Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: uhhmm, that place?
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Raylee Storm Mosman Second Year | LiveLaughLoveDream
thanks guys!! and....*drum roll* here is the much anticipated new chapter!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Chapter Eight – Can You Pass The Salt?
Indie sighed in accomplishment, as she placed her broom against the wall. All the doxies had been swept up and destroyed, the dusting was done, there was a new cover on the lounges, and there was even light peeking in.
“I think it’s lunch time now,” Harry said, as he turned to Ron. Before he could say anything however, his stomach grumbled violently.
“I think Ron agrees,” Hermione said, causing those in the room to laugh.
Indie laughed also, as she looked around.
“Hey, where are my brothers and sisters?” she asked. She thought it was far too…lonely at the moment amongst the best friends and the Weasley siblings.
“Oh,” Mrs Weasley began, flustered, “they are attempting to clean out Kreacher’s cupboard.”
“Good luck to them,” Harry said, nudging Indie in the arm playfully with his elbow, both of them laughing quietly.
Ginny cleared her throat loudly.
“Shall we go downstairs then?” she said immediately, “See how they’re going…”
Indie glanced quickly at Ginny, who appeared to be giving her an evil look. But, since she only glanced, Indie figured the stench of Doxy repellent was getting to her.
“Let’s go!” Indie cried happily, as she sprung up from her seat and moved quickly toward the door, followed eagerly by Harry, Ron, Fred and George. Mrs Weasley and Ginny followed close behind.
Stomping down the stairs talking and laughing, Indie and the others discussed horrid house cleaning, and their upcoming return to Hogwarts. They were all in Gryffindor, so it was safe to say they spent much of the year together. Indie and her triplet, Bella shared a dormitory with Hermione and a couple of other girls, while Anton, her other triplet, was in a room with Ron and Harry. Also, Melanie and Paul, her older twin siblings, were in the same year as Fred and George Weasley.
There was never nothing to talk about.
Taking their seats around the table, they continued to talk. The others, Indie’s siblings and the older house guests, such as Tonks, Lupin and Sirius had also made their way to the kitchen.
“I swear,” Paul said, sitting opposite Indie and next to George, “people’s stomachs tell them when lunch is supposed to be.”
Bella, who sat on Indie’s left nodded vigorously.
“I know!” she added, “Everyone just manages to end up here at like, exactly one o’clock!”
Small laughter and nodding in agreement occurred, as Mrs Weasley passed plates down to everyone.
“Here, Anton, pass it all the way down…no, Indie that’s for Sirius not Harry…Tonks! Don’t drop the plates please!”
There was laughter again, which followed a crash in the previous moment. A blushing Tonks retrieved all the pieces from the floor and Mrs Weasley took it from her, shaking her head.
After the plates were passed successfully, with only the one klutzy moment from Tonks, the food started to follow.
Almost all the seats were taken up by Order members and the kids, so the chatter was increasing slightly each minute. On Indie’s left, was her sister Bella, to her right, sat Harry. Sirius was on Harry’s right, at the end of the table. To his right, sat Lupin, then Paul, George and Fred. Opposite the Weasley twins, sat the remaining Stewarts, Anton and Melanie, then Scott to their left. Lupin was opposite Scott, with Tonks to his left, then Moody on his right. Mr Weasley took the other head of the table, while Mrs Weasley sat next to Tonks. Indie’s parents, Mikaela and Taylor sat between Scott and Mr Weasley, leaving only one seat empty.
During Order meetings, that was usually Snape’s seat. Unfortunately (well, fortunately to some) Snape was off somewhere with the Dark Lord, spying, running errands and things like that. Harry was determined that Snape was evil, but Indie knew better.
“Hey, Indie,” Harry said, nudging her again and bringing her back to earth, “can you pass the salt?”
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