to upset anyone.
"Who's this, Potter! Your little girlfriend?" Dudley spat the words at him. He held out his sweaty hand and went to ruffle me hair. "Who the hell do you think you are, You disgusting child?" I spat back at him. He droped his hands and smirked. Harry put an arm around my waist, trying to guide me out of the restaurant.
"Who do you think you are?" A small skinny lady with a long drawn face stepped out behind the Dudley's bulging body. "Ginerva Weasley, pleased to meet you." I smiled and held out me hand. By this time we had quite an audience. She glanced down at me hand and pretended to choke. "You little witch." She sneered.
"That is correct." I smiled. Mrs. Dursley turned on her heel to leave and her husband and son waddled behind her.
"I wouldn't bother leaving." Harry said to them as they walked out. "We've just finished." The family stopped in their tracks and Harry put his arm around me and guided me past them.

We arrived back to the burrow at three, a good hour before everyone. It gave us time to start packing our trunks for school. Mrs.Delacour, Fleur and Gabrielle came trailling in behind my mum with far too many shopping bags. The Delacours certainly shopped untill they dropped! Mum however came back typically with a few bags of grocerise and went straight to the kitchen to begin on dinner. "What would you all like for tea?" she asked.
"Mum, Harry took me out for lunch and we're only just back so can I have something later instead."
"How nice of you Harry!" Mum beamed "Did you have a nice time? Where did you go?" She was rather haappy that Harry and I were now together again.
"Yeah, We had a lovely time" I said as Harry put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him on the loveseat in the corner of the living room. "It was a muggle restaurant somewhere near where Harry used to stay with the Dursleys I think?" I looked up at him to see if I was correct. He nodded then kissed my hair. I squeezed him tighter. I could tell he didn't want tobring up our little meeting with them.
"It was so funny though," Harry began, "the waitress asked us what we wanted to drink and Gin asked for butterbeer. The waitress just looked at her." Everyone was laughing except a perticular Delacour girl. What was her problem?
All of a sudden, Gabrielle jumped to her feet and pulled out her wand and pointing it towards me and Harry. She yelling a spell and while my slow reflexes still didn't register what was going on, Harry threw me onto the floor with him on top of me. The spell hit the family picture on the wall which fell and the glass shattered everywhere. I heard Hermionie shout "stupify" then came running over to me and Harry to make sure we were ok. Everyone else seemed to stunded to say anything. I got up unhurt and so did Harry.
"What the hell are you playing at, you stupid idiot." I screamed at her before anyone could say anything. She glared back with a wicked look in her eyes.
"Are you ok, Honey?" Harry pulled my face around to his and held it there in his hands.
"I'm ok, Are you?" I asked wrapping my arms round his body.
"I'm ok too" he said then kissed my hair.
"What is your problem, Gabrielle?"
"You and Aarry" She sneered picking up her wand and waving it at us when she said our names before tucking it away in her pocket.
"Excuse me?"
"Ok girls please!" My mum said not wanting to cause any tention between the two families.
"No mum, I'm not not going to say anything. She can't just go about pulling out her wand becauze she wants what she'll never be able to have. Don't be so flipping jelous, Gabrielle! come on Harry, I can't be in the same room as her." I stormed upstairs to my room, followed by Harry. I slammed the door.
"This is terrible, me being forced to leave a room in my house because of some phsyco." I told him angrilly. There was lots of shouting in French downstairs.
"Look on the bright side, Gin. Your stuck in your room, with me all to yourself." He smiled
"I could take advantage of that." I said as I pushed him onto my bed. He pulled me with him and kissed me, long and passionatly. His lips were urgent against mine. We continued like this for several minuets before we broke away. We both lay back on my bed. He had his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled up close to him. After my heartbeat had slowed I turned around to face him and knelt on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him enthusiasticlly. He put his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer to his and kissed me back with, if not the same, more force. He kissed my cheek and down the side of my neck. It was amazing. Total bliss.

However, whenever something like this is happening and both Harry and I are just getting into it, we are almost always interupted. I heard someone gasp. I looked up bewildered at the fact that someone just decided to waltz into my room without knocking. To my surprise, it was Gabrielle. I ignored her standing in the doorway and pulled Harry up so we were sitting upright, and so she could see everything I had and she didn't. Ok, I was being *****y but I can't help myself. I kissed Harry with as much passion as I could. He responded by pulling me tighter against him. His skin was warm and soft against my fingertips. We broke appart and looked to where Gabrielle was standing. Not only was she there, so was Ron and Hermionie. They stood with their mouths hanging open. We both laughed. I got up and closed the door on them, then returned to Harry's arms.

So what do you think...?
S x
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