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Old 02-08-2010, 04:17 AM   #332 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
XanaSnape's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker

Originally Posted by individual View Post
Ugh, Ravenclaw. Of course...Sighing, she moved her notebook closer to herself and opened it to the first page, writing everything she did down while the Professor spoke. And of course, writing what he said down as well.

What should she write for the fire thing though? Eh, she'll just write that 'Friend did fire'. HA! There we go. Looking up to the board, she stared at the words before her own question came up. "Professor. What exactly is the potion we are making?" she asked, raising a brow at the four snake fangs that are needed before measuring the 4 drams of dried nettles. on this. OR ELSE!
"We are making a charming little potion known as a Camaraderie Concoction." Kazimeriz said with a small smile.

Originally Posted by Super Spaz View Post
Dylan yawned. Boring. He could do that. He looked at his cauldron, heating away. He added his 3 phials of water. Pulling out his journal, and a quick quotes quill, he started dictating to it, as he did everything.

Slowly he added and stirred. What colour was it meant to be? Cos his looked pretty perfect. "Colour, Professor?"
Kazimeriz looked at the boy's cauldron. "That silver colour is spot-on, Denver." he said, nodding with approval. Of course, he would have been concerned if a fifth year could NOT pull of this simple potion. "Denver... any relation to the Quidditch player?"

Originally Posted by quidditch_captain View Post
Nymphy set up his station and began working. He ahd crushed his fangs and got out his nettles when he came to a dilema. He raised his hand and said, "Sir, what is a 'dram'? I am not firmiliar with that measument."

While he waited, he recorded what he had already done in his potions journal.
Kazimeriz looked at the girl, clearly shocked. "A dram is a unit of measurement equivalent to one-eighth of an ounce. Did they not teach basic measurements in your primary education? If not, I am afraid that I will have to ask you attend remedial potions as well to continue in this course."

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Opening her journal, Arya wrote every step she took to boil her water. Once finish she listened to the professor give out his next set of instructions. Next she took out her potions kit and began to set up her brass scales, mortar and pestle.So far, so good. She began to wistle as she worked on measuring exactly 4 drams of dried nettles, placing them on her dry measure tray. Before she moved onto the next step she wrote down every step she had just taken, along with what was on the board.

Hopping off her stool she went to the potions stores and grabed four snake fangs, double checking to make sure they were python fangs. Wistling A Spoon Full of Sugar she walked back to her stool. Crushing the fangs one at a time, she wrote of this after she was finished in her journal as well.

Then she began adding the ingredents one at a time while she stured clockwise.
"Very good- just one stir in between each ingredient, do not over-do things..." he cautioned.

Originally Posted by Zieko View Post

Looking up she spoke, "Professor, when does one stop stirring clockwise?"
Drop! She added another ingredient.
"As soon as you have stirred it once after the final ingredient is added, stop and let it simmer."

Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post
Dipping her quill into the ink, she carefully opened her journaland began to write neatly.

That done with, she began to arrange her ingredients.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post

SPOILER!!: Marie's Journal
Checked cauldron for cracks and cleanliness
Placed cauldron over firepit
Added 3 phials water using Aguamenti
Started fire in pit using Incendio
Measured out 4 drams dried nettles, set aside
Crushed 4 snake fangs, 1 at a time
Added dried nettles and snake fangs (Alternating 1 portion at a time)
Stirred ingredients once clockwise after adding each ingredient

Now to sit and wait for the next instructions. Marie was starting to think she could really like this class this term, as long as Peeves doesn't come back.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post

After placing the fangs in his mortar, he returned to his work desk, and removed all but one of the fangs from the tool and placed the other beside the dried nettles. Before he moved on, he took a second to write down what he had done so far in his notes. After putting down his quill he replaced it with the pestle and began to crush the first python fang. After that one was done he used the tip of his wand to seperate the nettles into four somewhat identical sized piles he then dumped one pile of nettles in and then the first crushed fang. He then stirred clockwise one circle and repeated the step again, making sure to add the nettle first and then the fangs then a clockwise stir. After the fourth stir, Chris looked into the cauldren then towards Kazi's notes. He had done everything so far, then he updated his notes.
Originally Posted by Kaytone View Post
Taking time to write some more in her journal, Kay then put the first snakes fang in to crush. watching and making sure that she crushed in and not powder, Kay put it into a dish. Then she started with the next one. After she was done with all of them, she stopped and re read her notes. 'Ok, Now we have it put in some of the dried Nettles, then some drushed snake fang, stair clockwise, then repeat.' Kay read and then made sure she had everything right before she would begin.
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady View Post
Looking at the steams rising from his cauldron Josh quite understood, he needed not to be a genious, that it was the time to add the stuff inside. First he took a dram of dried nettle.
Stirred it once clockwise
One powdered snake fang
Stirred it once clockwise
Another dram of dried nettle
Stirred it once clockwise again.
One powdered snake fang
Stirred it once clockwise again.
Another dram of dried nettle.
Stirred it once clockwise again.
Another powdered snake fang
Stirred it once clockwise again and again.
The last dram of dried nettle.
Stirred it once clockwise againnnnn.
The last powdered snake fang.
And stirred it once more clockwise for the last time of the first part. Now he had to write in a journal right? Right. But he had no journal so he only took a piece of parcment and began to scribble down these.
Originally Posted by individual View Post
After measuring out the four drams of nettles, Evelyn got up and retrieved four snake fangs, python like the Professor said before going back to her table and sitting down. Now she had to...crush them individual. Eaaasy enough.
Originally Posted by Kaytone View Post
Kay measured out the dried nettles and put it into the cauldron. Then she stired clockwise. Measured the crushed snake fang. Stired the cauldron clockwise. She continued this until everything was in the cauldron. Kay watched the potion and when wrote in her jounral again.

SPOILER!!: Journal

Journal of Kaytone Potter Evans
Hufflepuff 2nd year
Potions class

Start with clean work area
Check cauldron
3 Phials of water
light fire to warm water
Used Aguamenti for the water and Incendio for flame.

4 drams of dried Nettles
4 snake fangs crushed
Add dried nettles in measured amounts
stir clockwise
Add crushed snake fang in measured amounts
stir Clockwise.
repeat until all is in cauldron.

After making sure everything was written Kay turned to wait for the professor.
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post

Now that she found the snake fangs, Destiny returned to her seat. What were they, python fangs? Hopefully these snakes died in a humane way. That would just be wrong.

By the time Destiny was finished with crushing the first fang, he cauldron looked just like it was supposed to. She carefully added the first dram of nettles and then the crushed fang and a clockwise stir. She then wrote it down. Did she have to write it down each time? She repeated the process three more times.

SPOILER!!: Destiny's handy dandy notebook
Step one - check cauldron for scratches, breaks etc.
Step two - Add three phials of water using aguamenti.
Step three - Turn on the fire using Incendio.
Step four - unpack supplies
Step five - measure 4 drams dried nettles, set aside.
Step six - Search for snake fangs Crush 4 python snake fangs.
Step seven - Add 1 dram nettles, 1 crushed fang (alternating) stir once clockwise. Repeat 3 more times.
Step eight - Wait patiently.

What was it supposed to look like?
Originally Posted by luna_severus_26 View Post
Nicoletta flipped her notebook open to the next page. She gathered her ingrediants and wrote down her steps as she performed them.
"I am seeing some excellent journaling; detailed entries that will help you develop good habits as future potioneers. Well done." He nodded at the students who were entering into their journals. "Now to the next steps:"

Originally Posted by CHALKBOARD

3 phials water
4 drams dried nettles
4 snake fangs, crushed individually

Warm water over low fire until steam rises. Add nettles and fangs, alternating between 1 dram of nettles and one fang. Stir cauldron clockwise once after each ingredient is added.


1 ounce of raindrops (harvested from rose petals)
12 dried daisies, including pollen, crushed
1 ounce fresh fluxweed, chopped coarsely
10 hairs from a cruppie (harvested while tail is wagging)
3 drops condensed Kneazle breath
1/2 ounce passionfruit juice

When a light silver steam is rising from your cauldron, add the raindrops and dried daisies. Allow mixture to come to a boil and add the fluxweed. Stir slowly, alternating clockwise and counter-clockwise motions, as you add the cruppie hairs one by one. The mixture should turn a bubblegum pink as you complete this. Carefully add the drops of Kneazle breath and the passionfruit juice and allow mixture to come back to a boil. Cool and strain the potion. Bottle and cork immediately to retain properties. Your potion should be a sunny yellow color.
"Please follow the steps listed in step two. Work carefully and document everything that you do, and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS to the letter. Alert me at once if your potion turns magenta-- this is a very bad sign that your potion is volatile and needs immediate attention." Kazimeriz looked around the room. "Remember that there are no 'dumb' questions other than an unasked question, so please do not hesitate to ask if you need clarification."

"One final thing-- the kneazle breath requires a delicate hand. Let me demonstrate..." He picked up a bottle off his desk clearly marked 'Kneazle Breath- Use by December'. He uncorked it and out a single drop into an empty cauldron. A small 'meow' was heard; he then quickly re-corked the bottle. "You must work quickly: one drop equals one 'meow'. Do not overuse the kneazle breath, for too much of a cute thing can be very bad. Made improperly, a Camaraderie Concoction can quickly turn into a Devotion Draught... which would be very, very bad for all involved."
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