Thread: Harry Potter: The Little Order Girl - Sa13+
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Old 02-23-2010, 09:41 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Raylee Storm Mosman
Second Year

thanks Connie!!!! Bella and Anton are her triplets, bu they are only gifted at their magic, they dont posess any extra powers like Indie. ((:

p.s. new chapter coming todayy!!



hey guys, sorry i took SO LONG to write a new chapter, but im on easter break right now, so im taking advantage of it! So, here is more of Indie's story::

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Chapter Three - What Have You Got For Us?

Indie turned and peered down the hall. The knock which had announced the arrival of the group of aurors and Harry was followed by a loud crash.
"Tonks!" Mad-Eye Moody, the leader of Harry's rescue mission scolded. He continued to shake his head, as a young, purple-haired witch got herself up off the floor.
"Well, nobody told me the umbrella stand was there did they!" said Tonks, the youngest and clumsiest auror of the group, as she followed Moody to the kitchen rubbing her elbow.
Indie, Hermione and Ginny had to giggle.
The several others who had accompanied Mad-Eye and Tonks to Little Whinging also began to head into the kitchen, desperate for some hot tea and food, after riding broomstics through the chilly and cloudy sky.
Finally, Harry made his way into the room. He had somehow gotten taller and thinner over the holidays, and looked gawkier than Indie remembered him.
"Harry!" Hermione and Ginny cried, exciedly standing up and almost knocking him over as they ran to hug him simultaneously.
Indie stayed in her seat, and looked down at the table, twirling a small pool of water with her finger. There was incoherent and excited chatter behind her, but she didn't care to listen. Harry, of course, knew nothing of the Order or the meetings or any of that business.
"Looking a bit peaky Harry," Mrs Weasley said, loud enough for Indie to hear, "but dinner will have to wait until after the meeting I'm afraid."
There was a collective groan, as Ron, Fred and George had appeared in the hallway behind Harry, as well as Indie's siblings, Anton and Bella.
Ron immediately began to protest.
"But Mum -"
"But nothing!" Mrs Weasley interrupted, "Now upstairs, all of you! You know you can't be at the meetings."
There was a sigh of annoyance from Ron, and a few pouts as Hermione, Bella, Anton and the Weasley children headed up the stairs. Indie turned to watch them go up, as her three older siblings, Scott, Melanie and Paul walked into the kitchen from behind Harry.
Before her triplet siblings headed upstairs, she got the thumbs up and a warm smile from Bella. Indie smiled weakly, but felt a bit of the color wash back into her cheeks. That was until she saw Anton. He stomped up the stairs, his features drawn into a scowl, much like Ron, Fred and George. Hermione and Ginny had proceeded quietly.
Mrs Weasley counted the heads in the room, making sure everyone was in, before closing the kitchen door.
While everyone in the kitchen got themselves settled, Indie put her head down, and slipped out of her mind.
Creeping under the crack in the door, and following the skirting boards up the stairs, she found herself in the room with Harry, Ron, Hermione and her siblings.
"Why does she get to stay in the meetings!" Ron whinged, "She's the same age as any of us!"
"But she's needed!" Bella argued, "She's trying to help save everyone, which is more than I can say for you, Ronald!"
"Excuse me!" Harry butted in, "First off, Ron was the one who nearly got himself killed in first year so I could stop Voldemort -"
"Don't say his name," Anton said, but went on ignored.
"- from getting the Philosopher's Stone, he came into the Chamber of Secrets with me in second year to save Ginny, in third year he nearly lost his leg rescuing Sirius, and last year he believed that Voldemort was back!"
Harry stopped, and panted lightly for a moment.
"Second of all, what the hell is going on?" he cried, "I don't know what the meeting is for, what it's about. And what's it got to do with Voldemort and Indiana?"
"Don't. Say. The NAME!" Anton yelled, startling a few in the room with his outburst.
"Anton, calm down!" Bella scolded, looking from her brother back to Harry, "The meetings are for the Order of the Phoenix -"
"What's that?"
"Harry!" Hermione cried, "Let us finish and you'll find out."
Bella gave a small, quick smile to Hermione before returning her attention to Harry.
"The Order was founded by Dumbledore to fight You-Know-Who the first time," Bella began, "and now that he's back, everyone who is still loyal and alive have been called in."
There was a moment of silence as Harry processed his information.
"And where does Indie come into this?" he asked, looking between all of the other people in the room.
Bella sighed and looked to Anton.
Anton looked at her and shook his head, looking down at his feet and fiddling with his ring.
From Anton, Bella looked back to Harry.
"She's a Legillimens," Bella stated.
Harry looked from Bella, confused, to Hermione.
Hermione looked at Harry, to Bella, then back to Harry.
Sighing, she began. "A Legillimens is someone who can break into people's minds," she said, "and find out things, things that are useful. Like thoughts, memories, plans, stuff like that."
"She can plant false images too," Anton put in, "if they are thinking something, she can put a train of thought in heir heads that will confuse them, make them think of something else or go onto the wrong trail."
Harry was processing his thoughts again, as he looked at his converse trainers, then a stain in the carpet. He slowly looked back up, looking between the people in the room.
"So Indie's finding out stuff that will help defeat Voldemort?" Harry said plainly.
Anton threw the book he'd suddenly acquired at the wardrobe across the room.
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SAYING THE NAME?" he screamed, before walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.


The sudden burst of Mrs Weasley's voice in Indie's head startled her, as she snapped back into her own mind and looked up very quickly. There were only two sets of eyes on her, Mrs Weasley's and Tonks', since Mrs Weasley was aiming to get her attention and Tonks was poking her shoulder.
"Thought you'd fallen asleep on us," Tonks said, laughing lightly.
Indie smiled, and brushed her hair gently behind her ear, looking from Tonks, to Mrs Weasley, then up to Mr Weasley who sat at the head of the table beside Sirius and Remus.

Mr Weasley cleared his throat and crossed his hands on the table.
"Okay then, we'll let the meeting begin," he said, looking in the general direction of each person in turn.

"So Indie," added, turning to her, as their gazes crossed paths, "what have you got for us?"

Last edited by Droo; 04-29-2010 at 11:23 AM.
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