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Old 02-23-2010, 10:03 PM   #171 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Is updating. (with the full chapter, so if you read the last part just skip the the after the battle thing)

Forever and Always, Fearless, You Belong With Me, Love Story-All from Taylor Swifts album Fearless produced in 2008. She wrote them all.. Great songs, great singer.
I want you-Album-The Best Of Elvis Costello The First 10 Years-Nice song! Made in 1986..
Can't Stop Lovin' You-Van Halen made this wonderful awesome song! I love it.. Made it 1995. (I've got it in there album The best of Van Halen)

Chapter Thirty-Six: Joy Reclaimed

“ Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort fired at Harry Potter for the third time in the younger mans life.

Without a second thought Ginny raised her wand hand to disarm Voldemort, even though it wouldn't do anything to stop the spell, but forgot that her hand was wrapped tightly around Harry's own wand hand and therefor dragged his hand up with her. But instead of everyone seeing them die together, or one person shouting the spell they heard two voice in unison shout it at once with the force of love and hope together it met Voldemort's spell which rebounded and hit it's master as the powerful disarming spell also hit him knocking him flying in to the wall, Voldemort landed on the ground with his arms and legs wide open. Dead. There were a few moments of silence as everyone began to realize what just happened.

“ HARRY!” Ginny shrieked and hugged him tightly.” I-I thought you were dead, how did you survive? I though Voldemort killed you.” She babbled on, crying as she hugged him. Ginny also voiced everyone's thoughts, for they just stood there looking bemused.” Voldemort! How did he die? What happened, Harry, oh Harry!” Harry waited for Ginny to stop before answering.

“ I thought I was dead also, but.. But I was the last horcrux.. So well yea.. I was a horcrux just like Hermione, so Voldemort killed the.. Never mind, you know how that works out. Voldemort died because.. Well. The power that Voldemort knows not.. Love, I fired that spell with all the love I could muster, and I have to say thank you. I wouldn't have been able to do have done that spell with out you, Ron, Hermione, everyone.. So it wasn't really me that killed Voldemort, it was love.” Harry smiled at Ginny and hugged her back.

“ Your just to modest.” Hermione grinned at him, though she was barely heard through all the yelling and screaming of joy and madness. The latter coming from the most faithful of the death eaters.” Draco, where's your father? I want to meet your parents properly.” She turned to face Draco, but saw the expression on his face at the mention of his father.” Er.. Mother, I would like to meet your mother then.” Quickly she changed hoping he wouldn't get mad or something.” Sorry about bringing him up.. I really shouldn't have.”

“ Don't apologize Hermione.. You didn't know what he was, what he did. My only regret is that my mother was able to kill him instead of me.” Draco whispered to her.” And you can come meet my mother, I'll have to disappoint you thought. You won't be Hermione Malfoy, it's Hermione Black. Though in my opinion it suits you better.” He smirked at her, but this wasn't his famous Malfoy smirk. This was a calmer, more friendly smirk. Hermione wiped it right off his face with a gentle kiss.

“ I love you Draco, and only you.. I love you more then anything, and I don't care what my surname will be as long as I'm married to you. And right now your making me think of several songs, this is such a memorable moment.” Hermione smiled up at him as the foreheads touched. He raised his eyebrows in question to what they were.” Forever and Always, Fearless, You Belong With Me, Love Story, I want you, Can't Stop Lovin' You.. The list goes on and on forever. As does my love for you.” Hermione kissed him again.

“ Wow.. Those sound like nice songs, well I've heard Can't Stop Lovin' You.. Van Halen is awesome.” Draco laughed, Hermione looked shocked that he had heard of the band.” Oh you didn't know? My dad approves it because most of the band members are wizards.” Hermione shook her head in amazement.” Come on.. Let's go find out who else survived..” He took her hand and let her out of the room. Everyone was starting to follow..

***After the Great Battle

It had been five days since the great battle in which dark lord Voldemort was destroyed, joy had been reclaimed across the whole wizarding world. But not everything was simple, Narcissa Black had something she had kept a secret for eighteen years, a secret that had to be told to her only son. This was something she wish she had never had to tell someone, it was.. Cruel.

Soft footsteps padded there way down one of the almost deserted hallways of a castle, the woman owning the sounds took a sharp turn, her blonde hair taking a sudden wave with her body. She was wearing a long black robe trimmed with a shimmering silver, yet it was all plane and simple. The elegant lady stopped at a rough brown door and knocked her pale hand several times against the wooden complex. There where a few sounds in the room before a young girl of fifteen or sixteen entered, her shimmering red hair lay in curls around her head.

“ Courtney, may I speak to you and your brother? Privately please.” The blonde haired woman asked. Courtney watched her mother for a bit then nodded and beckoned her in, motioning for Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione to leave. The four of them stared at Narcissa Black in slight surprise and suspicious as they left. Draco remained seated on the couch waiting for his mother to talk.” Draco, Courtney, I don't really know how to put this..”

“ Then just say it, if you don't know how to put it then just say it in a way that would make sense to you, if it does make sense to you that is.” Courtney commented dryly taking the seat next to Draco and laying her head on his shoulder. Draco stayed quiet, this was not a way anyone talked to his mother. Not that he would attack them if they did, it was just to. Bland and improper.

“ Lucius Malfoy is not your father Draco, I was pregnant with you before he.. Before we married.. It was as you could say a spring or summer fling. And when I realized that I was with child I hurried my arranged marriage with Lucius.” Narcissa paused slightly after she let out most of the terrible truth out, there was still.. There was still the worst.” Your real father never knew that well, that you where I mean are.. His child.”

“ Mother quite stalling, who was my father?” Draco's steel grey eyes met his mothers own grey eyes. Courtney watched them slightly nervously, realizing that Draco was only her half brother. Narcissa looked near tears and was silent for a few moments, to the occupants of the room it was almost hours.” Mother.. Who was my father?” Draco repeated this time with less confidence with wanting to know the answer.

“ Your.. Remus Lupin. Really Draco believe me, I didn't intend for this to happen. Please don't blame me, I mean do blame! Gah.. This is confusing.” Narcissa sighed and placed her head in her hands. Courtney was holding in laughter, and the look on Draco's face was purely.. Priceless. Narcissa could hardly believe what she was telling Draco but knew she had to sooner or later and she chose sooner.

***A few hours later in the great hall

“ That. Is. Freaky.” Hermione finally sighed letting out what she was thinking as she faced Draco.

“ Your one to talk, this doesn't change anything right?” Draco asked slightly nervously.

“ Of course not! I'm not racist against werewolf's or anything, I mean seriously, why would I be?” Hermione smiled at Draco who sighed in relief.

“ Hermione, may ve talk alone please?” Viktor Krum surprised Hermione who glanced quickly at Draco then stood up and walked a few yards away from Draco with him.

“ Yes Viktor?”

“ Are you and.. Him together I take?”

“ Yes.” He obviously wasn't there for the announcement I take it. Hermione thought.

“ Ah, very vell.” And with that he leaned down and kissed Hermione who was taken by surprise.

“ Vi..” Hermione gasped as he walked away. Then she turned and was rather scared at the look on Draco's face.” Draco. I.”

“ I thought you said this didn't change anything. I guess I was wrong for believing you.” Draco glared at Hermione and stormed off. Amidst all this confusion no one noticed a little buzzing coming from a strange looking beetle on Draco's shoulder...

And sorry to all those Dramione lovers, I'm sad about just what happened.

Floating, in the distance.
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