Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Miss Weasley: Thanks Katie, I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. And as far as man being able to show there soft side. I think they learn when it becomes important to them. Sometimes that doesn't happen till they meet the girl of their dreams. Other wise, they better kiss a frog, and hope for a princess. Quote:
Excellent chapter Connie. I can't wait for the adventures to begin at Hogwarts!
This chapter is where the end of the story is focused on. The whole rest of the story depends on this chapter. There are 45 chapters all told, plus an Epilogue.
Molly W.: Hey Stephie! It's great to see you here. Quote:
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
You always was a stubborn one! Thank you sweetheart for commenting and saying those sweet things.
Lord Greenie: Hi son, glad you got caught up. Hope you are still enjoying the story. A lot of cute things going to happen in just a short bit. I think you'll enjoy.
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hey there K'Lari, glad to have you here. Quote:
aw! too sweet! but one question...does Harry know about Sirius supposedly being the one to sell out the Potters yet?
Well, leave it to you to pick up on that. I am writing it as though he does. I don't buy into Ron, and Hermione not telling him. And I don't buy into them two not knowing either. From the moment that Harry defeated Voldemort when he was a baby, everyone knew his story. And although it was few people who knew Peter was the secret keeper, everyone assumed it was Sirius. So why wouldn't it be thought that he betrayed James and Lily? And why wouldn't Ron and Hermione tell him what they assume to be? They tell him everything else. So, I'm saying that Harry doesn't know outright, but he has his theories, and askes questions even if he's bluffing, to get answers. Hope I made since of that for you.
Harita: Thanks for commenting Harita. He,he,he, Harry knows what he thinks is important enough to know. He's more interested in his own problems at the moment to worry about women.
tina6080: Hello Tina! Thank you sweetheart. I think you think too highly of my skills, I'm blessed to have wonderful readers who like my story. Thank you though. (See you in a bit)
Derfel: Hello Owen. Glad to see you! Quote:
Ooof, Harry's become rather cynical. He'll learn haha.
Great posts
Thank you Owen, it's like I was telling Harita, I think figuring out women isn't what's important to Harry at the moment, although we know it will matter to him later on. You're absolutly correct in that. Then he finds out he doesn't know about the things that matter. 
Droo: Hello Droo! Thank you! Welcome to my FF, and I hope you keep reading. Although I don't know how you find the time. Still I love having you here.
Thank you to all my readers for reading. As always you're welcome to comment good or bad. An announcement to make. Sometime in the future I will need to move this story to the mature vault. There is a rather steamy scene that I don't want young minds exposed to. It isn't anything immoral, just a rather visual scene between two adults. I sent that scene to someone I respect her opinion of, and she said there wasn't anything wrong with it, just maybe I better move it just to be sure. Anyway, hope everyone enjoys tonights chapter, and next weeks chapter 24, "Harry Understands His Real Lifetime Nightmare"
Harry Meets the Dementors
The trio boarded the train and searched for a compartment. Professor Lupin already occupied the only one they found available. Hermione had pointed out the name on his brief case. They stood looking at the sleeping Professor in awe. Ron finally spoke. “Would ya look at all the cuts on his face? This bloke had a serious squabble with someone."
They entered and sat quietly. When Harry was satisfied that the professor was asleep, he told them what he had overheard from the Weasleys. They spent a good bit of time discussing this when all at once Crookshanks jumped down onto the floor and arched his back, his fur suddenly standing on end. He started hissing, spitting and growling towards the door. He fully extended his claws and made ready to pounce. Hermione tried to grab him, but he evaded her grasp. She asked him what the matter was. Obviously, she felt shaken. Harry drew his wand and stood up reaching for the door.
“Harry, don’t go out there!” Hermione and Ron both pleaded with him at the same time. Before Harry could respond, the train stopped.
“Maybe we’re broke down.” Hermione suggested, Ron nodding his head in agreement.
“I don’t think so,” said Harry watching Crookshanks. “I think we’re being boarded.” It was getting dark and very cold. Harry started to back away from the door, because someone was sliding it open. Ginny ran in and screamed, “Harry!” Ron jumped up, reached across, and pulled her to him. “I’m hear Gin, come ‘er by me and sit down. It’s ok.”
Again, the door slid open. “Harry?” It was Neville. “Come in and sit down Neville.” Hermione said with a very shaky voice. Neville tried to go to the sound of her voice and stepped on Crookshanks paw. Crookshanks yeawed loudly, and wanting to get away before Neville’s other foot came down on him, he ran up the nearest thing to him with his claws still out. Unfortunatly this was Ron’s leg.
Howling in pain, Ron threw Crookshanks off him, and was feeling down his leg to see if he still had a leg. The cat landed on Hermione, and felt her trembling. She held him to her tightly. The compartment air turned icy cold, and a vile putrid stench filled the room. A gripping hopelessness draped over each individual constricting their breath within them.
The door slid open again and a hideous thing glided into the room and went straight for Harry. Nobody could move for the paralyzing fear that gripped them.
They watched helplessly as they watched what was happening to Harry. His face turned gravely white. He pointed his wand at it and a red light came out of his wand. It had no effect on the thing. He started gasping for breath as though he was choking. He had a far away stair in his eyes. As he withered to the floor, his eyes slid to the back of his head.
Crookshanks jumped to the floor and went to Harry biting his robe and trying to pull him away. The putrid mouth on the thing was just over Harry’s when a brilliant light came on. The thing suddenly glided away. Professor Lupin put away his wand, and knelt quickly beside Harry and placed a piece of chocolate between Harry’s teeth and cheek.
“Harry,” he said sternly, but not angry. “Come on snap out of it. You’re all right now.” Almost immediately, Harry sharply drew in a deep breath and started struggling.
“I’ve got to help her,” he said weakly. Tears streamed down his face. “Please he said again, “I’ve got to help her. She needs help!” He cryed out in desperation, “Please, God, Help me get to her!”
“Harry, Harry!” Lupin patted his face.
Harry opened his eyes. Everyone was staring at him. They all had wet eyes, and Hermione and Ginny had their fists full of their hair, and biting their bottom lips. Ron’s fists were doubled and pressed against his temples, and shaking his head. Neville stood there with his mouth dropped wide and staring at Harry.
Crookshanks looked on Harry and feeling his desperation and anguish wished he could help him. He knew what was torturing him and yet there wasn’t anything at the moment he could do to help him. Harry started struggling to get up to his seat. Lupin helped him and shoved more chocolate in his mouth. He gave him the rest of the bar, and told him to eat it all. Then he gave a bar to Ron, and said to divide it with everyone there. “I’m going to go and talk to the conducter. I’ll be back with some more chocolate.
Still speechless they all watched Harry. “Ginny, are you ok. I’m sorry, I tried to help, but nothing worked. I couldn’t do anything. What was happening?” Harry asked.
“What are you talking about?” Hermione finally asked.
“The screaming” Harry replied. “It sounded like,” he looked at Ginny, “someone was being killed. I couldn’t see anything. All I could see was a bright green light.”
“No one was screaming, mate, and there wasn’t any green lights.” he said. He was scared for Harry. Had something affected him in some weird way? He looked at the others to see if they were wondering the same thing.
“I heard her screaming.” Harry said again.
“There wasn’t any screaming.” Hermione reassured him.
Harry looked around. He hated the look he was getting from them, except for Ginny. “No one was screeming, and no bright green lights?” he asked.
“No mate, you passed out. You must have dreamed it.”
Harry looked at them disbelieving. They just stood there shaking their heads. “But did any of you, err, pass out?” he asked awkwardly. They shook their heads no.
“But I felt weird though, like I’d never be happy again.” The others nodded in agreement, as Ron spoke. “Ginny was in a bad way, she was shaking horrible! I was scared something had her. Crookshanks went bonkers and tried pulling you away from that thing that had you.
“Thanks Shanks," he said, and put a weak shaky hand on him to pet him, but smiled a weak smile instead. Even just that little bit of effort took all his strength. For some odd reason, just having his hand resting on Crookshanks gave him comfort though. Crookshanks nudged his hand that had the chocolate in it. “You want some chocolate ’Shanks?” Harry, broke off a piece, and offered it to him.
“NO, he wants you to eat more!” Hermione said quickly.
“What was that thing?” Harry asked, as he put the rest of the chocolate in his mouth. He was feeling annoyed at everyone staring at him, and somewhat embarrassed at having passed out.
“It was a Dementor.” Professor Lupin said, as he came back in. “They guard the prisoners at Azkaban. They’re the reason there aren’t any escapes from Azkaban.”
“Except one,” Harry mumbled. Crookshanks looked at Harry. His face was still very pale, sweat was heavy on his face, neck and arms, and his shirt was drenched. Lupin told them they needed to get into their robes because they were nearly there. He took his brief case and was about to leave. “You ok now Harry?” “Yeah, fine” “All right then. I need to arrange some things.” Then he left.
With the events that just happened and Harry much pre-occupied with thoughts such as, “Who was that poor woman screaming, and what happened to her? Did Voltemort send that Dementor? Why was he the only one effected the way he was, and why did he have to pass out? Why didn’t he ask Professor Lupin to give him more chocolate? He could really use another boost. He pulled his robes out, took off his glasses and pulled the soaking wet shirt off, and mopped up his face, neck, chest and armpits. He was wondering what to do with his shirt when he realized everyone was staring at him. “OH!” He said holding his robe to him. “S’cuse me,” he said, “sorry bout that, I was just thi.”
“Just been undressen, ‘s what you just been doing! Ron said with a little envy in his voice. “Hermione doesn’t need to see ya naked and Ginny already dreams of you twenty-four hours a day every day of the week!”
“Oy!” Ginny abruptly exclaimed, boxed Ron’s ears, and ran out.
“You need to learn some tact Ronald Weasley, so you don’t just spout out the first stupid thing that pea sized brain of yours thinks of! I’m going to change with Ginny.” Hermione said with contempt in her voice.
Neville smiled as he turned away from Ron and Harry, “I need to go to my compartment and change too.”
Ron was totally flabbergasted. “What!” he exclaimed rolling his eyes. “You’re the one undressing in front of the girls, and I’m the one getting hit and yelled at!”
Harry flopped down on the seat. He was using up all the strength he had trying not to laugh at the injustices his friend was feeling.
“AND if you’re going to sit around half-naked then you should, (he yanked down the shades on the door.) At least be private about it!" There had been quite a few girls goggling at Harry. Harry looked at Crookshanks as he jumped up beside him. He winked and jerked his head at Ron and said, “What d’ya think, Shanks, is he being a little thin-skinned?”
Ron rounded on him, about to yell at him. However, seeing Harry still so weak and white, laughed instead. “C’mon, let me help you get this confounded robe on ya, so you don’t pass out from over exertion.”
“Thanks mate, I wish I could just get my strength back.”
“Here mate, I never did divvy this up.”
“Ah, thanks loads, this really does help.” Harry took it, broke it in half and gave Ron half, then ate the half he kept.
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 07:48 PM.