Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart Like usual, I was roughly woken up, but for once, it wasn’t because of James. I rolled over, halfway between asleep and awake, and fell off of the side of my bed.
Onto the floor.
James was only just awake, and he burst into laughter. “Shut up.” I muttered, pushing myself off of the ground. “At least I don’t talk in my sleep.” I said with a smirk that James didn’t see.
“What? What do you mean? What did I say?” James demanded, little did he know that I was making it up.
“I’m sure you know.” I said, getting changed into my robes.
“Tell meeeeeeeeeeee.” James moaned, childishly. I couldn’t hold in my laugh, now. It was just too funny. Sadly James realised that I was making it up.
“Hmph.” He muttered, getting changed, too.
“Have you two got dress robes yet?” Remus asked who was, predictably, already ready before we woke up, and had a book in his hands.
“Huh?” James asked, with a confused face.
Remus sighed exasperatedly. “Dress Robes. The ball. Dancing.” I knew he used small words because we were both slower in the morning.
“Ohhhhhh. No.” James said, with realisation.
“Me neither.” I said, and Remus looked at us.
“I really have to organise your whole lives, don’t I? It’s in two days and it’s Monday.” He said. “You are planning on going, aren’t you?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll just go today.” I said, and looked at James with a grin. “I don’t really feel like History, or Potions, or Transfiguration, or – anything.”
“I’m in.” James agreed, running his hand through his messy hair. “Hey, we could get some stuff to have a party tonight, too.” He said. “In the room of requirement, then we can have all the exchange students come.”
I stared at him. “This is why I have you. That is such a good idea.” I smirked at my best friend.
“I am the brains.” James smirk matched mine.
“And I’m the looks.” I replied.
“I don’t even know why I bother.” Remus said. “I’ll see you at dinner.” He said, knowing that we would spend the day at Hogsmeade. But there was no way we’d miss dinner at Hogwarts. |