Hey guys! Currently working on the last chapter. Sorry it's been so long! I've been busy!

(I'm sure we can all relate). Yes, it is the last one, but I'm hoping to start up two more FanFics after this one. One of them I may post here, but in the Mature section, and the other one doesn't oblige to SS's rules, so it will be on fanfiction.net instead. I think I might do the one not for SS first. If you're interested in reading it (when I start it) just PM me and I will link you!
I should have this last chapter up sometime before the week ends. I thank you all for you continued support!

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Looks like I finished prematurely. I was dedicated to finishing it. I hope you enjoy.
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Chapter 20: Year’s End
Finals week proved to be merciless. Clementine, Albus, Rose, and Viktorya spent most of their time in the library in front of a stack of books.
“It’s only our first year. Why so much work?” grimaced Albus. He was sucking on his finger to nurse a small paper cut he had received while unrolling more parchment.
“It’s to prepare you for what’s to come in the future,” snapped Viktorya, who was suffering from lack of sleep.
“We aren’t going to have to stick our noses in books when we’re working for the ministry,” Clementine whispered to Albus, who nodded.
“I just want to go outside and enjoy the perfect weather,” he added. “I could practice my flying to try out for the Quidditch team again next year!”
“Then go. We’ve been here forever. You’ll be okay,” said Rose, who had not moved her eyes from the book she was reading.
“They have History of Magic to study for. The final is tomorrow morning! If they don’t study now, they’ll never pass,” said Viktorya.
“It’s our decision, not yours,” rebutted Albus. “Care to join me, Clem?”
He stood up, abandoning his books and parchment, and letting out a hand to Clementine.
“I’d love too,” she said, taking his hand. “See you study mongers later!”
They took off, eager to get outside. It was a beautifully sunny day. The warmth welcomed them. They reached the Quidditch pitch, but several students had managed to beat them there.
“One more broom,” said Albus, and he sped off toward the broom closet to get it before someone else would.
Clementine made her way to the stands. She noticed a group of Slytherin’s nearby. She decided to move to the other side of the field so as not to cause a disturbance.
“Oi, Higter!” one of the Slytherin’s called, before she could make her way. She stopped in her tracks and sighed.
“Yes?” she replied, turning around to face them.
“Care to join us? We could always use a Gryffindork to help us jeer at practice,” said Scorpius. He burst into laughter. Snape didn’t acknowledge them, or Clementine.
“Sorry, I don’t jeer. I support,” she said angrily, and she turned to leave.
“Don’t you dare turn your back to us,” screeched Erin.
As Clementine turned around, she noticed Erin and Scorpius had pulled out their wands and were pointing them at her.
“Oh, how mature. You’re really going to try and hex me off guard? Cowards,” she scoffed.
She was about to turn around when she heard two different voices shouting hexes. She clenched her eyes shut, afraid she was about to be hit by the hexes, but they never came. Instead, she heard two thuds. Her eyes flew open and she saw Scorpius and Erin crumpled on the ground. Snape was still pointing his wand, clearly in shock of what he’d done. She turned and saw James behind her, scowling.
“Slime bags. Trying to hex you while your back was turned. What’s your deal, anyway?” said James, surprised at Snape’s action.
“I. I don’t know why I just did that,” said Snape, slowly lowering his wand.
James looked satisfied. He clapped Snape on the back, and then moved toward Clementine.
“Thought you were supposed to be studying?” he asked her.
“Well, Albus and I decided to get a breath of fresh air. We were cooped up for too long,” she said, sitting next to Snape.
Scorpius and Erin twitched on the ground, but were still knocked out cold.
“That’s my girl. I’m happy you decided to come out. You’ll get to see me be great,” James laughed. He swooped down and kissed her, catching her off guard.
“James!” Clementine laughed back. “Go have fun. I’ll be okay up here.”
James left. Noticing she was technically alone with Snape, Clementine cleared her throat.
“They will be okay, won’t they?” she asked, looking at Scorpius and Erin on the ground.
Snape merely shrugged.
“Why won’t you speak? Why did you help me?” she continued.
He shrugged again.
“Please, say something,” she said.
“I guess I’m just sick of Slytherin’s being the bad guys,” he finally said. He turned his eyes onto her. They were soft and kind.
“I see. Well, thank you,” she said.
He grinned. “Where’s Rose?”
Clementine was taken aback. “Why do you care?” She raised an eyebrow.
“No reason,” he said quickly, looking back toward to pitch.
“Don’t lie to me! You like her, don’t you?”
“Please don’t tell her!”
“I won’t. But maybe you should talk to her. You’ll never know if you don’t try.”
“Maybe you should pay attention to your boyfriend.”
Clementine turned to the pitch. James had taken off his shirt, and was now flexing his muscles toward Clementine. She burst into laughter at his ridiculous behavior. Torr and Albus had flown up silently behind him and mimicked hitting his head with beaters bats.
“Oi, no one wants to see that, James! Put your shirt back on. And watch out for your friends,” she shouted at him, almost falling over from laughter. Even Snape joined in.
“He thinks highly of himself,” he said.
“That’s James for you.”
* * *
The weekend was upon them before they knew it. The days seemed to melt away due to the end of term exams. Each day was consumed with books, parchment, and fast moving quills. By the end of the week, every student was enjoying their last day on the grounds.
“I think I did extremely well on the Transfiguration exam,” said Viktorya delightfully, as they sat under a tree near the black lake.
“You know, it’s the last morning we have on the grounds, please don’t spoil it by reminding me that my feather didn’t fully convert into a pencil, thanks,” said Albus. He hadn’t done as well as he hoped.
“Please and thank you,” said Clementine added. She was experiencing her own blues. She was worried about her Charms practical. She had accidentally caught the window curtain on fire.
“I’ve got some news that has nothing to do with exams,” said Rose.
They all looked up intrigued. Rose blushed.
“What is it?” asked Albus.
“Our father wasn’t in the paper again, was he?” asked Torr, who took to hanging out with them because James was around more often.
“Oh, about that,” said Clementine, cutting Rose off, “I was writing a letter to him, but I decided not to send it. We don’t need him in our lives.”
“I agree,” said Viktorya. “We shouldn’t be in contact with him.”
“Plus, I’m happy you guys are staying with us again,” said James, kissing the top of Clementine’s turquoise head.
“Yes, yes, we know,” said Rose impatiently. “Do you want to know my news or not? You’ll find out in a few minutes anyway.” She looked toward the castle, her face still a deep scarlet. Snape was walking toward them.
Clementine’s eyes widened in understanding. “You, him, no!”
Rose nodded.
“What are you—“ started Albus.
“Snape! You’re with Snape?” Clementine cut him off.
Rose nodded again.
They all looked at her in bewilderment.
“When did this happen?” asked James. He lightened up toward Snape ever since he helped Clementine.
“It was after the Potions final yesterday,” Rose said.
“That’s why you stayed after!” cried Clementine.
Snape reached them.
“Hello, everyone,” he said, awkwardly.
Albus looked infuriated. Snape sat next to Rose and kissed her. They both blushed.
“We aren’t the only couple anymore,” James said, smiling at Clementine.
They all laughed, except Albus.
“Cheer up, Al. You’re bound to be shot by cupid soon,” said Snape, patting his back.
Albus huffed.
“We should get up to the castle, the end of term feast will be starting soon,” Viktorya said, getting to her feet.
They marched to the castle to await their final feast.
* * *
“Summer will be fun,” said Albus.
He, Clementine, and Torr were waiting in the Gryffindor common room for Rose and James. They were full from their ending feast, but slightly disgruntled because Ravenclaw had won the House Cup, despite Gryffindor winning the Quidditch cup.
“What is going on this summer?” asked Clementine.
“You don’t remember? It’ll be Teddy’s and Victoire’s wedding!” Albus said.
“Oh, that’s right! How wonderful. It’s going to be a lot of fun,” she replied.
“I think it will. I’m just happy we won’t have to stay at my grandma’s house before then. They are getting married there.”
“They’re getting married at the Burrow? That is so nice! Like mother, like daughter. That’s so sweet,” said Clementine.
James and Rose had finally managed to pack all of their belongings.
“Took you long enough,” said Torr, punching James arm playfully.
“Shall we head out to the carriages?” asked Rose.
They all nodded in agreement, and left the common room together, chatting animatedly of the summer to come.
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Thank you all so much. I hope it ended well for you!

I am completely horrible at writing endings!