Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Eleven
It's near the end of summer and I'm at the beach with my buddies, Michael Creed, Simon Dayton, Jacob Zyre, Valentine Pint, Zoe Swift and Gabrielle Delacour. We are having the time of our lives, except for the fact that I.. Just insulted Jacob's house, Slytherin. Here's exactly what I said.” Most of the Slytherins are jerks.” I laughed next thing I knew Jake picked me up and threatened to drop me hard.” LET GO OF ME IDIOT!” I shouted at him, he clearly didn't, the big meanie! See, I knew it, Slytherins are by definition jerks.
“ Let me down you great big oaf!” I shrieked in anger. Yet held on tightly to Jacob who continued to glare at me.” T'isn't funny now put me down before you get us killed or something of that sort.” I resorted to hitting his back, but it didn't work obviously. He refused to put me back down. Valentine watched from the shore, from safety, and laughed at us two teenagers, to anyone that didn't us they would have probably thought Jacob and I were dating, ugh!” I'll count to three and if you don't put me on the ground I'll call Michael!”
“ Your not going anywhere till you take back what you said about Slytherins. Most of my house members aren't jerks or evil, take it back or else.” Jacob threatened me in return much to my annoyance. He didn't mind that I'd call Michael, probably because there like the best of friends.” Are you ready to apologize?” I shook my head furiously, standing by what I said, well mentally standing by what I said. I couldn't exactly do that when I was being squeezed near to death by a hundred and forty pound idiot.
“ Jake.” Michael showed up, now I was worried, I wasn't sure who he'd side with, me or Jacob.” She said most, and it's true. Most doesn't mean all the girls who fawn over you.” I almost laughed at this as Jacob glared at Michael.” Now stop torturing the poor girl.” I would have said thank you but Michael grabbed me and started to spin me around.” That's my job.” He added. MICHAEL IS SUCH A JERK! Haha, but he's cute at times also.” What's with the huge grin Calypso?” I wasn't going to tell him what I was thinking, not just yet.
*** A few weeks later.
I got through the barrier to platform 9 ¾, and the other girls followed me. The boys had been about here like twenty minutes. So we had to find them, the first I noticed was Jake. He was on the top of the train, doing flips and handstands, showing off for the girls. Zoe narrowed her eyes at a couple of the girls cheering him on. I looked around for Simon and Michael, they had to be somewhere. Aha! Simon was standing with his younger sister talking with her, she looked annoyed with him, as usual. And there was Mickey. Ugh, he was snogging his current girlfriend Jasmine Crystal Moore a.k.a J.C, Slytherin princess and a total jerk.
“ I'm sure Michael will come around someday Callie.” Valentine patted my back in a slightly reassuring way. I half laughed, glaring at J.C. We hated each other, though Michael didn't know, she was very careful to be extra nice to me when he was around.” Alright, let's round up our heard then send of Jake and Mickey to the prefects compartment.” I was amazed that they actually managed to get the prefect title, with all the trouble they caused. Nodding I headed off to get Simon, not wanting to have to deal with J.C drama this early in the morning, crap! She was headed right towards me, on purpose! The stupid prat!
“ Hey mudblood.. How the hell did you get my boyfriend to stay with you during the summer?” Jasmine's sidekick Elsa Avery showed up behind her. I hated those two girls with passion.” Look here, stay away from Michael. He's mine mudblood, and I don't want your type of scum messing up his brain.. Stay away from him or else.. Well, I'll find out I don't need Mike no more, and bye bye goes all your dreams.” I so wanted to slap her right now! How dare she, how could she say that?! Mickey and I have been friends ever since my first year! She didn't get to know him till like, last year! What the heck.
“ Hi Callie.” Michael showed up, stopping my retort to the little stuck up Slytherin girl.” I'll see you two later, got to get to the prefect compartment.” He kissed Jasmine again then disappeared. J.C and I glared at each other for a little bit, not saying anything. I was stuck with a decision and I knew it, lose Michael to Jasmine, or lose him to death. I took a deep ragged breath, knowing that she was expecting a answer. Even though she knew which I would say, she just wanted to see me admit to defeat. I really, really want to kill her.
“ Fine, I'll stay away from Michael..” I threw Jasmine one last loathing look then turned away and headed back to Simon.” Let's go get on the train. It's going to leave soon and we need our own compartment.” I muttered looking away from him, not wanting Simon to see my tears. It was to late though, he did. Fortunately he knew better then to question me, at least right here. There was a uncomfortable silence between us as we found a place to sit.
“ So, want to talk about it.. Or is this one of those things you need a girl for?” Simon asked several minutes after the train started, we were waiting for the rest of our group, he was also handing me some chocolate. I have to say, he's the sweetest of all the boys. He gets me chocolate, knowing it's a girl thing. I shrugged, not sure what it classified as.” Okay.. Well, if you need to talk, I'm around.” He said hugging me, I hugged him back, glad that I knew someone like him. Suddenly someone cleared there throat. I looked up, letting go of Simon.” Oh, hey Michael.”
I almost greeted him also, but remembered what Jasmine said, and refrained from speaking.” Uh, hey Simon, Calypso.” Michael sat down looking out the window, leaving us three in a uncomfortable silence. After a little bit Valentine, Zoe and Gabrielle showed up. They started chatter immediately, saving me from weirdness. Kind of, I could feel Michael's eyes boring in to my skull as if to find out what was wrong with me. I decided to stare out the window, ignoring Michael completely, something that obviously.. Was noticed.
“ Hey.. Something wrong Calypso?” Valentine asked, she was sitting on my right, and Simon was on my left. I was sitting directly across from Michael unfortunately. Turning towards Val slightly I shook my head, knowing full well that no one believed me. And now everyone was watching me, with a roll of my eyes I watched the fields rolling by as the train gained more speed as the time went by.” O-okay. Not that I believe that.” She glanced at me again, I hated it sometimes when my friends worried about me. I knew it was good that they did, but it got on my nerves sometimes.
“ Look, the food trolley's here.” Michael said suddenly a little while later. I looked up, I loooved the food cart.” You want anything Callie?” He turned to me, I felt tempted to say yes, but I just shook my head, again. That probably just upped everyone's suspicion of me, greaat. Have I mentioned how much I hate J.C? Well I do, speaking of the devil.” Hey Jazz, come on in.” Michael smiled warmly at her as she knocked on the compartment, Jasmine seated herself on Mickey's lap, smirking victoriously at me.” You sure you don't want anything Calypso?”
“ No. I'm fine. Gosh.” I glared Michael, oh, how slick! I just got them even MORE suspicious. I turned to talk with Simon, angry at Michael.” So, what were you talking about with your sister earlier? She looked annoyed, oh wait that didn't have to do with S.A.I.C did it?” I laughed slightly, remembering Simon's and mine two person club. He nodded, I laughed harder. Basically everyone else looked clueless, good thing too, if Jacob knew.. I'd be dead.” We dropped that ages ago. It lasted for like, two minutes then Peyton showed up and eventually told your sister, and tried to kill us for it. Ah, what good memories from our time of insolence as first years.”
“ Yep.. Peyton was hilarious. Remember when she found us talking about S.A.I.C a few weeks later, she like started shooting random spells at us. Wasn't the first protego? That.. That was, that was perfect. And she did it right in the middle of were Filch was trying to walk. Good thing we have fast legs.” Simon joined in my laughter, S.A.I.C, Slytherins Are Idiots Club, was Simon's and mine's weirdest invention, ever. But the best also. Michael was back to staring at me again, it was awkward. I was on the verge of just walking out not saying anything. Finally I did, I just stood up and left not saying anything. Tears started to leave my eyes as I fell against a wall.
“ Calypso.” NO! NO! NO! Michael put a hand on my shoulder and I closed my eyes, scared. What was he doing here.” Calypso, what's wrong. And don't tell me nothing is, this isn't like you at all.. You don't cry randomly.” I refused to look at him, knowing if I did I'd just cry harder, I didn't want to loose Mickey, but Jasmine gave me no choice. Telling Michael that I won't be his friend anymore was going to be near impossible. Make that basically impossible now, he had just pulled me in to a hug. I hated myself as the words began forming in my mind. I was scared for Michael, I was scared for myself. I was.. Scared, I was as scared as much as I had been when I was kidnapped by Lucius.
“ If anything's wrong with me it's non of your business.” I pulled away from Michael and started to walk away but he caught my arm and turned me to face him. My blue eyes met his own deep brown ones. I couldn't make myself tear my gaze from him. Everything felt so right, to be here with him holding me. Michael watched me confused, staring back in to my eyes. Trying to find out what was wrong with me, I'd never acted like this before. I just couldn't bring myself to say what I had to say, I didn't even want to say them. It also occurred to me just how close I was to Michael, our foreheads were almost touching.
“ Callie, it is my business. I'm your friend.” Michael's tone was cold and serious.” Now, what is wrong with you?” He repeated, I took a deep breath frightened, he'd never sounded like this before, wait.. Once, when some Slytherin was trying to beat me up. I didn't answer, not knowing what to say. Finally I looked away from him, but not for long. Michael took my head in his hands and forced me to face him. It was really weird.” Calypso, what's wrong? You've never acted like this before. Did I do something, did someone else do something?” His tone was full of worry, again. I hate worry, especially from Michael. It's kind of creepy.
“ Look.. We aren't friends, we can't be friends, we won't be friends. Just leave me alone.” I said it, I can't believe I said it, I lost my first ever friend, because.. Because I loved him, that made NO sense. Someone please help me now! I saw the look of pain on Michael's face, he knew I wasn't joking, I wouldn't kid around with things as serious as this. I swear if I wanted to I could lean over and kiss him, I was tempted to. But it would make the whole situation worse.” We just can't, know each other. I find no reason to, hang around with you.” I continued with out even meaning to. And then the temptation overwhelmed me I leaned in and kissed Michael, before walking away.
I finally found another empty compartment and cried myself to sleep in it. Not waking up till I felt someone shaking me slightly.” Wha-What?!” I snapped sitting up, I noticed it was Simon.” Oh sorry Sim, really sorry. Didn't know it was you. Are we there yet?” I asked worried. Simon nodded, accepting my apology, then helped me up. We had to run and jump to get off the train in time, I hugged him.” Thank you.” I grinned then we made our way and barely caught the last carriage.” So, what happened after I left?” I asked after a few moments of silence. Simon looked like he was thinking this over, obviously something had happened.
“ Well everyone's reactions to you leaving were a little dramatic, Mickey totally freaked thinking he did something and ran after you. Jasmine was furious with him for doing that and then stormed out. Gabrielle started screeching at the top of her lungs, we found out later she saw a mouse. Jacob almost fell out of the window trying to do some weird trick,showing off for Zoe obviously, I don't get why they won't tell each other why they won't tell each other they like each other. Valentine thought she said something wrong and started crying hysterically. And I was clueless.” Simon said, I almost laughed at Jasmine's reaction, it sounded so.. Her!” Also I was being pestered about what S.A.I.C is, didn't work out quite so well.”
“ Typical Jacob, all he does is show off. So right after I left.. He started showing off?! Weirdo.” I did laugh, finally the carriage arrived at Hogwarts. And we got to get in, I saw that Michael was sitting with Zoe and Gabrielle near the front of the Gryffindor table. Jacob, Jasmine and Elsa were at the Slytherin table and Valentine was with her Ravenclaw friends.” Let's sit at this end, I.. I'm not currently on the best of terms with Michael.” I muttered sitting down at the opposite end, Simon said nothing and sat down next to me, I briefly met Michael's gaze then looked down at my plate trying not to cry. I was so glad I didn't...