Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart More, as promised. It's not very much, but I'll try update soon.
After breakfast I walked with James and everyone else out of the great hall, but we weren’t going to class. It just happened that Lily Evans had transfiguration, as would we, if we were going to class.
“Oi, Evans!” James called out. I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t ask her. Or... Just don’t.” I didn’t understand girls, but I did understand James, and I knew what Lily was like. If he asked Lily to go to the ball with him or to go out with him every day, she’d always say no.
Surprisingly, he listened.
“What, Potter?” She asked in her usual irritated way. Lily expected him to ask her the same question, again.
“Hey Evans.” He smiled. “I was wondering-”
“No James. How many times do you have ask?” She interrupted him.
“We invite everyone to our parties. If you don’t want to come, don’t.” James said with a shrug.
“Oh.” Lily said, sounding like she didn’t know what else to say. “I’ve got work to do, so I probably won’t come.” Lily said politely. I wondered how truthful she was being.
I saw James’ slightly disappointed look.
“Your loss, Lils.” I said, giving James a grin. “It’s going to be so fun, and cultural.” I chuckled. “Wouldn’t wanna miss the chance to meet some of the exchange students, would you?”
“Maybe I’ll think about it.” Lily said, and she even smiled. “I need to get to class. Bye.” She smiled looking at James, and walked away to class.
“Lets go,” James said cheerfully. He seemed very confident now that Lily would come.
I went quickly, eager to get to honeydukes. The first hogsmeade trip was this coming weekend, and I wanted to stock up on lots of sweets before then.
As well as getting things for the party, of course.
We went to honeydukes first, and the shop keeper wasn’t surprised to see us, despite it not even being the weekend. They were used to us coming all the time. |