Wow! I finished this chapter pretty quick so I'm putting it up now
For the girls night the girls words will be a different color so you don't get confused (I got confused writing it lol)
Calypso-Dark Green
Valentine-Dim Gray
Chapter Nine
Dear Diary
I have been attending Hogwarts School For Young Witches & Wizards, Hogwarts or HSFYWW for short, for the past four years. Over the whole time I have become friends with three girls and three guys, pretty amazing huh? Out of all those hundreds of students I chose the most boring, just kidding.
First friend-Michael Creed, I've been developing a crush on him as the years go by. Not that I'm gonna tell him any time soon. Hey! Where did my Gryffindor bravery go? Oh wait, never had any. That makes me wonder why I'm in Gryffindor?
Second friend-Simon Dayton, pretty sweet guy, there's this awesome picture of us somewhere at some point of time on my dresser. Yep that's me for ya! Actually it was the summer after Simon and mines first year we where in the US! Ton's of fun. Even got to go see the American's version of Football. I totally didn't understand a single thing that happened but Simon did. Simon is like the brother I never had. And he was the first Gryffindor of my year! No seriously he was. No one believes me.
Third friend-Jacob Zyre, no I'm not doing this in order of importance. He's Slytherin, I know shocking. But when I was bored and looking for friends Mickey (or Michael) recommended this guy. I know that sounds weird but Michael was busy (no like REALLY busy). Jake is really sweet, and not your typical Slytherin. He's a year older then me so starting his fifth year like Michael. Jake and Mickey have been friends for as long as they can remember. And when they start thinking you better run. Such bad pranksters, well there good at prankstering, it's the pranks that are intended for you, you have to look out for.
Fourth friend-Zoe Swift, now we are on to the girls. Zoe is your normal gossiper and love's up to date fashion. Travels all around the world normally during the summer. But I convinced her to visit me for the summer, I think she has a crush on Jacob. We (my other girl friends and I) will have a girl's night and discuss this. WOAH! I'm scaring myself now. Oh, did I mention that Zoe is somehow related to that awesome Country singer Taylor Swift? I got Taylor Swift's autograph from Zoe for Christmas, it was rather amusing.
Fifth friend-Valentine Pint, I've got a pint of Valentine is a song Mickey, Jake and I came up with after we met her. She slaps the boys, see she likes me, every time they hum/sing/whistle it. Val is really neat, she's a know it all, kinda like my mom, this is one strange Ravenclaw friend I've got here. She's rather crazy in the head. But that comes from taking extra lessons with our Divination teacher, Professor Lovegood. Actually Professor Lovegood is now Lovegood-Longbottom. She said that we can call her Professor LL, because we already have a Longbottom.
Sixth friend-Gabrielle Delacour. I totally blame being interested in romance novels on her. Mickey didn't talk to me for a whole month after I started reading them. He said reading them is a bad habit, I finally stopped reading them in front of him. And keep them well hidden away from prying eyes. Or at least try to. Val stumbled upon my stash of them and then tried to read them.
That's all for today, love Calypso.
*** The day after students get home
Draco arrived home early wanting to see his adopted daughter Calypso. She had gotten home the day before yet work swamped him down so he hadn't been able to talk or see her. Hermione was sitting on the love seat reading a book.” Hey Draco, Callie's upstairs and-” There was a sudden loud screech that cut off Hermione.” She has some friends over, so don't be surprised. You don't mind on checking on them do you? I'm rather tired.” Draco smiled at his pregnant wife, kissed her lightly then headed up the stairs.
“ Ow! You will be defeated princeling.”
“ Not until you surrender to Prince Dayton evil beast!
“ Hey guys I think I found another love song.”
“ Simon if Mickey drops me you have to catch me.”
Draco was surprised at what he saw in the room. The first person to talk was a tall dark skinned man holding Calypso who was screeching and laughing at the same time. The second was another male, he had blondish brown hair and a foam sword that he was whacking the person holding Calypso. The third person to speak was a girl with long silvery blonde hair that looked familiar she was in front of a radio playing strange music. The last to speak was Calypso.
“ Hey girls! I found the source of the smell.” A boy with shoulder length dark brown hair popped out from under the bed holding a dead rat. The radio girl shrieked then scrambled up on to the top bunk with another blonde girl. Calypso then started to freak out.” Hey! It's dead, calm down.” This only made the girls scream more.” Okay seriously! I'll deal with it just calm do-” He stopped seeing Draco standing in the doorway.
“ What?” Calypso turned her head to look at the doorway.” DADDY!” She yelled jumping out of Michael's arms and bounding to Draco hugging him tightly.” It's good to see again, er.. These are my friends. Simon, Michael, Jake, Gabrielle and Zoe. Valentine will be here later today.” Calypso smiled pointing at each person in turn.” Now we have to continue playing Damsel in Distress, see you at dinner!” And with that Calypso almost dragged Draco out of the room then shut the door laughing.
“ Your dad's weird.” Draco heard Zoe say as he was going downstairs.” No I mean like weiiiird weird.” She continued on. Calypso was now laughing but suddenly stopped seeing the rat she started screaming again to much amusement for everyone in the room, well that is everyone but Calypso who jumped up on Michael again, by doing that she knocked him in to Jake who 'by mistake' dropped the rat in to her face.
***Girls Night (Cassie's PoV)
“ I'm fifteen and I'm getting a boyfriend this year.” Was the first announcement that Zoe made, the boys had still yet to leave the room. Jake and I started to laugh not being able to help it, though for different reasons.” You lot get on out.. We are having a girls night. You go do something else.” As soon as Zoe said 'girls night' the boys scrambled out of the room fighting over who would get out first.” Glad to know we have that effect on them.”-Zoe
“ Yea, it'll make life so much easier.”-Calypso
“ Was that sarcasm Callie?”-Valentine
“ Really not sure Val.”-Zoe
“ I bet it was Zo.”-Valentine
“ Are you two back to your two way conversation about someone who's sitting with you?” I asked with a slight role of my eyes. Zoe nodded as she giggled a little bit.” And I wasn't sure if that was sarcasm it was just the first thing to pop in to my head. So, Val still have that crush on that weird guy?” I smirked and ducked Valentine's slap. She glared at me.” Just kidding! Your so funny when you do that. Your eye's go big and-” Again she tried to hit me, and this time it worked.-Calypso
“ So not funny. Hey. Been wondering Cal, do you have a crush on Simon or something?”-Valentine
“ Er.. No, he's like my.. Big brother? He's older then me right?”-Calypso
“ Your birthday is in May silly his is in.. Woah! When is his?”-Zoe
“ I think that Simon turns fifteen this November. So he is older.”-Gabrielle
“ Oh, hm. Do you have a crush on anyone Cal? It's so weird, you never do, Val and I do at random times.”-Zoe
“ Your strange Zoe, I might have a crush on someone.”-Calypso
“ Is it Jake?”-Gabrielle
“ No! Wouldn't it be funny if the boys were listening-Calypso
" WOAH! I'd freak!"-Zoe
“ I'd laugh.”-Valentine
“ I'd die.”-Gabrielle
“ That's a interesting reaction Gabby. Though you always did like drama.”-Valentine
“ Oh shut up Val.”-Gabrielle
“ I LOVE drama!”-Zoe
“ You are drama.”-Gabrielle
“ That is so awesome!” -Zoe
“ Only for you.” I laughed, the girls then remembered that I had a crush on someone then started pestering me about who.” Okay! Okay, calm down I'll tell you maniacs.. Well.. Michael.” There reactions were hilarious. Zoe's jaw dropped, Valentine's eyes went all big and strange, Gabrielle fainted, for real. It took us a little bit to revive her.” Gabrielle! You alright? Did you hurt yourself?” I asked, Gabrielle nodded to the first question.-Calypso
“ That's soo romantic and cool! Michael!” She said surprising us all.” Yea I'm all right, didn't hurt myself. But that is so awesome, when are you going to tell him?” I stared at Gabrielle in amazement. She actually expected me to tell Michael I had a crush on him?!” Just kidding, you don't have to. I never do, your face was creepy when I asked that, it was a little funny.” The rest of the night went by with a lot of giggles, laughs, and a few more fainting. Though the fainting was due to overdoses of laughter...-Gabrielle