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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
I'm sorry everyone. I'll have to do reviews later. This chapter is very long, and I hope everyone can endure it. Much sadness in this chapter. I've tryed to add some cute parts to lighten it somewhat. Next chapter 17 is, "Peter Shows His Strength"
Death Comes To Godric’s Hollow
Warning, the chapter title says it all. So if you have a problem dealing with death, and extreme sadness, then go to the next chapter.
Two things happened at nearly the same time. Lily came in with Harry all ready for bed. “Give your little man a hug and kiss good-- Oh! I’m sorry; I didn’t know we had company.” She looked around and seeing this child wasn’t accompanied by an adult she said,” Sweetheart, do your parents know where you are? It’s awfully dangerous for--” But at that moment Jim changed back to Tom and ran out. “What is -- James!” she was near screaming, though she didn’t because she recognized Tom, but held Harry tight against her, and jumped behind James. Tom had been correct, she obviously didn’t know about werecats.
“James, Peter is at the gate, and Voldemort is coming up the walk. Peter lowered The Fidelity Charm!” Tom told him as he ran back to James and Lily. They tried to disapparate, but couldn’t. James screamed at Lily to take Harry and hide, get to Sirius and tell him it wasn’t Remus, its Peter. Go! I’ll hold Voldemort off as long as I can. GO! HURRY!
Lily ran upstairs to the furthest room away from the front door, which was Harry’s bedroom. Hurriedly, she waved her wand over Harry, and a golden light shone as she put a charm on him. She summoned her Patronus, but sense she didn’t comprehend what James was saying she only made it say, ‘HELP! HURRY! VOLDEMORT IS HERE! IT WAS PETER! Lily hugged her baby to her tightly, kissing him through their tears. “Daddy and Mommy loves you Harry.“ She heard James screaming, she seen flickering of bright lights around the crack of the door. She put Harry in his bed, dropping her wand beside him as she did so. They heard Voltemort laughing, and then there were more flashing lights, more screaming, things crashing, and then silence. Footsteps on the stairway, then the doorknob turned.
Voldemort opened the door to the bedroom. Tom tried to jump him even though he was awfully hurt, and bloody. Voltemort slashed his wand, and Tom in mid jump, fell to the floor.
“I had enough of you downstairs cat. I thought I eliminated your chance to help before I played with Mr. Potter. I couldn’t risk you transforming to the form you was about to change into and risk you ruining my plans. I can’t have you die right now though because I know you’ll see what’s going on here, and I might be to busy with another killing to notice you. Yes, you might even be able to keep me busy long enough for their rescue squad to get here.” Voltemort kicked Tom out of the way. Tom lay where he landed with his body opened up, and his life force pumping out onto the floor in a puddle.
“Give him to me.” Voldemort said walking closer and closer to Lily. “There is no reason for you to have to die. Give me the boy!”
Lily was screaming hysterically for him to take her, but not to hurt Harry. She begged him for his mercy. Voldemort laughed at her and said, “Avada Kadavra” and Lily fell to the floor crying no more. She was dead.
Tom knew what was coming next. He had just seen James murdered and now Lily. Harry had seen it happen. He knew Harry would live because of the old charm Lily used just before Voldemort came in. He didn’t know what effect the Avada Kadavra would have on him though. He inched his way painstakingly to Harry. Voldemort wasn’t paying attention to him. Harry was crying. He didn’t understand what was happening. He had heard his daddy crying out, his mommy had been trembling, and crying so hard when she put him in the bed, she dropped her wand in the crib.
Tom was hurt badly, and that bad man kept laughing. Harry saw Tom trying to get to him. “Come Tom,” he said with his arms outstretched to him and his fingers closing in towards him. Harry looked back at Voldemort who was right in front of him. Harry pointed at Voldemort.
“No! No! Bad man!” He said; his cheeks wet with tears and hiccups shaking his little body. He was still scowling at Voldemort. “You vey, vey, bad man!” he said forcefully.
Voldemort laughed and said it was a shame he had to kill him, and that he would make an excellent disciple. Harry picked up his mommy’s wand and pointed it at Voldemort and said “Bad man go!” just before Voldemort said “Avada Kadavra.” as he was pointing at Harry’s heart. Harry’s green beam hit Voldemort and he flew backwards, and Voldemort’s green beam bent upward when it hit Harry’s green beam and hit Harry, not in the heart, but on the forehead.
It was eerily quiet and darkness was all about the rubble. Harry cried. The collision of the spells caused an explosion that knocked him back onto his mattress. Tom was still trying desperately to get to Harry. He needed to get in Harry’s arms so that when he came back to life, he would remember what happened and he could go after Peter and avenge this evil thing that happened. Tom, much to comfort his own pain as to comfort Harry, started singing the song Lily sang much through her years growing up, and as she rocked Harry each night before she laid him down to sleep:
“To every thing, (turn, turn, turn,) there is a season, (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be…” Tom stopped as he heard a pop, outside the house.
“James! Lily! Harry!”
Harry stopped crying, and save for the soft hiccups he was quiet. Tom made it to the crib, but was unable to jump into it. He was dieing. He reached out to Harry with his mind. “Harry, you’re going to be o.k. This is going to hurt for a little while, but then you’ll be fine. Help has come, do what you can to tell what happened, and then after a bit when you’ve calmed down you’ll fall asleep and not remember what has happened.”
He was so close to the crib now, but how would he jump over the rails and into Harry’s arms. He new he only had minutes left, he poised himself on his back legs and crouched as much as he could, and tried to spring up, but only fell over. He tried to change into Jim, but wasn’t able to. He was hardly able to move at all. He was going to die, and not remember what happened for years to come. He had let his Lily down. Overcome with pain and emotion he continued his struggle to get to Harry, knowing he was about to take his last breath.
Sirius got to the rubble just moments after Hagrid did.
“Dumbledore tol me to get here quick as I could. Ter’ble thing tha’ happened ere! Ter’ble! Poor James and Lily. Sirius looked around.
“Do you know who, when it happened? Why didn’t Dumbledore come himself? He asked bewildered.
OtteryStCatchpole and Kelly sent a message, and Dumbledore decoded it. There was going to be an attack at Hogwarts, an so he had his hands full there. The attack was to be a diversion. He sent me here, saying he knew you would be here to help.
“I got a Patronus from Lily only minutes ago.” Sirius said. His breathing was hard and irregular. His heart was broken and he was seething with outrage. “Maybe they got away, before that monster got here.” He said hopefully.
“There was scream’en an lights flash’en, red and green uns, when I was close enough to see the house. I missed me target area and apparated not even half a block down the street. It was all over when I got here.” Hagrid said blowing his nose on his great handkerchief. Poor James and Lily he said again.
“Where’s Harry,” Sirius asked desperately “Did they get Harry too?” He was searching frantically when he heard a little hiccup and a soft, “Tom? Sing mol.”(more)
Sirius ran upstairs, followed by Hagrid. “Careful Hagrid,” he ordered roughly but not unkindly. They lifted one of the drapes that ripped from the window and fallen across Harry. He looked up at them confused “Silweus?”
“Yes, Harry, it’s me, Sirius.”
“Bad man, vey, vey bad man!” Harry was pointing with Lily’s wand towards the place where Voldemort turned into a black wisp of smoke. Then he put it in his mouth and tried to chew on its end. He pointed it again and said, “Petel, bad wat! Petel vey, vey, bad wat!”
“Hagrid, help me look, do you see anyone?” They swiftly searched through the rubble.
“All I see is this poor cat’s nearly killed. Blimey! It’s really in a bad way! Looks like it tried to help put up a fight.” Hagrid said in shock.
“Tom, come to Haywee.” he was stretching for Tom.
Sirius knelt on one knee, and carefully picked up Tom. “Careful Sirius, wounded animals can put a powerful hurt on ya.”
“Not this one, for two reasons. He gave too much of himself trying to protect his master to hurt someone who is trying to help. The other reason is that he is only just alive. He deserves love one more time by the one he is giving his life to protect. Harry wants to hold him; it’ll comfort him, while we look around."
There was a loud honking noise as Hagrid blew his nose. “’at was beau’iful, ‘at was. On’y, it’ll scare the tyke to pieces; it’s a pathetic mess.”
“I think Harry has proven tonight that he’s made of stronger stuff than most men are even. Just a minute I have a theory, but let’s take care of this first.” he pointed his wand, “Scourgefy” and the blood was gone from Tom’s fur. Next, he tore the orange towel Lily had dried Harry with from his bath, and wrapped Tom tightly so his opened side would stay intact. Then he swaddled him in the rest of the towel, and placed him gently in Harry’s arms.
“Here you go, here’s your Tom, son.” He swallowed hard realizing how true that last word had become. Love filled his heart for Harry, and grief overwhelmed him for Lily, and his best friend. James was a brother to him, and now Sirius was alone. “How did this happen?” he said, going over things in his head.
“Well, Dumbledore said-- “No, Hagrid, it’s alright. I got the gist of it. “He said dryly. “I was just thinking of things in my head.” He went on thinking and talking to himself, leaving Hagrid wondering about him.
Tom lay in Harry’s arms and he started rocking back and forth. “Evwe season, tuwn, tuwn, tuwn, wock abye bebe, ina tee top, wock abye bebe ina tee top, wock abye bebe ina tee top, an come a bebe kaydel anaw.” He stopped his lullabye, and kissed Tom on the nose.
“Haywee love you, Tom. Aw you sleeping Tom? He whispered. Tom touched Harry’s mind one more time. “Thank you, Harry. I feel all better now. Yes, I’m going to go to sleep now. Will you hold me just a bit longer? I love you.”
Harry looked up at Hagrid and Sirius and smiled. His eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were tear stained, but his face was as bright as sunshine on a cloudy day. He put his finger to his lips, nearly poking his eye with Lily‘s wand he still had.
“Tom going sleepy now. Shhhh “Hagrid fell on Sirius’s shoulders crying his heart out. “’at is the saddest an most precious thing I ever did see in me life. Isn’ e beau’iful? Poor James and Lily. Never gon’na see their wee one, poor Harry, never gon’na--” Sirius struggled to stand and was trying hard not to break down crying himself when he said, “Here now Hagrid, get ahold of yourself, Harry see’s you. He’s going to think something else is going to go wrong.”
Hagrid straightened up quickly and dried his eyes with the back of his hand. Laughing and thumping Sirius on the back (nearly knocking him into Harry’s bed) Everythings fine Harry isn’t it Sirius! He said rather jovial, although his chin was still quivering, and his voice was cracking. Harry looked at him with his mouth open, and then smiled.
He looked at Sirius and said quietly, “Hagwid silwy.” Then he put his finger to his lips and told Hagrid to shhhhhhhhhh because Tom was sleeping.
Sirius remembered that he wanted to try something after he had cleaned up Tom.
He asked Harry quietly if he could please see his mommy’s wand. Harry sat still looking at Sirius, then to where the door was supposed to be, and then back to Sirius.
“Haywee shoot bad man.” and did not offer the wand to him. Sirius said, “I’ll shoot the bad man if he comes back, Harry, but I think he’s gone. Can I see the wand?” He held out his hand.
He considered Sirius again. “Mommy’s wand not a toy, must be vey, vey cayful! K Silweus?”
Sirius smiled marveling at a truly incredible wonder, that he was going to get to love and raise as his own. “Yes, that’s right, it’s not a toy. I won’t play with it. I want to see something with it, and then I’ll put it in a safe place.”
Harry’s eyes got big. “Lumos” he said and the wand responded with light.
Hagrid clapped Sirius on the back again. “You said you wanted to see. Well, there you are a light to see with.” Obviously, Hagrid was feeling proud of Harry.
Sirius looked at Harry, and said, “I’m going to have my hands full with him, aren’t I?” He was already bursting with pride. Harry handed the wand to Sirius and Sirius became solemn. “Priori Incantatum” he said. An image projected from the wand of a wand lit with Lumos. Again, the wand showed an image of a green beam of light from a “Bad Man Go!” command and the beam hitting Voldemort in the chest and sending him away into black smoke. It also was showing the green beam from the “Avada Kadavra” curse hitting the green beam, and slightly bending upward. Then the green beam hit a golden light and only a sliver of the green beam hit Harry in the head, then Harry fell backward onto the mattress. Walls, glass, toys, everything that was in the room and the door were all flying in the explosion that occurred when the two curses collided.
“Blimey!” Hagrid exclaimed. “He beat--” “Voldemort!” finished Sirius. Hagrid jumped backward, tripped over a piece of rubble, and fell to the floor. “What’cha gone and said his name for? Hagrid asked breathlessly. “My hearts just a race’n!”
“I said his name because that’s what it is, his name.” Sirius said impatiently. “Lily!” he said abruptly glancing at Harry, who was busy rocking his cat. Hagrid looked just beside him where his hand was when he fell. Lily’s foot was sticking out from beneath the door that had blown off, just inches away.
“Get Harry; keep him busy so he doesn’t see me. Wrap him up good, and get him ready to go. We need to be getting out of here. The Aurors will be getting here and they’ll try to take Harry.” Let me take care of James and Lily, and then I’ll take Harry. He’ll live with me, I’m his Godfather.”
“Sorry Sirius, Dumbledore give me strict orders, I’m to take Harry to him, and he’ll have a safe place for him. A pity, the only relatives Harry has is an Aunt, a Muggle one at that, but at least its family. He’ll be loved, and well provided for.”
Sirius said, “Okay, he can go to Dumbledore for now, but I don’t want him living with Petunia. I don’t want Harry living without love like Lily did.” He gave Hagrid the keys to his motorcycle, and told him to take it, and keep it for him, that he was going to go kill a rat. He walked over to the side of the house that was blown away, and pointed his wand to the sidewalk. “Accio Motorcycle” and it appeared on the sidewalk.
“Right” said Hagrid. He reached down and gently took the cat from Harry. It was so dark, and he was paying most of his attention to Harry, that he didn’t even notice that the cat he was placing on the floor, was now orange. “Come to Hagrid.” Reaching down he picked up Harry and turned so Harry wouldn’t see his mommy’s lifeless body as Sirius was tending to her.
Sirius pulled the door off her, saw the terror, and anguish frozen on her face. Her face was still wet from her tears. He touched the side of her face tenderly shaking his head and letting the unwonted tears fall. He scooped her up and carried her downstairs to find James and lay her beside him. They had jumped over him not even realizing it when they ran upstairs to find Harry.
When he came upon James he cryed out, for the site of the upheaval was unconscionable, and evil beyond thought. James did not die easily, and sadly, not quickly. His mangled body was but a plaything, entertainment for Voldemort. (A/N The details are to grotesque, and gruesome, so I will be kind and not depict them.) Sirius gently laid Lily down against James side. He stood and turned away from them so he could settle his stomach. He was shaking violently; his hands doubled into fists and shook. He reached up and grabbed handsful of hair, then turned back allowing his eyes to fall on his friend. A savage scream came from the inner most hidden depths of his heart as he dropped to his knees. He wanted to pick him up and hold him, but this was not a possibility, so he knelt over him with his forehead on James’s chest, a hand on the top of his head, the other squeezing his hand, and wept uncontrollably.
Hagrid turned and looked down on Sirius, when he screamed. He had never heard anything so horribly terrifying, and mournfully anguishing at the same time. “Reckon he’s gone mad with grief. Hope he gets away before the Aurors get hear. And I need to get you to Dumbldore.” he said as he finished wrapping Harry warmly, and tucked him in his monstrous coat. He put a huge belt on under where Harry lay, and buttoned up his coat with one undone at Harry’s head, so he could breath. He made his way down to where Sirius was lamenting over his friends. He saw James, clapped his hand over his mouth, ran from the site, and worked very hard at not getting sick. “No wonder Sirius went mad. Poor James,” he said to himself, crying and blowing his nose. Bloody awful way to go! He decided to stay and watch until Sirius left.
Tom knew it was safe to come forward, and say good-bye to his beloved masters. He would give Sirius a chance to grieve, and then he would make himself known to Sirius, and tell him what happened. He would tell him how Harry had used magic and that he hit Voldemort by a curse from Harry and disappeared. He would then tell how Peter came, stepped over James body to go upstairs, and got Voldemort’s wand. He saw Harry sitting in his crib crying, and Harry calling him “bad”. He had looked at Harry and whimpered that he didn’t understand. He had to do it, and put the wand in his mouth, and turned into a rat and scurried away. Tom crept to James, as not wanting to disturb Sirius, and put his paw on James’s chin. Good-bye Little One, God rest your weary soul, and know that Harry will be fine. I will not rest until I find a way to avenge you and Lily. Then he made his way around to nibble Lily’s chin. “I love you, my precious master. Rest with James, and I will do everything I can to be with Harry, after I find Peter. Thank you for saving me and being the best master any creature could ever hope to have. I love you both. He stepped back, and sat quietly while he waited to let Sirius finish.
Sirius, still bereaving his loss, raised himself onto one knee, and put a charm on James to keep him together. Then he clasped James and Lily’s hands together, and put their wands on their chests. He bound their joined hands with a soft ribbon, then touched his wand to the ribbon and said “Portus, Dumbledore”.
Sirius stood up, and took a mighty breath and raised his fists and beat his chest calling out in a thundering declaration; “Hear me! Fear me! I am not deluded! I know who you are, you little rat! I will hunt you down, and I will kill you!” Sirius disapparated suddenly before Tom could speak.
Hagrid shivered as if cold water washed over him. “Overcome with grief ‘at un’is.” he said. “I’d hate t’ be the one ‘e’s go’n after. He peeked at Harry. “Look a’ cha with a great cut on yur head, loosen your mum an dad, an hav’n ta go live wi’ Muggles. Poor li’le tyke. Well, ya ready for a motorcycle ride are ya? Hang on tigh’ an’ se’le in, cause we go’ta long ways t’go.
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 06:01 PM.