Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart We all turned on Remus now. That was what should have happened, anyway. It was not, in fact, what did happen. I turned to Remus to get an explanation out of him, but James was probably thinking about Lily coming to the party, because he wasn’t paying attention to Remus. But centaurs could’ve rampaged through the great hall and Peter wouldn’t have noticed, he was too busy with his food.
So when Remus answered, it was only to me. “Well, I was in the library.” He said, and he glanced down the table before he looked back at me. “But I was there with Melissa.” He said, and I raised an eyebrow.
By now James had snapped back into reality and was looking and Remus curiously. “Melissa, eh? Go on.” He said, matching my expectant look.
Remus chuckled. “I’m going to the ball with her, and that’s it.”
“How long have you been going to the ball with her?” I questioned Remus. Because I wondered why he was just telling us now.
“Since we were told about it,” Remus admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” I asked, with a somewhat small frown. It was strange that Remus wouldn’t tell us. I didn’t think he’d had a proper girlfriend before, but still. We told each other these things, right?
“It just didn’t come up,” Remus said, but I knew this wasn’t true. We’d talked about it quite a lot, and now that I thought about it, Remus had always found a way to avoid talking about it.
Before I could question Remus on this, he gave me a look to just trust him and not ask. I was confused, but I didn’t ask. I’d find out later, I wasn’t very concerned with it. I was more interested in bombarding him with questions about Melissa, for instance.
“Are you dating? Do you like her? Are you like James?” I asked, partly curious, but mostly I just wanted to tease him.
James watched Remus for an answer, too, not seeming to be at all offended by what I said.
Remus laughed, rolling his eyes. He was more back to his usual self, now. “Technically, no. And yes, I do like her.” He said, his eyes happy. The kind of happy like when we found out he was a werewolf and still thought he was cool. “As for James, I really hope I’m not like him.” He joked.
Now James took offense. Sorta. “Hey! That would be an honor if you were like me.” He said, smirking. I laughed.
“Yeah. Right.” |