Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart I walked out of the room of requirement with James, and he was grinning. Everything for the party was ready, and it was going to be so good.
“This is going to be even better then the end of term party last year.” He said, and I rolled my eyes at him.
“Of course it’s going to be better. Veela’s make everything better.” I said, implying this was completely obvious. Which it was. But James only gave a half-hearted smirk in reply.
I could guess what he might be thinking – Lily made everything better for him. But I was sure Lily would come, so at least James would be cheerful.
“C’mon, the feast will be starting now, and I’m starving.” I said, with a grin.
“Oh, well that’s unusual.” Remus walked up beside us, with a dry smile. “You’re never usually hungry, are you, Sirius?” I grinned at him.
“Hey Remus,” I said. “I thought you would’ve been down at the great hall by now.” I said, looking at him.
“Oh, I lost track of time in the library, I guess.” Remus said, with a small smile. But there seemed to be something off about his voice that I couldn’t place.
“Lets go, then.” I said, shrugging it off. It was probably just nothing.
We got to the hall quickly, though it was probably due to my grumbling stomach. But I was always hungry, so before dinner, I got particularly hungry.
We walked into the great hall and sat down where Peter already was.
“How was hogsmeade?” Remus asked James and me, adding food to his plate, whereas I piled my plate with food and took no hesitation in scarfing it down.
I swallowed my food and grinned at Remus. “We remembered our dress robes.” Sort of. “Aren’t you proud?” I asked, and he rolled his eyes. But this made me think of something.
For the ball, I was going with Adriana, James was fawning over Lily, and Peter was, well, Peter. But Remus? For a while, I hadn’t really thought about it, and he never said anything about it.
“Who are you planning on taking to the ball, Remus?” I asked him curiously.
“Oh,” Remus said, seeming surprised at the abruptness of this question. But before he could answer, the doors of the great hall opened, and we all turned to see who it was. |