Apologies for the delay, I hope this chapter meets your expectations.
Disclaimer-see original post.
Chapter 2: Things to come
Harry was relieved when his best friend finally turned up; haggard, red faced and covered in floo-soot, Ron was equally happy to see Harry. Unceremoniously shoving his wife and son into the kitchen and ignoring Hermione's indignant 'tut', Ron immediately spoke to Harry, "Hey mate, you look terrible. What's up?"
"I think my daughter hates me. Any suggestions to get me out of it?" The misery that had left Harry with the arrival of Rose came back with a vengeance as tears threatened his eyes again.
Ron struggled not to laugh at the pained expression on his friend's face. "Just give it time and let Ginny talk to her. She'll come to her senses. Out of curiosity, what is this about?"
"She fancies someone who is in to death."
"Hell, that sucks. Let Ginny talk her off him is my advice." Ron paused to gather his thoughts, "Bill says the goblins are acting a little weird. He thinks you may need to bring your next meeting with Griphook forward.."
Harry's frown deepened, "I would but he's also been acting stranger recently, to the point that I'm not sure I can trust him. Thank Bill for the tip off though will you?"
Ron gulped, a 'stranger' Griphook could only mean bad news. "Will do. Have you heard anything from Teddy?"
The conversation was in low tones to discourage eavesdropping.
"Nope. Nothing. I'm taking it as 'no news is good news', however." Harry stopped talking as he sensed the presence of others in the room. Turning to look at the fireplace he saw his daughter looking at him with her trademark nervous smile and Ginny behind her also smiling.
Seeing she had her father's attention, Lily bounced across the room to give her father a big, rib crunching hug. "Sorry if I hurt you, daddy," came from a small voice near his shoulder.
"Sorry I gave you reason to, princess," Harry replied calmly, hiding his jubilation that she didn't hate him.
When Lily let go of him to greet her youngest uncle, Harry moved over to Ginny and whispered "thank you" in her ear.
"Think nothing of it, Harry, I just told her the truth." Ginny smiled warmly at her husband before teasing her brother, "what's this I hear about Scorpius Malfoy and Rose?"
Ron grunted in reply, looking to Harry for help. "Well," Harry paused for effect, "at least we know where he lives.."
Ron burst out laughing at this before following the others into the kitchen.
Later, once all the guests, except - to Ron's disgust - Scorpius (who was snuggled up to his daughter) had left, the conversation turned to Hogwarts as 5 of the people in the room would be heading there soon; Lily and Hugo trying to not get worked up about OWLs and Albus, Rose and Scorpius pretending to be relaxed about NEWTs.
Sensing her husband's mood - he kept giving Scorpius the evil eye - Hermione lead the questioning in a deliberately friendly voice, "so, are you looking forward to it Scorpius?"
"Almost," the miniature Draco lookalike spoke with a hint of his father's arrogance, "though I can't wait for the exams to be over."
"Have you got everything you need? We're all going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get our things," Albus piped up. He shared his uncle's feelings toward the young slytherin but was hiding them better; managing a smile that looked more like a smile than a grimace once he had finished speaking.
"Of course, Mother got them for me earlier today. She didn't think it appropriate for a newly appointed Head Boy to do his own shopping."
"Congratulations Scorpius," Hermione beamed; head boy! Her daughter was very lucky.
"Thank you," he replied before taking in the sudden frostiness from the others in the room. Glancing at his watch to cover his rising fear of this increasingly hostile situation he continued, "I'd better be going, Mother will be getting worried." Pausing to give Rose a chaste peck on the cheek that had both Ginny and Hermione wondering if they needed to hex their husbands, Scorpius ran to the fireplace and jumped in only fractions of a second after the floo powder.
The older generations breathed a sigh of relief when he had gone, leading to a prolonged period of relaxed silence before Mrs Weasley demanded the grandchildren go to bed, stuttering over Fred's name as she told the boys to go to the twin's old room and the girls to Percy's.
She, Mr Weasley, Ginny and Hermione soon followed the children upstairs, leaving Harry and Ron to discuss the various merits of different methods for disembowelling boys who so much as dared to look at their daughters deep into the night.
"That's him, mum." Lily pointed out the boy as he crossed the Gringott's floor.
Ginny saw his back, covered in fading black leather and long, black hair that fell to where she guessed his shoulder blades were.
What struck her more was the goblins attitude toward him; different to anything she'd seen before - and she was well versed in their different attitudes as a result of coming from a poor family and now being part of a rich one - but she had never seen the mix of respect and fear? they showed toward this
Something struck her as fishy, were his family ancient supporters of Voldemort? The way he dressed reminded her of the summer cleaning Grimmauld Place, all the vulgar ornaments and cloaks screaming dark arts.
She involuntarily shuddered, maybe Harry was right to criticise her daughter's choice of man. The way the boy walked raised alarm bells too; she wished Harry or even Ron was there - the boy seemed tense, as if expecting a fight.
Glad their business was over, Ginny practically dragged Lily and Albus out of the bank, such was her desire to get distance between her family and that boy.
I hope you enjoyed that and can't wait to hear from you.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3