Disclaimer: The jabberwocky belongs to Lewis Carrol, who created it.
Chapter Six: Shattered Mirror
And as the rain starts to fall I just want more,
Woah! I just want all of it, I want more,*
Love, it comes in different ways, different forms, different songs, different hearts. But of all people, of all ways, of all hearts. It had to afflict mine. I sighed staring at the folders that had been turned in at the end of the week. Work wasn't hard for me. It was just.. Life, life was hard for me. There come times in a life when you hate people, and when you really hate people. And now, now was a time when I really hated Ronald Weasley. Not because of who he was, what he's done, well not exactly. I just hate the fact that Hermione Granger, had fallen for him. And when he died, she died basically, and when he came alive, she came alive.. But left me. In a way.
Groaning and yawning I put away my papers and started to leave the ministry. I had to get over Hermione, she had her guy.. And they were as happy as can be together. I headed down stairs and was surprised to see someone there, very surprised, upon seeing who it was. Natalia Blake was standing there reading a book. Probably zoned off as usual, she did that so often at school it wasn't funny. She looked up and saw me watching her and blinked a few times, probably not noticing it was this late before. Natalia walked over to me.
We then exited the almost completely empty ministry together, in silence. We weren't exactly friends at Hogwarts, though I knew her because Daphne's younger sister Astoria was friends with Natalia. I also knew she was/is dating Theodore Nott. I haven't spoken with most of my friends from Hogwarts recently, something that Blaise tells me I should do. The two of us started walking down the deserted alleyway into muggle London. Still not speaking. We then boarded some sort of local transport, that honestly I couldn't remember the name of.
We exited at some random stop and ended up sitting down in a cafe together, really weird. Seeing as neither of us where talking to each other. Not long after we sat down a waitress approached us, she had long blonde hair and looked familiar for some reason. Natalia smiled at her, and nodded when she asked if Natalia wanted her usual. Then turned to me. I ordered some earl grey then turned to face Natalia. Wondering what we were doing.
“ Hey Dray.” She half smiled at me, playing with her cappuccino, but watching me all the same.” We haven't talked in some time.. But I've seen you every now and then at the ministry, never would have believed it if someone told me, you. Working at the ministry.” Natalia laughed sweetly then glanced at the time on a clock on the other side of the room. It was almost eleven, she motioned for the waitress to sit down next to her.” You two probably haven't seen each other in, what.. Two? Three, years. Astoria, I'm surprised, you said you would keep up with your Hogwarts friends.
“ Heya Nat.” I didn't return the smile, feeling queasy inside. Then it hit me, our waitress was Astoria! That was surprising, I didn't think she would be working in.. Muggle London.” I can work, when and were I want.” I retorted, knowing she didn't mean that offensively. But still, I wasn't exactly in my best mood. Natalia raised her eyebrows at me suspicious, great. First Blaise, now some girl I haven't talked with in ages.” 'Lo Astoria. How have you been recently?” I asked managing a small smile. Being angsty wasn't exactly fun.
“ Ha! You can work..” Astoria commented dryly, noticing my expression she quickly fixed what she said.” Er, just kidding, didn't mean it that way.” She went a slight red and resorted to taking a sip of her tea.” I've been, I've been good, yourself?” I shrugged, not exactly sure how to respond. She nodded in slight understanding.” Hey, Nat. Have you called Kim yet? I can't go to the brunch tomorrow, though I've already made the pound cake. If you could take it for me that would be really nice.” Natalia looked slightly confused but nodded.
“ May I ask why you can't go to the brunch tomorrow.”She said, I really got annoyed normally when people did that, why are you asking if you can ask if your asking it already. Well basically, I kinda ignore the times when I do that. Cause I'm perfect. In my thinking I obviously missed something that happened between Natalia and Astoria, because the former was talking again.” Oh, okay. That makes sense. I'll tell Kimberly you can't come. But it's kinda sad, Selene Davies said that she and Roger had a little baby left on there doorstep, his name is Riley.”
“ Ooh, I love babies! To bad I can't come. Take lot's of pictures for me please.” Astoria laughed slightly. The door thing rang as a small group entered. They were all bickering. What surprised me was of who the group consisted of, George, Fleur and Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Hermione.” Ah one sec let me go get these peoples orders. Wow, lot's of late night people. Surprise, surprise.” Astoria got up and headed over to them.” WOAH! Hi Luna, it's been ages since I talked with you, meaning like yesterday.” She smiled at the girl.
“ Hello Tori, mind if we sit with you and Draco, oh and Natalia?” Hermione asked hugging Astoria. The latter shook her head and beckoned for the group to sit down.” 'Lo Nat, Dray.” Hermione smiled a little shyly at me. She then sat down next to Natalia who waved to her.” Um, Ginny and Fleur want mocha's, Luna brought her own drink which she made before we left, George.. George and I will take firewhiskey's if you have any.” She looked around, Astoria nodded then disappeared for about a minute and came back with everyone's drinks.
“ A firewhiskey, that's a little strong Mione.” I glanced at her suspicious, she laughed. Natalia and Astoria looked surprised that I was getting along so well with Hermione.” Oh yea, Blaise says hi and that he misses your sarcastic humor. Winky's also a little upset that she doesn't get to make you strange, exotic meals anymore.” I laughed slightly, remembering what Winky said. I saw Natalia's jaw drop at my words. Hermione joined in to my laughter, shaking her head in wonder.” And well, it's a little weird with out you now, I miss you also.”
“ WOAH! Someone call St Mungo's I'm having delusions.” Ginny randomly said, basically everyone turned to her, except Hermione who was staring at me.” Er, well, did Ferret really just say that?! I mean like, seriously, am I the only one hearing things?” Ginny cleared her throat looking expectantly at George who was now staring at his firewhiskey looking glum. Fleur was trying to act pleasantly puzzled but it wasn't working. And Astoria had walked off because her boss called her.” Come on people, it's not like I asked the most impossible thing in the world.”
“ I don't think your having delusions, maybe a few wrackspurts are affecting you Ginny.” Luna said calmly still staring at her friend.” It think it's sweet that Draco misses Hermione, after everything at Hogwarts.” There was sudden loud choking emitting from George, he happened to be taken a sip as Luna spoke.” Are you alright George? Was there a jabberwocky baby in your drink?” Hermione hid her face in her hands at this. Luna really was the strangest.
“ Um.. No I don't think so.” George refrained from asking what a jabberwocky was. He glanced at Hermione who was still hiding behind her hands.” Um, why are you staring at me like that Ginny?” He asked as he noticed his sister's eyes went large and started to watch him like a hawk. She blinked then turned away not answering at first. After a while the tension and quietness grew to a amount that she couldn't help herself starting to blurt out what was on her mind, something that George rather regretted she did.
“ Is it true, that you and Angelina.. Broke up?” Ginny said, everyone turned to face George now.” I mean, Angelina was crying the other day and well, she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. And I noticed you weren't either.” George paled slightly as his sister continued.” Also, I've noticed that you and her hardly ever speak now. So, some kind of explanation would be nice. I am your sister, you do owe me one. And if you give me the explanation and I like it, I just might break up with Dean. Fair deal don't you think?”
“ Look Ginny.. We've been arguing for ages, we both saw it coming.” George muttered not meeting her gaze.” We broke up.. About a week or so ago, it really isn't a big deal.” It was Fleur's turn to cough, she quickly excused Ginny and her outside.” Uh right, so.. Luna, hows life been treating you so far? Neville asked the big question yet?” Luna shook her head looking slightly saddened.” It's okay, he'll come to someday and ask you.”
“ Yea, when the sky falls down.” Natalia rolled her eyes, I glanced at her before returning to my tea.” Seriously, he has as much courage as.. I don't know.” She paused looking around for help.” He has as much courage as a little mouse! He can't be taken seriously.” I really think that she has problems, she is in a group which consists mainly of Gryffindor's, well kinda. Friends of Neville anyways.” Doesn't anyone agree with me? He has no-”
“ He's plenty brave Nate.” I spoke up, everyone was shocked.” In his first year he took on Crabbe and Goyle, solo.” I looked at ceiling, feeling basically everyone's gazes on me.” Well, it's late. I'm going to crash. Take care you all.” I stood up, paying for mine and Natalia's drink then left with out further adieu. I noticed that Hermione was still watching me, it was rather weird. Once I got in to the swirling winds of snow and sleet, I apparated. My heart was like a shattered mirror.
*** Hermione's PoV
“ That was a little odd.” I laughed, Fleur and Ginny had re-entered the room, after Draco left. And stared at me confused.” Well, it is late as Draco said. I'm going home, gotta clean the mess that Ron left me before he went away to who knows where.” I stood up and hugged Natalia and Astoria before starting to leave, George offered to walk me home, which I gratefully accepted. We walked in silence most of the way, having nothing to say. It was a little awkward I have to admit, but there were some not so nice people on the street, I was glad for protection.
“ Well, sweet dreams Hermione.” George half smiled at me as we arrived at the door to Ron and mines flat. Currently just mine because Ron was in Germany for a little while. I nodded, trying, and fortunately succeeding in smiling back. We stood there for a few seconds till George kissed me on the cheek then left, leaving me there stunned, and confused.” Good night, take care.” And with that he left and apparated away. This night was really scaring me, I planned on clearing my head tonight. And trying to escape from all the strangeness of the world
I eventually drifted off in to a troubled sleep, the dream I've been having for the past few nights reoccurring. It made no sense to me or Ron, no matter what ways we looked at it, it had no point, no reason to be in my mind. But it still kept coming back, and repeating itself, limiting my sleep. I hated it more then anything, well not as much as I hated Ane, if I had to choose which to never have to see again it would be the girl.
You, mudblood, are accused of brutally murdering your husband after he did his best to make up for your lack of wizarding blood.” The judge leered at me, he reminded me of Harry for some odd reason.” You accepted it freely, you tried to steal his magic, and then you killed him after he did so much for you.” I glared at the judge but was scared all the same, even though this happened every night. I could see millions of people in the crowds jeering at me.
“ I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!” Ginny shrieked at me, I knew I had lost my last and only friend.” HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO DRACO AFTER ALL HE DID FOR YOU?!” She yelled before turning and running away, I was shaking in my chair as people began to throw spells at me, then I was brought outside and my head was laid on a chopping block, the last thing I saw was Ron laughing manically with a battle ax.
I awoke breathing heavily and slipped out of bed after putting on a jacket, even though I was sweating, it was freezing cold. Pouring myself some orange juice I tried to calm myself down, I had the dream, again. I then decided to get dressed even though it was only one am and take a walk. My walk refreshed me, it made me, calm again, well that is what it normally did. As I walked the nightmare kept playing over and over in my head. It wouldn't stop coming back, it chilled me to the bone, after what seemed years of walking, and it was probably only a few minutes, I passed out.
* Down on Me: Written by me,
Is it just me or is that chapter weird?