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Old 04-16-2010, 03:46 AM   #124 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

i love them...and Ron no doubt...he is really cute...with his little faults and Hermione is amazing with her death glare looks that can cower a tall guy as Ron......
Thanks Harita! Yes, I agree. Ron does have a quality of cuteness about him. Downright adorable sometimes! Hermione is good at casting her death glare, and I think she is well aware of it.

Miss Weasley: Hey Katie,
Another great chapter... What I want to know is how Harry got the nerve to cross Mrs. Weasley?
Thanks Katie!I think Harry has always had great nerves. He grew up in a house where he constantly had to protect himself from Dudley and his bullies. Vernon often had him by the throat for one reason or another. We won’t get into Marge and her dog. Never a kind word to him. Growling and grumbling and being bossed about. I think he had loads of nerve just to survive there. Then he started school and was bullied by Draco and wouldn’t back down. Bullied and hated by Snape and wouldn’t back down. Then there was the little run in with Voldemort. I think what gave him nerve to not bend under Molly is that he knew she loved him, and wouldn’t try to kill him for wanting some answers. Just make her angry which he was willing to put up with if it got him answers.
I think Mr. Weasley has a little backbone in this chapter tonight. In fact, I’m thinking the reason Molly wins her rage wars over everyone else is that they let her. Mr. Weasley wins when it’s just him and her, nobody around.
I look forward to the part where Crookshanks and Padfoot finally meet after twelve years... it should be interesting...? Any hints going???
Umm, er, well umm, let’s see. OK here you go. Yes, Crookshanks does meet Padfoot in a couple more chapters.

Molly W.: Hey Stephie, detailed replies aren’t necessary.
I love your story and I enjoy reading each chapter; the replies are always a joy to read too.
Thank you sweetheart. I’m sorry I had to twist your arm to get you to join SS so you could comment to my FF. The Dr. did say though that the break was clean, and would heal properly.
Guess I should get back to cleaning Avery's room (honestly, I don't understand how it gets so messy! :/). Love ya!
Honestly Steph? Try to think back to when you were five and what your room looked like. At least Avery owns up to it and doesn’t blame it on a stuffed fox named Guy! you bunches!

Obi-Wan-K’Lari: Hi K’Lari! Gee, it’s great to see you! I miss you when you can’t post, but I’m happy you’re taking care of what needs to be done. Real life comes before my FF.
This story is sadly riddled with Harry’s horrors. However, I have added relief between epidodes.
I sometimes write Crookshanks talking to Harry, then erase it. I want to stick to the original line that he can’t know.

Thanks to everyone who’ve read and to everyone who has commented. I love my readers all of you. Next wks. Chapter -22, “Promise Not to Do What!” Yeah those of you who have, read the books or seen the movie, Prisoner if Azkaban” knows what this chapter involves. Therefore, it can’t be that long of a chapter. Wait let me go check. Nope, not long at all, actually pretty short. Hope you all like tonights chapter. There is one more thing I want everyone to do. APRIL 16th IS OTTERYST.CATCHPOLE’S BIRTHDAY. EVERYONE STOP OVER TO HIS, VM, AND WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Harry’s Questions Answered After All

Harry followed Ron into his room. He had to because Ron was still pulling his elbow, as if he was afraid, he might go back down and start asking questions again. Crookshanks licking his chops, slipped in quickly.

“Have you gone completely mental or something? Ron asked exasperated.

“I was just trying,”

“You was just trying to get killed is what you was just trying!” He began shouting in a harsh whisper. “I don’t know whether to think you’re incredibly brave, or unbelievably stupid!” Ron said rolling his eyes and shaking his head and flopped onto his bed, worn out from pulling Harry up the steps, and in his room as quickly as he did.

“But Ron listen, if” again he was cut across by Ron. He looked at Harry with anger in his eyes. He wondered why Harry persisted so, when he knows, ok that explains it, he doesn’t know. The anger melted into pity.

“No, you listen, Harry!” Ron interrupted, but not harshly, “Mom didn’t go off on you, as she would’ve if it were one of us being stupid. You don’t know what it’s like be’n on the receiving end of her wrath. It’s scary mate. Especially when, He Who Must Not Be Named is mentioned. Just even talking about him upsets her and you were an idiot and said his name. People was celebrating and having loads of fun after his death. Not us though. We weren’t even allowed to play outside in our yard, for months afterwards.”

Harry started to defend himself. At that moment though Hermione and Ginny, hurried in.

“Can you believe him?” Ron asked them.

“No, I can’t!” Hermione answered looking crossly at Harry.

“I think he’s very brave!” said Ginny with a big sigh.

Harry looked at the three of them in bewilderment. Ron and Hermione glared at Ginny. Here they were trying to teach Harry, something in, Weasley 101, when she had to stand there all lovey, dovey, and confuse the poor boy!

Realizing, suddenly that she said aloud what she was thinking, she gasped, turned red in the face, and ran from the room. While the three of them watched Ginny make her exit, Crookshanks saw Scabbers. He crouched and calculated the distance to pounce. Ron felt Scabbers being excited in his pocket, and turned.

“Oy! Ron shouted, stuffing Scabbers down in his pocket rather unceremoniously. “Get that monster out of here!”

“Oh, Ronald,” Hermione said annoyed, but preferring to back away, a bit frightened at the look on his face. “Crookshanks won’t hurt Scabbers. Will you?” She picked him up and moved away from Ron’s reach.

“I will when the time is right. I just want to make him think I’m after him for now.” Crookshanks thought, eyeing Ron’s squiggly pocket.

“Don’t be crazy about him, Hermione, he wants to eat him!” shouted Ron, his ire flaring up to a higher intensity.”

“I most certainly will not put that lousy, putrid, filthy, scum in my mouth. I’ll pull him apart with my paws, then,”

“He doesn’t have any intentions of eating him. She said defending Crookshanks.

“Hermione, you can’t stand there telling me that, and be serious. Look at him drooling! I’m telling you, that cat has it in for Scabbers. You have to keep that thing away from him, he’s ill. Look at him, he’s yellow!”

“He’s yellow because he’s a coward. Look at him, Ron; he never does anything but cower in your pocket! If you’re so afraid for him then lock him in a cage.”

“Me, lock him, --You lock that up!” Ron was really showing his outrage.

“I certainly will not lock him up.” She was affronted that Ron could be so insensitive to Crookshanks plight up until she bought him. “Crookshanks has been locked in a cage too small for him, far too long. And for your information, Ronald,” she stopped short, and breathing hard looked at Harry, for he just stood up, and started towards the door.

“Harry?” They both asked at the same time worriedly.

“Look,” he said wearily and much more calm and quiet than the two of them had been. I’ve been drug unceremoniously from the supper table, drug in here and told how many times that I’m an idiot, and mental. “I’ve just spent half an hour trying to get answers, and never once been aloud to finish a sentence. And now, I have to listen to you two having another shouting match. You’re always having a row. Well, I’m tired of it all. As much as one might find it hard to believe, I’m not mental. I’m out for a walk, and don’t come running after me.”

Crookshanks jumped out of Hermione’s arms and ran out the door with Harry. As they walked past Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room he heard them arguing in hushed tones. “Oh great, they’ve carried it to their bedroom. Why do they always bicker?” He stopped short though when he heard his name mentioned.” It made him sad, then angry that they had to argue over him. Mr. Weasley hit the dresser top.

“Molly, dear, you didn’t hear the report Fudge gave when he returned from his inspection of Azkaban.”

“I don’t care what he said,” She shot back forgetting they were trying to be quiet. “You can’t tell Harry! Don’t you know how much that will frighten him? And, how much more so he’ll be when he’s away from us. He feels safe and loved when he’s with us, and you want to take that away from him?”

Harry was touched that they felt that way about him, but he was weary of her always treating him like a little child. He’s not afraid of everything.

“I think he’s made of better stuff than any of us know. Furthermore, it’s because we love him that we need to tell him. Don’t you think he should know so he can look out for himself? Molly, you have seen how curious he is. It is as if he already knows things, but he just can’t figure out what it is. He is going to keep looking until he gets his answers. Or worse, What if something happens to him, because he didn’t know what to watch out for?”

“Oh Arthur, really! Make sense of what you’re saying. If someone told you that Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to hunt you down and murder you, how would you feel?” She snapped at him.

“Well, honestly, I’d be shaking in my boots. However, I’d still want to know so I can watch my back, and do everything in my power to protect my family. I’d like you to consider that Harry asked a very legitimate question tonight.”

“Oh for heaven’s sake, Arthur, you know you can’t bribe the Azkaban guards!”

“That’s not what I was talking about. Besides he doesn’t know about them, so that wasn’t really an unfair question. No, I’m talking about, He Who Must Not Be Named, helping Black to escape. Nobody considered that possibility. And that would explain how he was able to do what he did. The guards said that he had been talking in his sleep for days now. He always says the same thing repeatedly. “He’s at Hogwarts.”

“Oh Arthur,” she cried uncontrollably “I can’t bare the thought of those two evil wizards going after him.” she said, “He’s just a boy!” The crying subsided at the coaching of Arthur. Soft sobbing was the only thing he heard now.

“I must tell him Molly. I could not live with myself if I didn’t. Albus will see to his safety.” He said softly.

“Do what you must then, I still think that your wrong, but because I love you, I must trust you know what your talking about.”

“Yes dear, thank you then. I think?” He said softly.

Harry stayed frozen to the spot where he was standing. He picked up Crookshanks, who had been weaving around Harry’s legs, and started walking slowly to Hermione’s room, and with a very soft whisper as he stroked Crookshanks said, ”I’ll be all right; I have to know so I can be prepared and don’t become complacent. I can’t expect Dumbledore to protect me and keep me safe.” Crookshanks laid his head over on Harry’s chest and felt his heart beating. How badly he wanted to touch him and tell him that Sirius wasn’t going to kill him, and how desperately he wanted to tell him he loved and missed him in a powerful way. He knew he couldn’t do that. He looked up at Harry, and at that same instant, Harry looked down at his eyes. Harry cupped Crookshanks's face under his chin between his thumb and fingers, forcing him to stay looking up at him. “You know Crookshanks, ever sense yesterday when Hermione got you, I’ve… I don’t know, but it seems like I know” At this time, Hermione opened the door. Harry came out of his thoughts and looked at her. He hadn’t realized he was already at her door.

“Harry!” Are you crying? Did something happen?” He started blinking his eyes quickly, for indeed there were tears puddleing there.

“I’m fine, Hermione.” he said softly with a sad little smile. I guess I was just feeling a little bit lonely. Crookshanks has been keeping me company. I thought that maybe you might be worried about him, so I brought him back to you. Here you go then.” and he transferred him to her arms.

“Thanks Harry, I don’t worry about him though. He is a very clever cat. Honestly, I don’t know how he gets out of the room!” Seeing Harry’s polite smile made her stop. “Listen to me going on and on. Do you want to come in and talk?” She asked kindly.

“No, I’m good, Hermione, Thanks. I’m just going to go to bed now. G’night, Hermione, G’night Crookshanks.

Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 07:27 PM.
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