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Old 03-30-2010, 03:08 AM   #194 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Thirty Nine: Family Trouble, Happiness and a date set.

“ Dad, please understand I'm almost seventeen, I'm mature. Harry is almost eighteen, and he's definitely mature! Were not dumb, and we are NOT breaking off the engagement.” Ginny's eyes seemed to almost be on fire as she glared daggers at her father.” We aren't idiotic and there is no chance of me getting pregnant before we get married, your over reacting.” Ever since Arthur Weasley heard about Hermione and Draco he feared that his pure and innocent daughter would possibly have something of the sort happen to her.

“ Are you calling Hermione a idiot? Ginevra it is for your own good, ask Harry I'm sure he'd agree to this. It's not that I don't trust you or Harry, I trust you both a great deal, Harry especially, I trust him more then most of my sons.” Arthur sighed, explaining things to his only daughter was hard, she had inherited stubbornness from both sides of the family.” I'm perfectly fine with waiting for grand-children and there are George and Angelina, Bill and Fleur to give them to me so don't start up with that. I just want you two to be more careful.”

“ No I am not calling Hermione a idiot! It's not her fault, okay well it is slightly. We aren't getting in to detail. I've heard enough from you and I am not going to break off the engagement try as you might.” Ginny threw one last glare at her father before storming off to go find Harry and sob for a little while then go do something fun, at least that's what she expected to do and was rather surprised to see Bill talking with Harry when she found him.

“ Harry, it's not that I don't like you, I just want you to be careful to what you say to Ginny she can take things the wrong-Ginny!” Bill interrupted himself as his only sister arrived.” Well, I'll be going. Don't forget what I told you Harry, it's some good brotherly advice. Take care the both of you, Fleur's going to mad at me for being late for dinner.” Bill waved, hugged both Harry and Ginny in turn then apparated away.

“ Do I even want to know what that was about Harry?” Ginny asked curiously, Harry shrugged and lightly kissed Ginny.” Don't even start on me about looking like I was crying, I was, and not for the reason's your probably thinking right now.” She half smiled at him as they sat down together on the porch swing on the back porch of the Burrow.” Harry, we really need to talk about something. Do you think I'm.. Do you think that we are to young and irresponsible to get married?” Harry looked aghast at what she asked him.

“ Gin! Of course not, who.. Who said that you were? I may be too irresponsible, but your definitely not. Who were you talking with? Was it Ron? I'm going to go punch him.” Harry tried to stand up but Ginny pulled him back down, muttering that it wasn't Ron.” If it wasn't Ron then-Was it Percy? That stuck up prat.” Ginny couldn't help but laugh at this.” Really, Ginny don't laugh, please tell me who said this? It really annoys me that someone would.”

“ It was dad, so don't go off and kill my brothers, I don't even really know what's come over him. I think it may be the whole Draco/Hermione thing.. But were getting married! Ugh, he wants us to break of the engagement and..” Ginny just collapsed her head on to Harry's shoulder. Molly Weasley happened to be passing by and heard this.” 'Lo mum, er, why are you so angry?” Ginny asked curious and surprised.

“ How dare your father say that! I'll go set his mind right.” Molly Weasley stormed by furious. Ginny's eye's went big and round as her jaw dropped in shock.” ARTHUR WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER AND HARRY POTTTER ARE IRRESPONSIBLE!” Mrs Weasley exploded, Ginny could tell that it was coming from the kitchen as she clamped her hands over her ears. The yelling continued for some time so Harry told Ginny that they were leaving for a short while and hopefully when they came back the yelling would be over.

“ Harry where. Where are we?” Ginny stepped back in shock as they appeared in a windy slightly damp street, Harry didn't respond and led her off down the street and past several blocks, it was only till Ginny saw the splendid buildings and the signs in French she noticed where exactly they were.” Harry-Harry is this! Paris?!” She gasped surprised.” But your not allowed to apparate out of Great Britain with a Ministry of Magic approved license and there have not been any issued for some time, I would know, Percy rants about them.”

“ Of course it's Paris. I have two, apparently the Black family contributed most of the money to make the Ministry of Magic and the Potter family has me.” Harry grinned cheekily, Ginny slapped him lightly.” Just kidding, I was given one for defeating Voldemort. Come on, this way, we've got to get you a dress and jewelry for the wedding. By the way, I haven't officially asked you to marry me, well I have, but not the proper way.”

“ Er, Harry what are you talking about? You did ask me and I said-” Ginny stopped as Harry suddenly kneeled on the ground.” No way! You've got to be kidding me.” Ginny took a deep breath, clearly shocked. Harry just smiled at her and waited for her to regain her breath.

“ Will you, Ginevra Molly marry me on August Seventh at the Church in Godric's Hollow?” Harry suddenly turned serious when he asked her, Ginny closed her eyes as if picturing this moment in her brain to never forget it. Then a huge smile unfolded on her face, she nodded, not able to speak because of the shock she was in. Yes this happened before but then again, it wasn't the way she had pictured in her dreams.

“ Of course.” She finally managed to say, kissing Harry full on the mouth then helping him up.” I thought I told you never to do that again!” Ginny tried and failed to be serious and ended up laughing. Harry hugged her and they walked off to one of fancy wizarding stores. When Ginny first saw the price on the cloth and clothes there she panicked.” How in the name of Merlin are you going to afford this Harry!? Paris is way over priced.” The last part Ginny muttered in undertone but Harry heard.

“ Well, I have the Black fortune, Potter fortune, and the reward for killing Voldemort and a few other death eaters, plus I'll steal Draco's if I have to.” Harry grinned, Ginny started to laugh again.” Just kidding, I won't. So, what type of.. Actually, I'll leave you to this, it's supposed to be a surprise for me-Hey Ana, over here.” Ginny was surprised that he knew someone here, she started to ask but decided against it.

“ Hello Mr Potter, pleasure to have you back. Did you find anything from your last visit dis-satisfactory? There is a refund you know. Ah, who is the beautiful young woman? Wait-red hair, you must be the famed Ginevra Weasley.” A tall girl with long flowing blonde hair headed over, she had a tag with the name Anastasia Janelle on it, Ginny was surprised that this person knew who she was.” Gabrielle, come, we have some customers.

Ginny's eye's almost popped out, twelve year old Gabrielle Delacour rounded the corner, carrying several cloths smiling cheerily.” O' 'Arry! Welcum back.” Gabrielle had a thick French accent, she kissed Harry on each cheek. Ginny glared slightly at the veela, and was pleased that Gabrielle's powers didn't work on her boyfriend.” W'at wil you be 'ere for today? Do you 'eed.. A', miss Giinny, 'ow 'as my sister and 'er 'usband been?”

“ How come you know who I am?” Ginny was still surprised.” Bill and Fleur are doing good, Harry spoke with Bill earlier today. And um, I believe Harry and I are here for my wedding dress.” Ginny tried to smile and didn't quite manage it. She never liked Gabrielle, especially after Bill and Fleur's wedding.” Do you need anything here Harry?” Ginny decided to double check just in case, Harry shook his head.

“ O', a weedding dres. Cun'ratulatiuns, w'o's t'e luckee man?” Gabrielle smiled batting her eyelashes at Harry, Ginny took a deep breath to make sure she didn't yell at the French veela.” And w'at weedding dres col'or are you look'ng for?” Ginny really got annoyed, obviously she was looking for white! But she again refrained from lashing out at the girl.

“ I am, really lucky.” Ginny was the only one who heard the last part of what Harry said.” We also want to get Bridesmaid, Maid of Honor, Junior Bridesmaid and Flower girl dresses. Er, Gin, what colors are we having for our wedding? I was thinking of Apple and Tangerine, kinda like Gryffindor colors, also who's in the wedding?” Ginny tried not to laugh, Harry was so unorganized. She had planed this out (with a few changes here and there as the years went by) ever since she met Harry.

“ Apple and Tangerine are fine, well, my Maid of Honor will be Luna, Bridesmaids will be Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Courtney, Hermione, Flower girl will be my cousins daughter Teresa Prewett. Would you like to be our Junior Bridesmaid Gabrielle? I've already sorted everything out for you Harry. Best Man, Ron, duh! Groomsmen, George, Oliver, Neville, Charlie, Fred, Ring Bearer will be Teddy.” Harry stared Ginny in amazement, she had this all planed out!

“ Of curse I wil.” Gabrielle looked a little crestfallen but brightened up in a instant.” 'Ow about Red Apple colors for t'e Maid of 'onor and Junior Bridesmaid, Tangerine for t'e Bridesmaid and Flower girl.” As much as Ginny hated Gabrielle, she had to admit that the girl had a good sense of fashion sense. Soon enough Ana, Gabrielle, and Ginny kicked Harry out so they could choose and fit a wedding dress.

Ginny ended up getting a slightly off the shoulder white satin gown. Luna's was chiffon, with a slightly high neck, the bridesmaids dresses were illusion halter necks and stylish in Ana's opinion, Ginny was inclined to agree. Gabrielle's had pleating at the bust making it completely beautiful as all girls agreed at once. Teresa's dress was hard to find, finally Ginny went with a adorable short sleeve crinkle chiffon one with a empire waist.

Shoes, veil and jewelery were the next on the list. Ginny fell in love with a pair of strappy sandal heels with embellishments. The veil was a light flowing fabric, and chapel length. Ginny had always wanted a chapel length veil for as long as she could remember. When they started looking at necklaces and earrings. The first pair that the bride saw she loved and refused to look at any other set. The silver flowers and leaves may not have gone quite as well as another set, but Ginny saw them as just perfect.

End of chapter

Yay'z! I loved finding dresses and colors for there wedding! And now I finally finished...

Floating, in the distance.
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