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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Miss Weasley: Hello Katie! He, he, hee. Ron and Hermione aren’t that difficult to write. Give them any subject and they can bicker over it I think.
Ron, self-righteous whiner. I think each character in JK’s series has at least one flaw. Ron does seem to whine a bit, but in his defense, I think it just bothers him so badly that he’s poor. It used to be all he’d whine about, but it kind of spread out from there. He’s a love though, and I love everything else about him. One thing you can be sure of is he is totally devoted to Harry. Even when he get’s angry with him because of his jealousy, he always comes around.
I wanted to make everyone feel how loveless Harry’s life with the Dursley’s is to show how he grew up without knowing love, yet still has so much of it without even realizing it.
Tina6080: Hi Tina! Well, sweetheart, here you go. Wait no longer.
Derfel: Hello Owen! Yeah, poor Ron. His head wasn’t the only thing injured when Crookshanks jumped on him. Maybe if Hermione had felt a little sympathetic and asked if he was ok before she carried on about poor Crookshanks, his heart wouldn’t be so full of, “love” he was feeling for Crookshanks. I love Ron’s sarcasm though. It’s so humorous. He can deride anyone or anything and it be hilarious.
So thanks to each of you, Katie, Tina, and Owen, for commenting, and I’m glad you each enjoyed the chapter. Hello to my regular readers that can’t comment. I hope all is going well for you and I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading everyone. Now, a small recap. We’re through the time line of James and Lily, gone through Crookshanks finding a way to get Sirius information about Wormtail. And meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione. This timeline takes place in the 3rd book, “Prisoner Of Azkaban” Next chapter-21- “Harry’s Questions Answered After All” will be posted next Thursday evening or Friday morning. Hope you enjoy reading tonight’s chapter. I tried to make the characters as real as possible for you.
Harry Tries To Find Answers
Crookshanks felt badly that he couldn’t allow Harry to remember him. He and Harry were the best of friends when Harry was a baby. They played together, he taught him a lot, and when Lily wasn’t around, he often changed into Jimmy and played as a human with him. He felt Harry was young enough to do this. If Harry told his mommy something they played, or said, she would just think he had a wonderfully active imagination. It’s not that remembering him would be so detrimental. He no longer feared the days of old. It was the fact that if Harry was to break through the memory suppressant he had on him, he would also be able to remember that horrific night, as though it just happened. That would be horrendous for anyone, but, even more so for a child of thirteen.
The evening before they were to board the Hogwarts Express, Crookshanks curled up at the feet of Hermione. Everyone was having supper together having a nice visit. Crookshanks was very happy to see the love the Weasley’s had for Harry. He was also happy with his new master. Not just because she was Harry’s friend, but she really was a wonderful young lady. She had already fed him his evening meal, so she allowed him his freedom for a bit. “You will be in close quarters on the train all day tomorrow.” she told him.
Supper was an enjoyable time of family and friends. Fred asked Mr. Weasley if there was any word on how Sirius Black escaped Azkaban. Crookshanks became very alert. He did not know about this. He was glad however, for this was in his plan, and it was going well.
“Mr. Weasley?” Harry inquired
“Yes Harry,” he acknowledged
“Well, sir, I was curious about Azkaban. Is it true that it sits on an enchanted island amid storms that engulf it continually, with sixty-five mile an hour winds, and twelve foot waves?”
“Yes, that is correct Harry” he said a little hesitantly, not wanting to continue with Molly sitting there. He noticed she stopped paying attention to the pumpkin juice she was overflowing her goblet with, and stared at him with a warning in her eyes.
“I mean, wouldn’t it have been better for Mr. Black to escape after he got there, right away, instead of, well now,--er twelve years later?” he continued on looking between Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sense he wasn’t being answered. “It’s just that everyone says it’s such a horrible place and that prisoners who don’t die there go insane. I would think that after all these years, he wouldn’t be able to form a plan, and still be in good enough shape physically to escape.” Still no answer, but Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips, and Mr. Weasley was getting very fidgety in his chair. Harry took this as a sign that Mr. Weasley wouldn’t be able to keep quiet much longer if he pushed on. Everyone was sitting silent watching the drama unfold before them. They all admired Harry’s audacity and waited for the beans to spill, or the fur to fly. So, Harry continued. “Maybe it was an inside job. He could’ve bribed one or more of the guards.” At this Mr. Weasley, could not contain himself anymore.
“No Harry.” he said avoiding Mrs. Weasley’s tongue ticking. “The Azkaban guards can’t be bribed.” He smiled regrettably, understanding Harry’s curiosity and pitied his own inability to help him more. He tried to go on, but Mrs. Weasley cut in.
“Really, Arthur!” Not another word!" Then she asked everyone around the table, was they all packed and ready for tomorrow. At this they all reluctantly said, “Yes ma’am.” They knew this was definitely to be the end of the question and answer time, and they wanted to hear more.
Harry wanted answers, not coddling. He refrained from folding under her parental glare she gave him. Mr. Weasley was busying himself trying to chase a bite of peas around his plate with his dinner knife. “Oops,” he said switching his knife with his spoon. ”There we go then.” Finally, he scooped all the last of the peas onto his spoon. He chanced a quick look and nervous smile at Molly, like “I’m behaving, not another word.”
Just then, Harry asked the unthinkable. “Do you think Voldemort broke him out?”
Arthur’s hand he had his spoon of peas in, that he meticulously struggled with, and as they were almost to his mouth, jerked and peppered the hair of the woman sitting behind him. The waiter, who was bringing the family sitting behind, Hermione, their entire meal on a tray yelped, and dropped it, then ran out the door.
“Er sorry,” Harry said as he looked around the room. Everything was quiet then after all the gasps and choking stopped, he continued, “I mean, He Who Must Not Be Named,” The tension gripped everyone and mounted. “Please!” He said softly. “I just,” but was unable to finish as Mrs. Weasley turned on him sharply. Harry, who had never been on the receiving end of her wrath, looked at her. He detested the fear that plaque people into stupidity, but respected the Weasley’s for he knew they loved him, and didn’t want to risk loosing that. He yielded to her stare.
“Harry, dear, you need to go check to make sure you’re all packed. Go on now, quickly.”
“But, I am all,”
Ron jumped out of his seat so forcefully it fell over behind him. “Come on mate, I’ll help” he said as he pulled on Harry’s elbow. He was anxious to be clear of the room before Harry said one more word, and cause Mrs. Weasley to explode into a screaming demon.
“Yes ma’am, please excuse me, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley” he nodded to each respectfully. Ron did not want to wait for the manners, and proceeded to pull Harry up the stairs.
Ron was tripping up the steps trying hard to get Harry to safety. “Hurry up, don’t say anything else.” he ordered awestruck.
“Good boy Harry,” thought Crookshanks as he finished cleaning up the stakes the waiter dropped. He knew of course why Sirius escaped, it wasn’t with Voldemort’s help, and it wasn’t to kill Harry. Things were definitely looking up. He needed to find Sirius, and find out what kind of condition he was in, physically, and mentally. Twelve years in Azkaban is a long time to stay fit and sound of mind.
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 07:11 PM.
Reason: Caught a mistake already.