It's rather short compared to the rest. But it is here none the less
Chapter Five: Destroyed Memories
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger,
Til there before your eyes,*
Love is our resistance,
They'll keep us apart and they,
wont to stop breaking us down,**
Hermione slipped down the soft gray marble staircase and then she entered the living room where Blaise said that Draco would be." Hey, you look tired." She commented sitting down next to Draco who placed down his book a faint smile creeping on to his face." I came to say goodbye. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving with Ron. We will either buy a flat and live there or stay at The Burrow, and. I wanted to say.." Hermione paused, closing her eyes for a few moments before re-opening them." I wanted to say thank you. For everything and anything. I guess that your not as bad as I once thought you were. And I'm really lucky to have had you as my boss."
" I am tired. Had? I take it your going to settle down with Ron, I wish you both the best of luck." Draco was still smiling but Hermione could tell there was pain in his deep gray eyes, she wondered why but wasn't going to find out any time soon." Well. I best be getting ready for my trip, which as you guessed has nothing to do with business. And you should be getting some more rest." Draco stood up then helped Hermione off the couch. Hermione gave him one last half smile before leaving the room and heading up to talk with Ron. Her conversation with Draco had been short and pleasant. Yet at the same time slightly confusing.
" Hey Mione, been waiting for you. How did things go with fer-Draco?" Ron barely caught himself in time to not call Draco Malfoy, ferret. Ever since his fourth year he, Hermione, Ginny and Harry had taken a liking to that nickname for Draco. Hermione said nothing and just hugged Ron tightly." How have things been, for you, Harry, Ginny, everyone, especially George?" Ron asked with a slight groan seating back down on the bed, Hermione moved on to his lap and kissed him lightly before responding.
" Things went.. Alright, I've been okay. Harry and Ginny are a subject no one likes to talk about, especially them. Harry's dating Blaise's cousin and I think Ginny is dating Dean again." Hermione sighed with a tiny hint of disappointment in her tone, Ron looked ready to murder Dean.” Oh calm down please! It's Harry's fault.. Er, well kinda. And, George has been, slightly off.. He's dating Angelina and everything is going okay as far as I know. But he and Angelina have been rocky for some time. It's so. Weird. And he randomly pops up in my office to talk with me. Maybe it's because he had lost two brothers and one of them w-is my boyfriend and that. Well it would be easier to talk with me.”
“ I really want to murder Harry! He was supposed, is supposed to make my sister happy and NOT hurt her.” Ron was furious and wasn't doing anything to not show it.” I really hope that George is doing okay. I don't want things to get worse for him.” He settled down a little bit with Hermione's help.” I just can't.. Why aren't they dating.. Ah, it's not my place to tell them what to do.” He rolled his eyes. Hermione noticed that Ron's face was getting darker, not with anger, but from something else which Hermione couldn't tell what it was.
“ Yea, will deal with that later. I'm really tired and need sleep or else.. Or else I'll just. Well, not do so well tomorrow.” She stopped herself from saying that Draco wouldn't be happy, she didn't need Ron her case about that. Things were working out perfectly so far with him, Hermione wasn't going to ruin it all with talk about Malfoy. Soon enough the both of them settled off to sleep, and Hermione was happier then she had been in a long, long time. Finally dawn came upon the two of them, and it came fast, before Hermione knew it, it was already four in the afternoon. Ron and her had just finished a meeting with someone about renting a flat.
“ I can't believe it! We've got a place to stay. That's so awesome Ron!” Hermione cried happily kissing her newly alive boyfriend again. He just smiled at her.” So I guess we have to go to the Burrow now.. Wow, that will be creepy seeing that the last time I went there..” She just trailed off and hugged Ron tightly and kissing him again.” Yea. I'll apparate us there if you like.” With out waiting for a answer she turned on the spot still holding on to Ron. Within a few seconds they were just outside of the Burrows boundaries.” Here we are, home sweet home.”
“ WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY!” They both jumped as Ginny's voice carried across the wide open glade.” YOUR NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT YOU-You've destroyed my life.” Tears started to erupt from her eyes the couple noticed as they approached the house. Harry and Ginny were behind it talking, well more like arguing.” You've destroyed all my good memories that you've given me, even the ones that.. Just don't talk to me Harry. You've really done it this time. Leave me alone.” She turned away from the black haired man to get some peace and was surprised to see Hermione and. Ron?!” What is-Ron?” She asked in a shaky voice.
“ Gin.” Ron's eyes lit up happily as he pulled his sister in to a bear hug and twirled her around before placing her down back on the green grass.” I've really missed you.” Ginny stared at him in shock.” It's really a long story, I promise I'll tell you someday. But not right now, I've got to go see-” He broke off as Fleur walked out the back door to find out what was going on.” Oh uh. Hey Fleur.. Harry.” Ron smiled sheepishly at the both of them who joined Ginny in staring at him.” Did I uh, grow another arm or something?”
“ RON!?” Ginny was the first to get over her shock she hugged her brother back as hard as she could. He only then noticed her hair was black.” OH MY GOSH! RON!” Soon everyone inside the Burrow came running, wondering if Ginny was mental.” Ron.” She repeated, refusing to let go of her brother.” How-Why? When?” Ginny sobbed into is shoulder.” You owe us a explanation and.. Oh, you scared me near to death!”
“ RONALD!” Molly Weasley ran over to her youngest son and enveloped him into a hug. Kissing his forehead.” HOW!? How are you.. What happened?” She asked with a expression of worry creeping on to her face. Hermione knew she and Ron
and Harry had lot's of explaining to do. Soon enough all of the family and a few friends were sitting down in the living room of the Burrow hugging Ron and congratulation him and Hermione who where now engaged, again.
*** America
“ Why, hello.. Long time no see, I must say. I did not expect to see you ever, again.” Ane Pine-White smirked at her visitor, who was sitting across from her in a black leather seat. He didn't look amused.” Oh come off it, stop being grouchy handsome.. Have to put on a smile for your ogling fan-girls now don't you hon? Sometimes I wonder why some of the hardcore fans have to put up with all the anger and sadness there beauties spout off.” She giggled as she examined her fingernails adorned with black nail-polish.
“ Shut up.” Draco continued to glower at Ane who looked taken back.” Just shut up unless I address you to answer a question. Now here's the first. Why did you take a liking to the Weasley boy? I thought you were still in morning about Alexander when the British Auror's visited the US to track the remaining Death Eaters that took refuge here.” Ane's bubble from her gum she was chewing made a sudden loud pop as she stared at Draco in shock.
“ You know, my only regret is that I had to kill the man. Britain comes out with such charming fellows every now and then.. Like you, but then everything bad happens to them.” She leaned over her desk to examine Draco's face.” Look babe, that Weasley boy attracts trouble by the looks of it. And I adore, no I love trouble.” Ane smacked her glistening red lips together forming a half smirk.” He had a air of.. Bravery around him, must have been a Gryffindor at school.. Unlike a certain coward I'm talking to. Trouble and Bravery, are my two favoritest qualities.”
“ Your drawling on and on is really annoying me Ane.” Draco's jaw tightened, and his eyes flared for a millisecond when she called him a coward but calmed.” That still doesn't explain why you stole a guy, don't give me that look. You knew fully well that he was engaged to Hermione Granger. And you used a love potion. That's low, even for you Ane.. And trust me I know how low you can sink when you want to get your hands on someone.”
“ You would know darling.. You would.” Ane's smirk didn't leave her face this time.” Well, you see, here I was falling desperately in love with a man who was already taken. And a love potion had antidotes, there are ways to avoid that also. So no, I didn't use that. Imperious curse was all I needed. Simple and easy, you would know that also, handsome.” Draco face-palmed, if Ane kept up the 'handsome' stuff he'd blow.
“ Falling desperately in love? That only happens in dumb, cheesy, romance novels that Pansy Parkinson reads in her spare time.” He choked, banging his head against the back of his seat in annoyance.” The.. Your are so bloody heartless, you don't give a crap for anyone but yourself, do you?” Draco glared daggers at Ane who feigned a look of innocence, it would have worked on anyone or at least any male. Any but Draco.
“ Hey, cutie just because I'm different doesn't mean I'm evil.” Ane scoffed, rolling her eyes at Draco.” And just cause I don't care about most of the people I hurt doesn't mean I'm heartless, my hearts still beating last time I checked.. Though I don't check often.” She sneered, sitting up straight in her chair.” And speaking of Pansy, hows my girl doing? Still trying to persuade her guy that she's not as bad as she looks, gosh that girl has problems. And falling desperately in love happens to a lot of people. The mudblood fell desperately in love with Ron. Why are you making such a deal about one small thing anyways?”
“ Don't call her a mudblood.” Draco snapped.” Now, here is what your going to do, like it or not. Your going to apologize to Hermione Granger, with out insulting her in the slightest, turn yourself in for what you did and plead guilty.” Ane's jaw dropped in amazement. She stared at Draco for a full two minutes not saying anything.” Don't stare at me like that, it's not like I'm half hippopotamus or something of that sort. Sheesh girl.”
“ That's rather demanding of you sweetie, you expect me to turn myself in after apologising to this Granger girl then plead guilty of all things. Babe, I think your a little messed up in that cute head of yours.” Ane laughed harshly but stared at Draco in puzzlement still.” Your not serious are you? Because if you are, your incredibly crazy.” She stopped laughing as she commented dryly, squinting at Draco as if there was something she could barely see that held the answer to this whole thing.” Look honey, is this all some sort of elaborate-”
“ The plan is not elaborate, it's simple. Apologize, turn yourself in, plead guilty, and we won't have to deal with all the side crap and stuff. They may even make your time in azkaban shorter if you behave throughout all this and have the perfect emotion of real regret for what you did, you destroyed numerous lives of happy people with, and I quote, 'one small thing' as you call it.” Draco cut across Ane barely stopping himself from a rant.” Do what I tell you too or else I'll take you to your sisters, then to Alexander's family, then I'll leave at the mercy of the Weasley family. I've heard they have tempers to be reckoned with.”
“ You wouldn't dare!” Ane sat up straight, her lower lip trembling with traces of fear, but even as she spoke those four syllables she knew he would dare.” So, no matter what I'm stuck in the trash pit. You were always really clever, and handsome.” She regained control of her emotions as she leaned back in her comfy suede chair, tapping her fingers on the armrest in thought.” There wouldn't happen to be a third door, choice, would there?” Draco shook his head briefly not taking his cold eyes off of Ane.” Didn't think so, oh well, was at least worth a shot.” Ane muttered, but Draco heard.” I prefer humilation then getting apart so plan A.”
“ Thought so, you never really were one for pain, except for when it came from you causing it on someone other then yourself.” Draco spat standing up, Ane also stood up. Lowering her colorless eyes to the ground.” Don't forget what happens if you don't follow through, and don't try and run. I will track you down.” With a swish of his robes Draco walked out of the room leaving Ane there alone breathing heavily. She didn't want to die. Not just yet. A tear found it's way to her eye and Ane quickly wiped it away, she felt guilty for once in her life.
“ What am going to do with Riley?” She mumbled as more tears started to spring to her eyes. Ane glanced over at the locked door then walked over to it. Peeking in to it, the male infant lay fast asleep with his auburn hair laying in his blue eyes which resembled a certain Ron Weasley's.” Sleep well, you may never see your mother again.” Ane approached the bed wrapping the one year old up in several blankets before heading back to her desk and scribbling down a note which she tucked in to the folds of one of the blankets. All her memories of this child would soon be destroyed
*** The next morning, a doorstep in California.
“ That's not funny! Get back here you little idiot!” Selene Davies slapped her husband but laughed all the same. She then made her way outside and was surprised to see a infant laying on the ground wrapped up in blankets.” Roger!” She called leaning down to pick of the child. Then noticed the note which she read aloud.” I know your a wizarding family, this is my son, for certain reasons I cannot take care of him.. Please treat him as you would your own. His name is Riley Bilius.” Selene glanced from her husband to the boy in shock.
“ I guess.. I guess we'll raise him. You always did want a boy.” Roger put one arm around his wife's waist, she continued to smile at the baby who was still sound asleep.” Come on, let's go inside and prepare for a shopping trip.. And a visit to the Ministry to get the boy legally adopted.” He led them in to there summer home still in a slight state of shock. He hadn't prepared for a child this early in the relationship but then again, Selene was already pregnant. They'd have two kids. He liked children, right? Of course he did.
“ I'm just wondering what happened to his parents, by the look of the writing it was a girl that wrote this. But what about the dad?” Selene said when they were sitting down at the table, she was still fawning over Riley. Roger shrugged as he placed a cup of tea in front of her.” Oh well, we'll probably never know. Poor kid, I hate to think what would have happened if he had no where to go.. Orphanages are normally really horrid places.” She shuddered.
*** The Den Flat
Hermione was in a state of shock as she and Ron sat down at there small table, the girl that.. Tried to take Ron from her met up with her not long ago, when she was alone shopping. And apologized. She was so scared at what the girl would do then Ane dissaperated muttering darkly.” I.. I just don't know why, why she did that! It-it's so weird.” Hermione stuttered moving closer to Ron who continued to hold her.” Tha-that is not s-something I want to repeat ever in m-my life again.. A really creepy encounter.” She half giggled, placing her head on Ron.
“ You sure you don't want me to find her and hex her in to oblivion Mione?” Ron asked looking down at her, Hermione shook her head and mumbled something about not wanting to loose him again.” Alright, well it's getting late. You should get some sleep, that is if you've had enough tea.” Hermione laughed and started to stand up, but Ron pulled her back down for a kiss.” Good night, Hermione. I hope the nightmare stops bothering you soon.” Hermione nodded kissed him again lightly then walked in to her room, pondering over her dream.
*Disclaimer: The Call was recorded and performed by Regina Spektor
**Disclaimer: Resistance was written and recorded by Muse