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Old 04-02-2010, 04:51 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Miss Weasley: Thanks Katie! Of course you can assume all you want. Yeah, I don’t think I can keep any surprises from anyone at this time. I’m happy to mention your FF, and I can’t wait for you to put up your next chapter.

Veggie_Potter: Thank you so much x5. I don’t know that I can pick a favorite chapter. I did have, but it keeps changing. I think my last chapter will be my favorite, because it will be 100% cannon, to the best of my abilities. That’s what I’m going for anyway.
Yeah, I thought I’d encorporate Luna, cause she has some important parts coming up, all be it indirectly. Fudge was fun to write here. I loved making him give his gold away. But, I never felt he was tight with his gold anyway.
A lot of the Weasley’s in the next chapter.

Tina6080: Hi sweetheart! Jim is very sneaky indeed, it’s the cat in him. It’s their nature to be sneaky.

Derfel: Hello Owen,
When in doubt, swipe. Haha, love that cat side of him.
You said it. He doesn’t live by any code, except do what has to be done to survive. The birds wouldn’t stop even with his warnings all day long. You have to know that he used his magic to explain to them in their tiny little brains that they needed to keep things secret. But, they wouldn’t listen.

OttrySt.Catchpole: ~Otts!
Tom is Crookshanks
Yeah, well, I needed a way to get Tom into Hogwarts, and this was the way I found to do it. Actually, the story was always going to be about Crookshanks being a werecat. I thought about things that wasn’t presented in the books, and wondered if I could make a plausible story from the early years. Plus, I would need background for a lot of the story. So, there you have it. But, I’m starting to ramble so …
(maybe you could e-mail me the whole thing and I'll read it when I have the time)
I’ll be happy to do that if you want me to.
Sorry I don’t have a beta yet. I’m looking into it though.
I would never hate you for any reason! And I love it that you’re back for whenever you can be here. My story suffers so without your grammatical fixers. Thanks for all the sweet things you say about my story.

This is going to be my last proper comment for a while so I thought I would go all out
But, you’ll still read? K’Lari, you don’t need to make elaborate comments, honestly. I hear what you’re saying about the fire, I just don’t agree. If you go by, cause and effect, I think you’ll see my way of thinking. If there were a fire spell from Voldemort’s wand, then yes, Lily’s charm would have protected Harry. However, the spell was the, “Avada Kadavra.” The fire in the case of the book came about from the reflected spell. If Harry was walking to school, and Voldemort caused a spell to topple a huge tree over, and it fell on Harry, it would kill him. The spell was for the tree, not Harry. Again, I ramble on.

To all my reader’s I want to thank, for reading with me. I really like writing cannon, even if it is to the way things could have been. It’s fun tying things that could be with things that are there in the books we all love so much. My story is about the uncommon. To do this without spoiling the plots in the books, and the movies I guess, for reader’s who haven’t read and or seen them, then I am stepping away from cannon somewhat, but in the end, it will be back to cannon 100% I promise. Don’t try to figure it out if I’m confusing you. I just hope you stay with me and like the story as much as I love it. Next wks. Chapter: “Harry Tries To Find Answers”


The Brilliance of Crookshanks

One day as Crookshanks existed in his cage, in walked Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and a friend Crookshanks didn’t know yet. Ron told, Hermione, to go ahead and start looking at the owls so she could get the one she wanted, and he’d go ahead and have Scabbers looked at. Crookshanks could hardly contain himself. The clerk said there wasn’t much he could do for him, but he could try some tonic.

He couldn’t contain himself any longer, for there on the counter was Peter Pettigrew. He thought back to the night of that catastrophic event when James and Lily were murdered. He couldn’t help it, he had to do something to revenge them right then. His blood boiled so intensely that it ravaged his thinking process. He forgot that he already had a plan in the works. He burst out of the cage, and jumped down onto Ron’s head then onto Scabbers. The clerk screamed at him to stop, but he didn’t. Scabbers, still on the counter top, bit the clerks hand and jumped off, and out the door.

“Scabbers!” Ron yelled running after him with Harry on his heels. They chased after him and caught him just as he was about to turn down Knockturn Alley.

“We’d never have found him if he went down there.” Harry said breathing hard, for the chase was long.

“What was that thing?” Ron asked putting Scabbers in his pocket and holding his hand over it barring any escape. “It nearly took off my head!”

“It was either a very large cat or quite a small tiger.”* Harry reasoned.

Just about that time, Hermione came to them. “Oh here you are. Ron you forgot your tonic.” she said giving it to him, while struggling with her purchase.

“I didn’t forget it, I was nearly decapitated, and had to run after Scabbers! “Hermione, what have you got in that basket?” He yelled pointing critically at Crookshanks.

“This is Crookshanks. Isn’t he gorgeous?” She exclaimed beaming.

Ron stopped walking and still rubbing his head, turned to Hermione with a look of total disbelief. “You didn’t buy that monster did you? He asked her incredulously.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I did, Ronald! And, I’ll thank you to be nice to him. The clerk said he’d been in there quite a while. Poor thing, it seems no one wanted him.”

“Can’t imagine why. It’s such a sweet little thing, that.” He looked at Harry and rolled his eyes, tossing his head in her direction. “Can you believe her?” he asked, totally feeling abused.

Harry was looking at Crookshanks in deep thought. “I think,” then he paused.

“What is it Harry,” they both asked

“Nothing,” he said a few seconds later, still looking at Crookshanks. Something was stirring in his memory, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

“I was there in the store,” Hermione carried on, innocent of Harry’s inability of recalling what he was trying to remember, “and I was trying to decide what kind of owl I wanted. I love your owl, Harry, but I really don’t need one so fancy. Of coarse I would want one that,” She stopped suddenly most offended, because Ron cut across her impatiently.

“Is there a point you want to make about why you even wanted it? It’s obviously not an owl. Harry and I can figure that one out Hermione.” He tried to make a show of massaging his head. However, one look at her face, made him cower and told Harry as if needing to justify himself to someone who would be sympathetic, “It nearly scalped me, he mumbled.” Harry was still looking at the cat.

“Anyway,” she said “getting back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted.” she gave Ron one more quick icy glare. “The clerk was trying to put Crookshanks back in his cage. He was struggling desperately, when all at once Crookshanks looked at me with his great big eyes, and I could have sworn he told me to, “please buy” him. Well, that settled it; I had to buy him then. He’s such a clever cat isn’t he? Don’t you just love him?”

“Oh yeah!” Ron said under his breath, “Its love I feel in my heart, what it is.”

Crookshanks had not felt this good in, well, twelve years. As they walked back to the Leaky Cauldron, he watched Harry. He just could not believe his good fortune! He was quite a bit smaller than what he had imagined he would be. Sadly, he was underfed, and in need of clothes that fit him. He was highly disappointed in Petunia. The saddest thing about him was a stillness about him. You know how children are, that grow up in homes where the practice is, “Children are to be seen, not heard.” They tend to be very quiet.

Harry was this way; only he wasn’t even suppose, (to be seen.) There was something else too that Crookshanks was feeling about Harry. Crookshanks heart was heavy. He decided to take a chance and touch Harry’s heart. He waited until they were distracted by a little boy getting very loud, demanding his mum to buy him a new, Nimbus. Crookshanks took this opportunity to peek at Harry’s heart. Crookshanks was heart broken at what he discovered.

Harry lived a life of solitude, and didn’t know who he was, or where he belonged. He felt there was no purpose for his life, except to kill Voltemort. “How long had he been planning that?” Crookshanks wondered. Now, more than ever, he wanted to get to Peter and avenge James and Lily, for their murders, and for the horror, Harry lived through.

Harry looked at Crookshanks in the eyes. “He felt me touch his heart!” He panicked. Crookshanks yawned and closed his eyes, as if he was going to nap. He didn’t want Harry dwelling on what was unsettling him, so he caused a little boy to run out to him and ask if he could have his autograph.

“I will only if you please give me yours too.” Harry answered him with a smile that showed humility and servitude. Crookshanks was very proud of Harry. As far back as he could remember, Harry never knew love, but Crookshanks could tell his heart was full of it. This was because of the love his mom gave to him, when she worked that charm that protected him. Love can abate all evil, but, you have to know its there to be able to tap into its boundless powers. Harry will become a very powerful wizard when he realizes this.

* I think this might have been a quote from, “The Prisoner of Azkaban”
And a lot of this is quite like the story, I hope I put it in my own words though. If I haven’t, then like I said in my disclaimer, Harry Potter and everything related is the hard work and efforts of JK Rowling, and I can’t help it if I wrote anything similar, cause it always was my favorite book. (Till the last one, anyway.)

Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 07:01 PM.
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