Thread: Harry Potter: Silver Dawn - Sa13+
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Old 03-02-2010, 03:29 AM   #40 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Seven

Calypso Granger-Malfoy looked at the train with distaste, she was upset to
have to leave her happy family.” Mummy, why aren't you and Daddy married?” She suddenly turned around to face Draco and Hermione who were standing behind her. Hermione laughed slightly and tousled Calypso's hair playfully.” Mo-om. This isn't funny. Why aren't you and dad married?”

“ I'm not laughing because I thought it was funny Callie. It's because you looked so cute when you said it ah-Never mind you'll understand when your older. Come on let's get you on the train.” Hermione chuckled silently to herself and lead Calypso to the train. Draco was fighting down a grin as they approached it's sleek massive maroon carriages.” And I'm not going to get married till after Lucius is dealt with dear.”

“ And THEN you'll marry dad?” Calypso asked looking hopeful, several people turned to look in surprise because of how loud Calypso had said it.” I mean, after Lucius is dead-a-fied or in prison or whatever you will marry Draco?” She said in a stage whisper. Draco was having a rather hard time not grinning or laughing at Hermione's expression, then he noticed Pansy Parkinson was making her way over towards them.

“ Callie honey.” Draco squatted down so he was her height.” Hermione doesn't think of me in that way, okay? We aren't going to get married.” Calypso's face fell and signs of tears started to appear on her face as her eyes became more damp.” Don't cry, be a strong girl for daddy. You'll have tons of fun at Hogwarts, don't forget to make friends and enjoy yourself, no matter what house your in I'm sure you'll like it.”

“ Okay, you didn't tell me to behave.” Any sign of Calypso almost crying disappeared in a flash.” So, does that mean I don't have to? Just kidding daddy, I'll behave and do all that other important stuff you told me to.” She wrapped her arms around Draco tightly. Neither of them noticed Pansy had arrived.” I am going to miss you a lot dad, you and mom. Take good care of her or else.” Calypso's eyes narrowed then she started to laugh with a odd sniffle here and there.

“ Kay, I'll take care of Hermione as long as you take care of yourself.” Draco finally let a grin break out on his face. He then noticed Pansy and Hermione were having some sort of glare battle.” Ahem.” He cleared his throat loudly, both women turned in surprise to face him.” Hey Pansy, what are you doing here? I thought you graduated Hogwarts already.”

“ Er, well I did.. I just, I came with Blaise who was coming to see his half sister see her boyfriend see his younger brother off. Well I mean, I came with Blaise, his half sister, her boyfriend and his sisters boyfriend's younger brother.” Pansy sounded a little flustered.” Ah never mind.. I never knew you and Hermione were married or that you.. Adopted a kid.” She didn't seem to making quite a good impression on Calypso and Draco didn't seem to want to stop her.

“ Draco and I aren't married.” Hermione stated dryly, Pansy nodded and muttered a apology for jumping to conclusions.” Right, well I've got to go to work. Take care Calypso be a good girl, behave and study hard.” Hermione hugged the eleven year old, smiled at Draco then left. Calypso eye's were darting back and forth between Draco and Pansy rather fast.

“ Da-ad!” This was a clear sign that Calypso was getting either annoyed, excited or interested in something, Draco looked at her slightly confused.” Is Pansy your girlfriend?” She asked in such a sweet innocent way it was unbearable, Draco started to laugh.” Well is she she?” Calypso seemed put out that he was laughing and not responding.

“ I dated her a couple times in school, now get on the train and go already!” Draco pushed a confused Calypso onto the Hogwarts Express.

*** The Express

Well, this is it. Were almost at Hogwarts. I thought to myself with a slight sigh. The captain announced that we would be there in less then five minutes. Fortunately I had been wearing my robes for the whole trip and I had the compartment all to myself. Next thing I knew someone poked there head in I was surprised and slightly annoyed.” Hi, sorry to disturb you but can I sit here?” She had dark brown hair and lightning blue eyes that were really pretty, first year at that also. Her tie wasn't colored.

“ Uh. Yea sure come on in.” I hope she hadn't noticed my staring, I turned back to watching outside the window and Puddin's feathers got in my eyes. Yet again. A comfortable silence settled between the timid first year and I, all was well. Hopefully she didn't try and start up a random conversation that was pointless. I hated pointless, I mean it's just. Pointless! Next thing I knew someone else entered, fortunately for me I knew this girl.

“ Hey Mickey.” Zoe Angela Swift sat down next to me swinging her long blonde hair out of her face.” Aw, thanks for watching Pum'kin and Puddin' for me! Your so swee- Er hi.” Obviously Zoe just noticed the first year.” I mean, hiya! I'm Zoe Angela Swift, please call me Zoe or Angela or Angie, but not any two together, this is Mickey. I mean Michael Creed. Don't call him Mickey for your own good, I've died far to many times.” The first year looked up and Zoe almost gasped at her blue eyes.

“ Hi.” Firstie muttered.” I'm.. I'm Calypso, nice to meet you.” She looked down and began reading what ever book was in her lap again. Wow.. She was definitely not a talker, or maybe she was just really really shy. Zoe, who I have no idea how I put up with looked a like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on her I noticed, she was dripping wet. This didn't register to me till she pushed her hair out of her face again and water splashed me in the face.

“ Z! What in the-What happened?” I almost shrieked in surprise, Calypso's head shot up and she looked worried.” Woah, sorry about that. I just panicked, uh yea sorry. Zoe Angela Swift what in the world happened to you?” I muttered using her full name. Zoe stared at me for a good two minutes for deciding to open that silly little mouth of hers and talk. Now I doubt that she'll ever stop talking, strange girl.

“ We-ell. I going to the bathroom then I bumped into Parker and we had a chat then Parker called me a name a-and so then I chased him and then he went outside and then I followed him but I got locked out and it's pouring out there a-and then! Finally someone helped me out of there.” Zoe looked at me quizzically for some reason.” Also Parker isn't very up to date you know.. He said that Lucius Malfoy you know that mass murderer guy right Mickey? Well anyways he apparently only just killed the two muggles yesterday, Granger I think. I laughed at him and told him that yesterday he murdered Philip Morgue.”

“ Lucius Malfoy killed more muggles?” Calypso looked up her eyes were flitting through with signs of horror, hate, fear, anger and many other things I couldn't recognize. Zoe nodded turning to face Calypso.” THAT DAMN WIZARD I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!” Her sudden outburst shocked both Zoe and I.” Uh, sorry about that, um.. I think were at Hogwarts.” She glanced outside.” Train's slowing down.” And with that she left. This was going to be one interesting year. I'm sure of it, and this is only my first few hours in to my second year and I can already tell...

Floating, in the distance.

Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 12-10-2010 at 07:15 AM.
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