Thread: Harry Potter: The Little Order Girl - Sa13+
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Raylee Storm Mosman
Second Year

thanks connie!! im so glad you like it!

yeess you'll get to know more of miss Indie very soon!

i might start a new chapter later tonight! ((:



okaayy, here is the fourth chapter!

Chapter Four - The Meeting

Sighing and straightening in her chair, Indie opened her mouth.
"He's sort of laying low at the moment," she said, "he has no intentions of coming out in the open -"
"That's not good," Mr Weasley commented.
"But why not?" Tonks asked, "It should be a good thing because then there will be no civillian deaths or anything."
"Yes, but that means he could be planning something," Lupin stated, his brow furrowing and his elbows resting on the table.
Once again, eyes fell on Indie, as they waitied for her to answer their questions.
"His plans are...uncertain," Indie began, "he's not sharing with any of his Death Eaters -"
"Well why would he?" Snape added in his usual cold tone, "He knows that if he says anything it will alert us."
"Stop interrupting the girl," Mad-Eye scowled, "let her finish before you speculate!"
Indie gave a small smile in Mad-Eye's direction, but he did not break his scowl. Instead, his eye wizzed around in it's socket and he looked deep in thought.
"And his mind barriers are strong," Indie said, "he's sealed up the cracks well. It's difficult to get in."
There was a long moment of silence in the room. There was a particular mood about the air, one that didn't bode well.
It was disappointment. Indie knew it. They were disappointed that she didn't know more, that she didn't have anything useful for them to use. It was in the creases of their features.
Lupin wore his usual shabby expression, as he looked down at his fists. Mrs Weasley stood behind a frowning Mr Weasley, both wearing a distressed mask over their other expressions. Mad-Eye had kept his scowl, and Snape appeared equally unhappy just in front of him. Others in the room looked dishevelled and annoyed, but gave weak looks of encouragement when Indie glanced at them.
She looked to her oldest brother, Scott, who smiled briefly before staring blankly out the window. Similar reactions came from her other siblings, Mel and Paul.
Finally there was Tonks, who sat beside her. She glanced up at her purple-haired friend to find her smiling brightly. Indie had to laugh. Tonks could always make her feel better, with her gregarious personality. They were extremely good friends too, since they were two of the youngest at the meetings.

After the awkward and painful moment of silence, Sirius piped up. It startled Indie, as she had almost forgotten he was there.
"So what if his barriers are strong, at least we got something. But -"
Indie had been waiting for this bit.
"- it's extremely important that you keep trying."
Indie looked from Sirius to her feet, as shame washed over her.

Then, she remembered.

"Azkaban!" she exclaimed.
Eyes fell on her, some excited but most fairly confused.
"There was always something going on or being said about Azkaban," she added, "and...more people or something. I don't know what the link is..."

"Of course!" Mad-Eye growled, "He's going to try and break into Azkaban."
"Wha...?" Tonks looked really confused!
"All of his followers are in Azkaban," Lupin explained, "Rodolphus, Rabastan, Crouch, Bellatrix...."
Tonks shuddered at he mention of Bellatrix, but looked back to Lupin anyway.
"But it's impossible to break into Azkaban," Scott said, obviously one of the confused ones at the table.
"Maybe he's not trying to get in," Paul suggested, as Melanie nodded.
"He's trying to break them out," Melanie finished.
There was nodding and murmuring of affirmation. There was a very quick pause before eyes fell once again on Indie.

Mad-Eye stepped forward and glared at almost each of them before looking to Indie.
"You need to find out when he's going to attack Azkaban," Mad-Eye said, staring straight into Indie's bright blue eyes.
Indie's face fell. Here, she basically just got told what she had to do. There were no choices.
"But enough talk for now," he added, "this meeting has officially ended."
He turned to Sirius, who nodded and stood.
"By the Order of the Phoenix, there will be no further discussion of this until our next meeting, which will be held in exactly one week. Swear upon this oath."
Every person in the room stood, and looked to Sirius, their left hand raised in salute.

"We Swear."

Last edited by Droo; 04-29-2010 at 11:25 AM.
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