Competition Post! Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Ok Competition time!!
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Chapter 10
I knocked once and opened the door. I found a half naked Ron lying under a half naked Hermionie.
"Nice Ron. You shout at Harry and me for getting back together yet you think it ok for you and Hermionie to fool around but your not even a together. Very charming, Ronald." Hermionie was very embarassed and jumped up and pulled on Rons shirt to cover herself up.
"I'm sorry Ginny" she told me
"I'm not annoyed at you Hermionie, its just the fact that Ron has trouble with his sister and best friend getting together, but expects me to be fine with you two, which I am by the way but its just that Ron is a hypocrit. And on that note, do any of you know where Harry is?" I asked. They both shook their heads. "Well then, I'll let you continue doing what ever it was you were doing" I said with a smile as I walked out the room and closed the door then continued to find Harry.
As I was walking down from Ron's attic room, I found Harry walking up. "You don't want to go up there" I told him "Unless you want to be scarred for life"
"I thought you were away with the girls." He said
"No, I told them I'd made plans with you."
"And so what do you have in mind because," he said slinking his arms around my waist "your dad took the rest of the boys to a quiditch match, but Ron told him that we wouldn't want to go so..."
"Well Ron and Hermionie seem to be occupying there time so we could do something just the two of us, without any interuptions." I said, then kissed him lightly on the lips. My stomach interrupted with a loud rumble.
"First though lets sort out your stomach." He took my hand and lead me downstairs "What did you have for breakfast?"
"Umm... Coffee" I replied.
"That's terrible Miss Weasley a young growing woman like you needs food for energy."
"Harry, two words." I told him folding me arms across my chest, "Shut up!" He smiled while I stared up at him with a stern look on my face, "Plus, I'm too tired to eat in the morning and I could quite easily live on coffee."
"Well, we could go out for lunch if you like?"
"Well, I'd need to get changed quickly. I mean just look at the grass stains on this cardigan!" So as we made our way downstairs we stopped via my room so I could change quickly. I pulled a purple vest top out my wardrope along with a black skirt that had a flowery print. I turned to Harry who had absentmindedly pick up a muggle book I was reading and continued reading where I had put it down. He caught me watching him "Arn't you getting changed?" he asked
"Yeah, but I thought you were going leave the room first."
He gave me a funny look. "Ok, if you like but Gin, I know what you look like with no clothes on. Its nothing to be embarrased about." He told me.
"Ok, now I'm embarrased." I said blushing. Harry went back to reading the book and I turned my back to him and pulled on tan tights, then the top and skirt. "Harry," he looked up from the book "can you fasten this for me" I asked struggling with the catch on a necklace.
"Sure." He walked over and fastened the necklace. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek "Your so beautiful Gin." I blushed "So where do you fancy going for lunch. We could go to Diagonally or I know this small restaurant place where I used to escape to when it was the holidays in Privet Drive."
"There's a good chance we would bump into mum and the Delacour girls if we go to Diagonally so could we go to the restaurant you know?" I told him looking at our reflection in my dressing table mirror. It looked perfect.
"Yeah. Its more of a pub sort of thing but its nice all the same. Plus theres no mums or Delacours."
"Sounds great. Lets go then"
Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think!
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