Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Harita: Hi ya Harita. Thanks for always being here.
Miss Weasley: Hello Katie, how’s, DESTINED FOR DEFEAT -Sa16+ in The High Security Vault, doing? You haven’t posted on your tremendous story for awhile now. Thank you for your kind and very sweet comments.
Draco 21: Hello! Thank you and welcome to my story, and our family. Hope you stay with us, and right back at you!
Molly W.: Hi sweetheart! A little intrigue is good to move the story along. Yes? I guess you’re right. People can skip to the story, if they don’t want to wade through the replies. Sorry Stephie, you’ll have to find out with the rest of the gang. Yeah, I wish those “Aurors?” hadn’t showed up when they did. Laundry? I’m sure Harry Potter has to do laundry. He doesn’t come here to do it though, but you can anytime. 
Lord Greenie: Hey Son! Thanks Greenie, you’re always so sweet. Yeah, erggg That Peter is a dirty rat isn’t he. The story would be a lot different if Tom could get that dirty little rat. I’m so glad you love my story.
Veggie_Potter: Hi Stef, thanks a lot! The Aurors I assume was sent by Dumbledore. They were s’pose to go directly to the Potter’s house, but, you know how the Ministry is. Make sure the tip is legit, get that paperwork done, make sure you don’t assign anyone the job who might get some overtime from it. You know, important government things. When they did finally get there, everything was all over with. All they found was the shell of the Potter house and a lot of destruction, and blood. Plus the three that showed up when Peter was blown up … oops, I nearly spilled the beans! Much more on that subject later. Not spilled beans, the Aurors…
Tina6080: Hi sweetie. Umm, Does Tom get to talk to Sirius? I guess it’s safe to say our werecat will get to talk to him in chapter 26. Can’t tell you the name of the chapter yet. Next chapter I can. And speaking of cats, I hope your little kitty is doing better.
Obi-Wan-K’Lari: Hello K’Lari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much! You always make me feel so good. It doesn’t matter how much you say. It’s what you say that matters, and saying my post is Amazing is Ace’s! Thanks so much!
Hope everyone enjoys the chapter tonight. Some milk and cookies might be needed to get you through it. It’s a long one. Thank you everyone for reading, and as always feel free to comment. And by the way. Congratulations to Miss Weasley for making the 100th post. This chapter is dedicated to you.
A Time for Wandering, and Wandering Rewarded
For ten years Tom wandered aimlessly trying to grasp any clue as to the where abouts Peter had gone to. It was as if Peter had fallen off the face of the Earth. However, this day was to be the day he would happen upon some information he could really use.
He just finished a huge slab of ham from the butcher for the eradication of the rat population, and lay down napping on the sunny window ledge, when he overheard a conversation some cats were having. They spotted a rat bigger than any of them had ever seen in the pocket of a boy’s robe. They had followed the boy around hoping the rat would escape the pocket and go scurrying as rats like to do. As luck would have it, the boy stopped at the bakery.
The aroma coming from inside was enough to entice anyone to come in and have some delicious delectable’s, much more for a boy who after all, only had three bacon sandwiches for breakfast. He had asked his parents could they please just get one. “Ron! Watch Scabbers, he’s getting away! Catch him!” The door opened with a mother and a very delighted little girl coming out, the little girl was trying to get her mouth opened wide enough to bite into her warm sticky bun. Scabbers ran in the bakery, and the cats jumped onto the window ledge watching. He ran behind a row of cabinets, and in a second came out from behind those cabinets a man. The little fat man walked backward to the counter and grabbed the first thing he felt and walked hurriedly out the back door. The cats ran behind the bakery, and what they saw in the alley was a large rat, eating the bun the man had just lifted.
Tom was sitting up now, fully paying attention to the story. They dropped down in a crouch ready to pounce on it. The rat had seen their shadows and darted swiftly away. They were hot on its trail when it reached the front street. “Here he is, Mom. Scabbers, get back in here and behave!” The cats went on talking how they would next ambush the rat. The family had gone into a small park to have their lunch they had brought with them from home to save money. All the kids were going to attend Hogwarts again next year and they needed to be thrifty with the little amount of gold they had.
Tom reflected back on how much time had passed since he set out looking for Peter. Harry would be starting his third term at Hogwarts this year. Ron, the boy with the rat, would be there also. He needed to figure out how to get to Hogwarts. He didn’t see the rat, but he knew it had to be Peter. That would explain how he kept invisible all these years. He’s posing as a pet for this boy named Ron. He also needed to get a message to Sirius Black in Azkaban.
The rest of the year Tom hung around Diagon Alley forming a plan. He did good avoiding capture. He had made friends with the butcher earlier, and everyone assumed he was the butcher’s cat. Finally, he devised a plan. He wondered where the Minister of Magic might be. He took to roaming the streets keeping his eyes and ears open. One evening he was walking past the Leaky Cauldron when he heard someone shout. “Minister! Come on in we’re waiting on you.”
Tom walked in boldly, as if he were the ministers cat, and sat quietly by his chair when, Fudge, sat down.
“Here we go then, are we ready for the draw?” asked Fudge. Someone brought over a large bowl. Just stir it up a bit. Ok here we go then. He reached in and looked at the name he drew. “Arthur Weasley” he announced. “Good for them” he said. “I’m sure they can use the prize, what with that brood they have. I’m happy for them, they’re good people.”
“Thank you Minister,” said Rita Skeeter, “for your being our impartial official doing the draw.”
“Not at all, not at all. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. Always happy to serve the people.” he said bowing, and left singing jovially.
“What a load of political malarkey!” Rita said under her breath, but smiling broadly. She turned to the cameraman, with a sly smile, and said, “Have you ever heard such,”
“Yes, I believe I have.” he said silkily. The rest of the group laughed maliciously.
“Carrie, get me the address of the hovel they live in, they’re very poor, and all the low downs so I can present them with their winnings and interview them. School will be getting out for the holiday and they will want to I’m sure do something extremely expensive. I’m sure I can make a very nice human-interest story. Let’s see, “Minister of Magic official, caught breaking the law last year when he enchanted a Muggle car; wins the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw.” Hmm, I’ll work on that.”
“Speaking of malarkey…,“ Tom thought as he left to follow Fudge. Shortly after the holiday started, Tom was meandering through the streets of Diagon Alley decidedly to find Fudge. He wanted to put the idea to inspect Azkaban in his mind, and he needed to get a message to Sirius. He had to figure out the particulars, but that was his plan.
He was passing a news stand when he caught a glimpse of the Weasley’s on the front page. They had gone to Egypt to visit an older son. Tom looked closely at the rat on the young boys shoulder. It was the same rat he saw leaving James and Lilies’ that terrible night. It was missing a toe, which fits in with the story that all they found of him was his finger. This rat was Wormtail, or, Peter, as Tom knew him. Now, his name is Scabbers according to the cats that found him. Tom ducked into the alley, and changed into Jim. Jim came out and picked up the paper then ran to find Fudge. He knew exactly what to do.
“There he is, coming out of Gringotts patting his pocket. He will want to put that back in safekeeping for what I have in mind for him. Better yet,”-- suddenly, Fudge stopped and looked around. He approached a young woman and a child that had come out of the bank the same time he did. She was very unhappy and the child was saying how awfully hungry he was.
Fudge smiled warmly at her, “I felt impressed just now to give you this.” He reached in his pocket and gave her the bag he just got from the bank. Full of gold it made quite the jingle when he dropped it in her hands.
“Minister! Thank you, but there is no way for me to repay you! She said humbly.
“Nonsense my dear! Did you ask me for a loan? This is a gift!” He bent over to rough up the little boys’ hair. “There’s a good lad.” Then he walked on his way with a smile on his face. Jim joined in beside him, and started talking as if they had been deep in conversation. “So, you’re going out to inspect Azkaban and Sirius Black” Jim asked politely?
“What’s this?” Fudge asked fumbling with his hat and scratching his head a little preoccupied. “You were saying that you wanted to stop in and have a drink. That you was inspecting Azkaban, and checking on Sirius Black.” Jim invented as he went along.
“Oh! Well, yes, I need to get a drink if I’m doing that!” He affirmed. “Odd I don’t remember,” turning around as he spoke looking at the young woman, and her little boy skipping along with her, pointing to a diner.
“You asked me to get this paper for you,” (Jim pointed to the folded paper with the picture of the Weasley’s and Scabbers in Egypt showing, in Fudges pocket.) “And when I came up to you is when you told me that,” Fudge cut in impatiently.
“Alright, alright, I’m just er... overwhelmed at the moment. Come in with me and I’ll buy you a Butterbeer for your service.” He said looking down at Jim, “Do you live close around? I recollect seeing you, but never with any parents.” He scrutinized Jim.
“Yes sir, I hang around running errands for different shop owners for meals. I’m just a waif earning my keep, with the butcher looking after me.” Jim lied easily. “I don’t want to be a burden on his generosity.” He finished as they walked into The Leaky Cauldron.
“That’s a fine attitude you have there lad. Some grown ups could take lessons from you.” he said and patted him on the shoulder affectionately. Then to the barman he said, “Tom I need a fire whiskey, and for my young friend here, a Butterbeer.” and smiled warmly. Tom brought his drinks, and the minister drank it down in one swallow. “Tom, I think I’ll have one more for the road. I have to inspect Azkaban this morning.” He shivered as though a frigid blast of wind hit him. Fudge reached in his pocket, than patted his other pockets, then with a bewildered look on his face he told Tom he’d have to put it on his tab that he seemed to have given away all his money.
Jim put it in Fudges mind to be sympathetic to Sirius and left. Now with that part of his plan taken care of, he jaunted over to the Magical Menagerie. There he saw a young girl who had a strong scent of Lilac about her, goggling in the window.
“Daddy, are you going to get me an owl this year? I’m sure I need one, don’t you think?” the young girl asked with wide eyes.
“Oh yes Luna love, indeed you should, yes of course. I certainly hope that this year they have your “Tipper Noggin.” They are really quite rare. I put in the order for it last year, but they just laughed at me. Can you believe the nerve? He exclaimed with an air of astonishment. He went on in the shop to check on his order.
“Excuse me miss,” Jim said, wanting to do this before he couldn’t contain his laughter anymore.
“Oh hello,” she said in a pleasant singsong voice, and a very sweet smile.
“I was wondering if you might have a spare bit of parchment, I could have, and the loan of a quill, and ink.” Jim asked in an ever so small voice.
“Yes of course,” and gave him what he asked of her.
“Thanks.” Jim stepped over to a table that held a cage with a couple, Information Birds.
“Things aren’t always what they seem.” they chimed
“Shut it,” he whispered, or you’ll be sorry,” he warned. Jim wrote his message and returned the ink to Luna. “Thanks” he said with a smile sweet as honey.
“Things aren’t always what they seem.” they repeated ignoring the warning. Luna looked over at the birds, then smiled as Jim handed her the quill.
“You’re welcome I’m sure.” Luna answered softly.
Jim started to walk away, when Mr. Lovegood came out with a huge old, owl. “It’s not what we wanted, but the clerk assured me that this owl once belonged to a powerful wizard, and should serve you well.” I paid dearly for him; he must be well worth it.” Luna looked at the birds again and told her father what the birds had just told her. Mr. Lovegood considered what she told him then said, “Well, we must give serious attention to their warning. I’ll just return this owl, and you can pick out what you want.”
That night, after all was quiet, Jim attached the note to a string and tied it around his neck. Early the next morning when the storeowner came to open up his shop, he found Tom curled up on the front stoop with a note around his neck.
“Hello there! What do we have here?” Tom was rubbing in and out, around each leg purring loudly. He took the note and read it:
Kind Sir,
Please take in my cat. He is aware of magic, will not bolt when magic is used, and will make someone a very nice pet. My health is not good and I can’t take care of him anymore. I must give him up for his sake. Please take very good care of him. He is deserving of much love. His name is Crookshanks.
Forever thankful,
Thomas De Fibberton
“Come on then, you’ll bring a pretty little purse won’t you?”
Tom’s life of wandering and sneaking about, stealing food, and sleeping wherever he was when he got tired ended. Now, as Crookshanks, he spent his days cramped in a cage that was inadequate for his size. He tolerated the cruel condition during the days, and then at night, he let himself out and visited the other cats in the shop.
The first day, all day long the, Information Birds, kept saying over and over, “Things aren’t always what they seem” That night Crookshanks got out of his cage after the store keeper left. The shop was dark with the shades down and the lights off. He didn’t need light because animals have excellent night vision. He went over to the birds that did not heed his warnings. I told you you’d be sorry. I can’t have you ruining my chances of getting to Hogwarts. Without hesitation, he swiped the birds out of their cage and ate them. He had to protect himself. He had to be selective about who that would be. If it were someone without children, he would be temperamental when they asked to see him. If the children were to young or old to be at Hogwarts, he would growl and spit when they asked to see him.
A/N Thought I forgot? Next wks. chapter title is, "The Brilliance Of Crookshanks"
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 06:18 PM.
Reason: cause I made mistakes