As you fly along the pink-lit pathway leading to Hogwarts Castle, you glance to the left and notice the majesty of the empty Quidditch Pitch. Just twenty-four hours earlier, it was packed full of fans and the championship game was being played. What a difference a day makes! But your focus returns to the exam and the fact that you have three more rings to find.
Hogwarts Castle looms closer and you notice something strange at the top of the seventh tower. You point your broom towards the sky so that you can take a closer look. The roof of the Gryffindor turret is covered in red plastic rings. You need to be careful when retrieving the ring because you might knock a few roof tiles loose!
After you retrieve the red ring, continue flying past the Castle towards the Forbidden Forest. As the forest gets closer, make a right turn and fly towards the Whomping Willow. OOC: For those who just arrived, please begin with the first ring before RPing this one. Make sure they are separate posts and at no time should anyone be double-posting.
Yellow Ring