Thread: Harry Potter: Depart in Peace - Sa13+
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Old 03-02-2010, 03:28 AM   #28 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Ahh! It's not as long as the rest but it should do

The girl that shows up Liscr Ra-ye, her name is pronounced Lis-cer Ray-ee..

Chapter Four: Painful Love

Maybe I did not belong here,
I saw the things they rarely could

Angelina and Hermione were talking about the current state of the Ministry and what it was doing as George surveyed the latter with a certain interest mingled with confusion. Hermione felt his steady unmoving gaze on her and tried to shrug it off, but it wasn't exactly easy to ignore. Finally Molly Weasley arrived with a steaming platter of slightly pink steak and definitely raw sushi. Bill whistled softly, he hadn't been over for dinner in some time and was eagerly waiting for his mothers cooking. Charlie and Percy burst in to laughter at the look on his face. George joined halfheartedly, not even noticing what they were laughing at. Then silence took place of the normal bustling chatter and laughter at the Weasley table.

“ So uh.. Hermione, how's your summer been?” Percy decided to finally break the abnormal silence around the dinner table. Hermione looked up from her food which she hadn't really eaten in surprise, and paused as her brown eyes flitted around the table noticing everyone was watching her.” I mean, I haven't seen you much around the ministry. And, well yea. You did a great job when you worked under me for a few months. Who's your new boss?” Percy babbled on noticing the silence was even more awkward.

“ My summers been as well as can be expected. And I haven't seen you much either, thank you. You flatter me to much, and Draco Malfoy is my new boss.” Hermione tried to use a fake smile, it didn't turn out well. Her mind had been drifting to when she kissed Draco on the cheek, to when she spent a whole night laughing hysterically with Blaise Zabini because Draco dropped a plate on his head. She almost laughed out loud at the memory. Winky had been scolding Draco for about half an hour before she decided to do something.” How's all of your summers been so far?”

“ Spiffing great!” Charlie burst out, surprising several people. Fleur murmured something that sounded suspiciously like Cho Chang. Hermione hearing it choked on her food.” I mean, it's been okay, I can live with it.” Charlie had also heard and went bright red much to half the tables occupants amusement.” What?” His feigned innocence didn't work on anyone and soon everyone was laughing, including Hermione and Molly.” Mum this food is really great.”

“ Spiffing? And why did Fleur mutter something that sounded rather like Cho Chang. It goes from okay to great?” Hermione said through her laughter which had deepened at his failure to change the subject. George had already disappeared under the table because his laughter caused him to fall out of his chair.” And I must say, this food is really good mum.” After several years Hermione finally had given up and decided to call Molly 'mum'.

“ Spiffing indeed.” Fleur choked in her french accent.” I muttered it because Charlie seemed to have taken a interest in a certain Asian girl that is a year older then Harry, and his ex-girlfriend. The food is exquisite. I happen to know Chang, she stole Diggory from at the Tri-Wizard tournament, but that of course was before I met Bill.” Fleur giggled a little bit at the end, Hermione had to confess, her accent and English had improved quite a bit.

“ So Hermione.. I feel bad for you, Malfoy's your new boss.” Angelina attempted to regain control of her laughter through out the chatter around her.” Is he still the s-” She stopped noticing Percy and Penelope's child at the table and then quickly changed what she was going to say.” Scum bag he was in school?” Her almost slip of the tongue made it more impossible for George to stop laughing and take himself of the floor. Quickly she slapped him and made him control his laughter for long enough to be dragged from under the table, after being pulled out from there he started laughing again, and this time even harder.

“ Actually, Draco's been quite nice. I'm staying at his house currently, had some troubles passed out and he totally freaked. I guess I finally got to know the good guy side of Draco and Blaise.” Hermione stopped suddenly noticing everyone staring at her in disbelief.” Oh come of it, Draco's not that bad!” She persisted, her tone showing signs of slight annoyance.

“ It uh.. Just came as bit of a surprise, you know.. How Mal-Draco was in school is totally different to how he is now I guess.” Angelina started playing with her food as she looked away from Hermione. The meal started with small amounts of chatter. Fleur and Hermione were now talking about certain jewelry stores in Diagon Alley. Eventually they heard the door open and slam, everyone looked up in surprise. Ginny walked in clearly in a bad mood.” Hi?' Angelina asked confused.

“ Hi... Is that all I get? Just hi? Not a.. Oh no Ginny-kins what's wrong!” She threw her hands up in anger.” Oh no.. I don't get that because I'm Ginny and I've finally made it clear I want to be left alone, and you'll only talk to me to tell me to marry the idiot Potter. Oh no! That's the only reason I live to get engaged to that big headed git.” Ginny threw another glare at them then stormed out of the room. Everyone exchanged looks of confusion, wondering what in the world happened. What did Harry have to do with her date with Dean. After a few moments of silence she came back in.

“ Ginny.. What happened on your date with Dean?” Fleur sat up tentatively then walked over to her sister in-law.” And what does 'arry have to do with your date with Dean?” She then took Ginny's arm and lead her to the couch and sat down with her, waiting for a answer and hoping it would come. Over the past two years Ginny and Fleur had grown as close as Hermione and Ginny used to be, Ginny and Hermione grew as far apart as Fleur and Ginny used to be. It was such a confusion matter to everyone else. And Hermione.

“ Dean and I were at the Hogs Head talking, you know having a great time and everything.” Ginny started crying when she started to explain.” We were going to leave and then H-Harry showed up.” Anger and hate were mingled with Harry's name.” He started yelling at Dean and accusing me of cheating on him. We haven't even talked since the day Hermione was hurt, and before that not since Ron's death. SO HOW IN THE NAME OF MERLIN CAN I BE CHEATING ON HIM IF HE HATE'S ME!?” She exploded at the end with both uncontrollable tears and anger. There was a sudden knock on the door. George got up to go get it.

“ Dad, Cho, Harry and...” George paused slightly. They heard a soft but strong voice respond with two words Liscr Ra-ye.” Right, Liscr. Hey Teddy! Come on in you lot, dinner started a bit ago and well yea. How did work go dad? Are they still being a bunch of idiots and trying to overthrow Kingsley?” Arthur Weasley replied with something that no one else heard, and it caused George and Harry to start laughing. The five of them entered in to the dining room. Liscr Ra-ye was medium height, had long flowing blonde hair with soft blue eyes. The typical American girlfriend, and she was definitely not American, probably Australian.

“ Hey Hermione, Angelina, Penelope, Fleur, Bill, Charlie, George, mum and... Ginny.” The last name came out of Harry's mouth rather forced.” This is Liscr Ra-ye my girlfriend from California.” He then introduced them to the blonde who Ginny was glaring daggers at. Almost everyone was surprised, Fleur and George visible but Hermione looked shocked and, offended. Harry didn't seem to notice. Everyone began to greet them and congratulate them, well that is, everyone but Ginny who still was sitting on the couch glaring her eyes out at Liscr who looked rather uncomfortable.

“ Harry! I've been worried sick about you, how has work been as head of the Auror office? Are they making you do really dangerous jobs?” Ginny suddenly started in a sickly, annoying, fawning tone of voice with a big sloppy grin on her face as she ran towards him.” Oh dear, you look like a wreck.” cooed, his face was totally confused, obviously less then a hour ago they had a yelling match.” The dinner is really good, you look like your starved.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him in to the kitchen. Hermione had a sudden urge to laugh at the looks on Liscr's, Harry's and Ginny's faces. Somehow she managed to keep it in.

“ That was strange.” Cho managed to say with a straight face, though the corners of her mouth were twitching slightly.” Uh.. Dinner?” She noticed that everyone was now watching her, well that was everyone in the room except George who had receded under the table again.” What's he doing down there?” Cho's attempts to change the subject were in vain, and she noticed it so decided to shut up. Charlie had then walked over to her and they had a conversation in low whispers, Hermione didn't really pay attention to anything, she was absentmindedly playing with her hair.

“ Um. Hermione?” She was dragged out of her thoughts by Harry.” Hermione, you've hardly touched your food.” He looked at her worried.” And you've not been paying attention to what anyone's saying. People are leaving, and Angelina's been trying to talk to you for the past fifteen minutes about.” As she looked around certainly people were leaving and she had hardly touched her food. Everyone was watching her at the table with looks of worry on there face.

“ Oh sorry Harry, Angelina, everyone. Just got carried away in my thoughts, the food is really great but Draco's been feeding me quite a bit so I'm not hungry, truly I'm sorry.” Hermione gave a weak half forced smile, but then noticed her slip of the tongue and the look on Harry's face.” Oh yea.. You didn't know that I was er.. Staying with Draco did you.” She knew this wasn't going to end well. Why oh why did I have to be so stupid sometimes? They stared at each other for a few minutes of silence, then someone decided to break it.

“ Harry, leave off her..” Liscr sighed slightly.” Don't be a idiot and get angry, let's go. I'm tired, and you surely look it.” She grabbed his arm and gave a apologetic glance at all the Weasley's and everyone else, then left with him muttering to him in a annoyed sort of way. There was more silence as people started to register what happened. Ginny was the first, she ran up the stairs crying hysterically, Fleur quickly followed her apologizing to everyone and telling them that she had to go. Percy, Penelope and Simon then left next. Hermione quickly decided to leave before things got more out of hand then they already were.

***The Ministry of Magic, the next day.

“ It was... It was terrible to be truthful, George was completely suspicious of everything I did or said, Ginny showed up a quarter the way through her date with Dean ruined because of Harry, then Harry showed up and he had a girlfriend. She's really nice and everything. But less then a hour before that Harry accused Ginny of cheating on him. Then I zoned out and made myself look like a idiot, ugh! It was terrible.” Hermione slammed her smooth forehead on the table in front of her, causing several people to turn and look at her.” There are sometimes when I wish I could kill Harry.. He's half my problems in this whole stupid world!”

“ Only half? Who's the other half?” Draco asked, interested.” Zoning out doesn't make you a idiot, George can be as suspicious as he likes.. I think that your overreacting again.” Hermione looked up and started to narrow her eyes.” What? It's the truth, oh yea. I have a meeting tonight. So it's just Blaise and you tonight, and well Winky of course. You don't look like your going to eat anymore. So we should go back to the office.” Draco took her hand and lead her out of the cafeteria, many people cast confused and suspicious looks at them.” Look at Seamus's expression.” He whispered to her. Hermione looked over at the said person and joined Draco in laughter. Hermione was about to say something but stopped, laughter and words died in her mouth as she bumped in to Liscr Ra-ye and Harry.

“ Hermione, Draco.” Liscr smiled at them, turning away from Harry who it looked like she was arguing with.” So, how has life been Draco? Is my cousin still giving you a hard time? Because if he is I'll go slap Blaise. He deserves it anyways. And hi Hermione, it is Hermione right? Sorry if it's wrong. I'm really bad at names and there were a lot of people yesterday.” She tried to look happy, but it was obvious that she was rather angry with Harry. Who was livid and glaring daggers at Draco. He looked shocked when Liscr said that she was Blaise Zabini's cousin.

“ Hey Li. I've been doing okay, Blaise would never give me a hard time.. At least not around Hermione she'd hex him, and he doesn't deserve a slap. It is Hermione, and you are bad at names.” Draco grinned at Liscr.” Nice seeing you again, but I've got to get back to work.. Have to finish early.” He then took Hermione's hand again and headed towards the stairs. Hermione was silent for most of the trip, when they got to the fifth floor she then spoke up.

“ Draco.. You said you had a meeting, I take that it has nothing to do with work.” She raised one eyebrow at him. He didn't answer.” Oh never mind, it's not even my business anyways.” Hermione muttered as they ascended the last flight of stairs. Several people's heads turned slightly away from there dusty work as Draco and Hermione entered the hallway, the latter decided to stop and say hello to a friend of hers though.” Hey Tina, have you gotten the papers I asked for through yet?” Hermione waved a wand and pulled up the wooden chair she made then sat down next to the new girl.” Oh and how's Cormac doing?”

“ Er yep, right here.” Tina MacLaggen smiled briefly handed Hermione the papers.” I think I got them through okay..” Another brief and nervous smile.” Cormac's doing great, he and Isabella are spending the weekend in Paris, I do hope he doesn't spoil her as usual.” Tina finished with a fully fledged grin.” Oh.. Hey boss.. I got the reports you asked for earlier this morning here they are.. See ya around Hermione, gotta run home to relieve the baby sitter of Timothy.” Tina handed over Draco's papers, picked up her purse then left with a small wave to Hermione.

“ I have no idea what she see's in Cormac... He's a totally idiot, unlike me.” Draco rolled his eyes, Hermione stifled the laughter that threatened to break through.” Oh come on, you've got to admit it.. I'm way nicer, plus you dated Cormac so you should know how much of a stuck up prat he is.” He turned to face Hermione pleadingly slightly. At this she cracked and started to laugh. He watched her with a speculative look on his face and waited for her response after she finished laughing.

“ Cormac is not that bad, and Tina fell in love.. Normally people that fall in love get married.” Hermione's voice wavered a little bit here.” And I will not admit that you are nicer or less of a idiot or prat then Cormac. Do I hear a hint of jealousy about me dating Cormac? I wouldn't have thought you able to feel that, unless someone had prettier hair then you.” She teased punching his arm playfully. At this Draco started laughing.” But seriously, you sounded jealous...” It was a statement not a question, and Draco knew he hardly had a choice of what to respond with.

“ But you do admit Cormac is a prat. And I get jealous rather often, it has nothing to do with my hair thank you very much.. I have no worry about that, I have the slickest and handsomest hair in the world, wizarding or muggle.. You might have heard some jealousy..” Draco decided that trying to avoid the purpose of the whole jealous matter was the best decision.”

“ I.. Cormac.. Some.. Stop confusing me now!” Hermione just stared at him with a almost blank expression on her face, Draco was immediately confused himself now.” Oh great! Excuse me.” She slipped past him quickly and ran in to her office as tears started to roll down her face.” Why me? Why do I have to.. I can't! Can't! CAN'T. I can't love Draco Malfoy, I love Ronald Weasley.” Hermione shouted herself, hoping with all her might no one heard, unfortunately she didn't notice the other person in her office.

“ Um.. Hermione?” George spoke up noticing how strange this was as he did so.” Sorry to break it to you, but uh, Ron's dead.” Hermione spun around and glowered at him with a look stating that she already knew.” But.. Did you really mean what you said about Malfoy? Do you really love him?” He knew this wasn't the best way to approach things but he had to find out, he had no idea why.

“ Of course not! Why in the world would I love a idiotic prat! Malfoy of all people, he constantly called me mudblood throughout our whole Hogwarts life and afterwords, why in the name of Merlin would I even begin to like someone like that? Plus, I'm allowed to love a dead person, when Ron died my heart went with him.” Hermione knew she wasn't making a point in the slightest.” Oh.. I didn't make a single point there did I.. Let's get this straight George. You never heard me say that, as far as you know I came in whistling happily after having a nice conversation with Harry? You never heard me say I love Malfoy, got it?” She started to glare at him again. He nodded through his silent laughter. They both turned in surprise as the door opened.

“ I heard that there was a Miss Hermione Granger here?” The tall red haired young man entered the room, forgetting to close the door. Hermione took one look at him and almost fainted.” Hermione! It's a .. George! Wow, uh.. Hey guys. It's a really long story as to how I'm not dead, Harry has some power called Time-Affectionate or something and well yea.. Really strange but he couldn't not not.. Uh.. He had to make me alive something about missing me.. Gah, I confuse my-” Ron Weasley broke off as Hermione threw herself at him and kissed him full on the lips.

“ Ron..” She finally managed to say as they broke apart she let her head rest on his chest, holding him tightly as she did so.” Please, don't ever leave me again.. Please.” Tears starting welling up in her eyes, but for a whole different reason then before.” Wait.. Did you say that Harry was a Time-Effector?” Hermione pulled away ran to her desk and started rummaging through her papers.” Here! I read about them in our sixth, second and first year. Pretty interesting, but as far I as know there haven't been any in centuries.. Wow! Wait! It runs in his blood that's how, normally it's passed down from mother to daughter or father to son, it's very rare that it's passed from mother to son or father to daughter and normally the blood weakens and.. I'm babbling aren't I?” She looked up surprised.

“ Right yea, um.. Hi Ron. I've gotta run, Percy asked me to babysit Simon today, he and Penelope are going out for there anniversary.” George coughed and left, leaving Hermione and Ron to a slightly awkward silence. Hermione sat down in her chair watching Ron who just stood there slightly confused and trying to figure out what Hermione just said.

“ Uh.. I've gotta go, works over, plus I've got to say good bye to Draco before he go-...” Hermione gasped and covered her mouth realizing what she just let slip.” Er.. And I can't miss my dinner either, Draco will have my head, want to drop by for dinner at Malfoy Manor?” She almost slapped herself physically, Ron remained silent for a moment.

“ I.. I guess.” He said his expression and tone blank and dry. Together they walked out of the Ministry silently not exchanging a single word between each other. Once they exited it Hermione took his hand and apparated to Malfoy Manor.” Hermione, you sure I'm allowed here?” Ron asked.

“ Yep.. I'm sure, they won't kill me.. Blaise and Draco.” Hermione explained the they as they made there way through the garden and in to the manor.” OI! Blaise is Draco gone yet?” She called out, Ron stared at me dumbfounded that I would hang out with two Slytherins, much less live with them. Hermione felt bad for him, he's only known her for five minutes after he died and well yea..

“ Oh hey Hermione, he's in the.. The living room, you know which one I'm talking about.. Hey Winky, careful with that, sure you don't want any help? DRACO! HERMIONE'S BACK FROM WORK, WITH.. A friend?” Blaise finished looking rather surprised and sounding surprised, then he noticed who I was with.” I thought he was uh.. You know, dead?” He turned to Hermione for some kind of explanation.

“ Well, it was a mistake.. He didn't really die.” Hermione wasn't prepared to go in to full detail about what happened to Ron, and Harry's powers.” Well, I'm gonna say bye to Draco then go up to my room and talk with Ron, try not to disturb me please? I'll be down in about half an hour. Oh and I should be moving out tomorrow.” With a grin she took Ron's hand and led him upstairs trying not to laugh.” Ron.. I'm so.. Happy, I don't know really how to voice how I feel like. It's kinda like being in love all over again.” Hermione looked up at the towering red head.

“ I know how you feel, it's.. Just, to strange. Right well uh.. You can go see Malfoy say good bye and stuff.. All that and I'll sit in your room waiting for you.” Ron kissed her again bringing back the smile to her face.” Hermione, I love you no matter what.. Through anything and everything.” Hermione could feel the tears creeping up on her and turned away with a nod. Then slowly made her way to find Draco and say good bye. As she headed to off to find him she realized how painful her love with Ron would be.

Floating, in the distance.
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