Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Short replies, very long chapter, and too early in the morning! Must get to bed! Thank you, Veggie_Potter, Obi-Wan K'Lari, Harita, Molly W., and Lord Greenie, each of you who posted comments, and said you love my story. This is so encouraging to me, and I love you all for telling me that! Just as I love each and every one of my readers. I watch my view counts, and seeing that some of you are even voting, well, it touches me deeply to the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Specific questions or statements.
Stef: Quote:
My cat came up to me while reading, so I asked her if she was a werecat... She just looked at me and then walked away.
How cute is that!
K'Lari: Quote:
Is it the invisibility cloak's first introduction in the next chapter?
You'll have to see.
Harita: Quote:
we dont know what JK thought and brought in the cat but the way you have written this one its really cool...
Thank you, and thank you for being so sweet to read and comment. I know getting an education is time and mind demanding.
Stephanie:It's ok, I know your thoughts. Quote:
It must be a little awkward for James to see Jim as a little boy, when in fact Jim's older than he is.
It's his magic. It keeps everyone from thinking about that. Quote:
Hmm...a little Saphira/Eragon there with that "Little One", eh? Anyway, loved it Mom.
I s'pose now I need to add to my disclaimer: "Eragon", by Christopher Paolini 
Greenie: I'm so sorry you've been ill! I hope your better Son. Quote:
just how old is jim/tom? why he not age, is it his magic?
Jim always appears to be about the age of a nine year old male. Yes it is his magic. You'll find out his approximate age in chapter 15. Can't tell you the title yet. Not enough people likes spoiled milk to give that information.
Please enjoy this chapter. Next Friday I'll post: Chapter Twelve "Narrow Rescues, and Narrow Escapes"
Tom Learns the Truth, and A Family Heirloom?
Spring came early to Godric’s Hollow, and James let the shield and charms down around the house one warm day, because they were going to have company. Sirius, Remus, and Peter, were coming over for a game of Basketball. A Muggle sport Lily told James about. Intrigued, James decided he wanted to play it. He missed playing Quidditch so much. They acquired a ball and hoop, and made a half court behind the garden. Sirius, and Lissy, arrived followed only a minute later by Remus. Lissy went in to visit Lily, and small talk ensued with the guys outside while waiting for Peter to appear.
“Let’s just get on with it!” Sirius said, smiling broadly. “This sounds like a game Remus and I can whup up on James!”
“About time too,” added Remus good-naturedly.
“In your dreams boys, in your dreams,” laughed James. “Okay, let’s have the rules and scoring, and then we’ll fill Peter in when he gets here.” Sirius said a little impatiently, but with a devilish grin.
“Hold up there girls, want some real competition, or are we too much for you?” Teddy and Ottery came in shaking hands, smiles big as the world. “We were down at the Leaky Cauldron, where we saw Peter talking to Sevy. (The pus filled scum bag, interrupted Teddy in a lowly voice) “Easy there boy,” Ottery soothed Teddy. “We um left before Teddy could watch the fire cracker he threw under their table scare them out of their pants. They were having such a delicious conversation about you and Lily.”
“What were they talking about?” Everyone was suddenly serious. “Well, Peter was crying about being scared, and not wanting anything to happen to James and Lily, and Snape was impassive as ever, and said nothing would happen to Lily, and Potter was going to get what’s coming to him.”
Everyone stood looking at James. “What do we do mate? Sounds like Peter’s turned on us.” Sirius said sadly.
“We give him a chance to explain himself, is what we do.” said Remus. “In case you’ve forgotten, Peter is our friend.”
“Of course, you’re right Remus. Let’s get on with our game. When Peter gets here,” ---”we’ll ask him about it.” finished Ottery hitting his fist in his other hand.
“There’ll be none of that.” said James smiling kindly. He was touched at the loyalty of his friends. “Come on now, Lily is going to wonder why we’re not playing.”
They started playing and were really enjoying the game, even though it seems a different variation of the rules were in play. An hour into the game Peter showed up. “Hi guy’s,” he said trying to control his nerves. He kept looking behind him. “I need to talk to you before we play.” looking around at them all.
“Sure Peter, what’s up?”
“Well, I was on my way here when Snape,” (taking a second to spit on the ground) “cursed me with the leg locker curse. He took me in the Leaky Cauldron, sat me in a chair, and told me if I know what’s good for me that I need to do as he says. Well, I was scared plenty, but I managed to ask him what he wants of me. He said he heard we were getting together today, and for me to sneak into your shed and put this on your ax.” He pulled out a jar of clear liquid and showed it to them. “I told him I didn’t want you and Lily to get hurt. He said Lily wouldn’t get hurt, and you would get what you deserve. All of a sudden, there was a massive explosion that nearly scared me out of my pants. Snape put everything in order as if nothing happened, staring at me not even blinking an eye! He stood up to leave and said my curse would wear off in a while, and not to speak of what we were doing or else he would get me. I asked him what he’d do to me if I didn’t do it and, he just said it would be kinder if I didn’t know. I didn’t know what to do.” He said trembling.
“Here Peter, let me have it.” James said with sympathy. “It’s alright; we’ll make it look like you did everything you were s’pose to.” He took the jar, went in the shed, and brought out his ax. He set up a small log as if to split it, poured the liquid onto the jar, then stepped back ready to take a swing.
“What do you think you’re doing? Are you crazy?”
“Look guys, Peter was given a job to do, and was threatened if he didn’t do it. It won’t be something that will kill me, and you guys can set me straight, after what ever happens. Peter, tell him that we was going to have a contest to see who could split the most wood the Muggle way in sixty seconds. He’ll eat that up, especially with me going first. Now stand back, and just be ready to set me straight before Lily sees me.”
Before there were any more opposing arguments, James swung his ax. No less than fifty vipers exploded out of the ax, all of them came at James with an accelerated rate of speed. At once, they all came together in front of James and exploded, sending great globs of gunk all over him. Everyone laughed hysterically except Teddy who exclaimed he needed to find out how to make him one of those.
“Here you go mate.” Ottery scooped some of the gunk off James into the jar it came in, and handed it to Teddy. “The recipe; compliments of Severus Snape, you’ll figure all it’s ins and outs.”
“Ok, guys clean me up quickly, this is starting to burn. They all got serious and cleaned him up in great haste. “There you go, now you’re good as new.”
James was shaky and not feeling very well. Peter came up to him. “I’m sorry James, I was so scared, and I didn’t know what to do! He whimpered.
“Peter, potions were always your strongest subject,” James said doubling over, and talking in great gasps. “I think the poison seeped into my skin, make something, and hurry!”
Sirius grabbed James and held him as he started convulsing, and foaming at the mouth. “He’s dying, get Lily! James, James, James,” Sirius cried, “Peter! Hurry so James doesn’t die!”
“Wait!” Peter broke in. Severus said Lily wouldn’t be able to help him. Do you remember Lily being the best potion mixer Hogwarts has seen? Slughorn said so. It is not a poison. And, James is right; he could not do something that would kill him. Let him be. It’ll right itself. He took him to deaths door, but, he, he, he’ll come back.”
“Look, here he is, James can you here me? James” Remus repeated, who also was kneeling beside James.
“I’m fine.” James said weakly. “Good job, Peter,” he said.
“I didn’t do anything, it wasn’t a poison.”
“Ok, let’s talk about this later; Lily’s going to find out.”
Although everyone was somewhat shaken, they got back into the game, after telling Peter he was on Ottery, and Teddy’s side and told him the basic rules. At first nobody could get into it, as they were constantly watching James. When they realized James was the only one scoring any points, they all started playing hard. It was a good game, and everyone was having such fun. The harder James played the better he felt. By the time they needed to quit, he was completely back to normal. They was breathing and laughing so hard, sweat covered them all, and they were all shirtless, with the exception of Peter. It was such a site seeing them standing with their hands on their hips, and exalting themselves for spectacular shots, or the awesome blocking. Many excuses why there were missed shots, and praise for ones that were made, even though they seemed a little too impossible to make, some how impossible shots were made.
Lily came out carrying a tray of lemon aid, and pumpkin juice. “Who’s winning?” She asked.
“We are,” they all said at once.
“You’re all on the same side?” She asked, as Ottery stepped in front of her and took the drinks from her.
“Let me help you.” he said being a perfect gentleman.
“Why thank you kind sir.”
“Not at all, Ma’am.” he said bowing, and tipping his non existing Stetson. “Come and get your drinks you lazy skunks.” He said cracking up laughing, as he put the drinks down on the garden table. They all thankfully took their drinks and guzzled them down, and went for refills.
“Peter, it’s so nice to see you. You haven’t been around for ages.” Peter turned to respond to her and spewed his drink all over everyone, and started choking.
“Hey! What’s up with that?” They all objected falling all over each other laughing.
Peter pointed to Lily’s very large belly, with big eyes ready to bug out of his head.
“Come on now,” James, said as he tried hard to gain his composure. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know we’re having a baby?” He said as he messed up his hair as he always does when he is feeling particularly proud of himself. “Yup, the end of the month, you’re all uncles to a baby boy. Except you Sirius, you’re to be his God Father, if you don’t mind.”
Everyone was honored and started in on how they was going to teach their nephew this and that, and make sure they’re all told when it happens and… While everyone else was talking it up, three was not.
“Will you Sirius, be his God Father? If something happens to me, or both of us, will you raise, and love him as your own?” James asked being very serious.
“You know I will.” Sirius said very emotionally.“
And then there was Peter who stood staring and pointing at Lily’s belly, with pumpkin juice slobbering down his chin.
“Why would you want to do that?” He gasped indignantly. Everyone became silent and stared at him. None more than Tom though. Tom was getting more and more leery of Peter, and now he knew why. His heart had changed, and Tom felt he could no longer be trusted.
“I mean,” He laughed nervously, “The poor boy will be teased horribly if he looks anything like you James. I can see the whole picture now, he is out playing on the playground and some mean bully say’s, “Hey there little feller, you shouldn’t be wearing such an ugly mask, you’ll scare all the pretty girls.”
He laughed, then Sirius laughed, and said, yeah (winking at James) we better start praying that God takes pity on the boy and gives him Lily’s looks, in a masculine way of course.”
“Play nice now boys.” cautioned Remus, half-smiling, looking at Peter. James saw Tom move over between Peter and Lily.
“All right gang, let’s call it a day.” Lily went back in the house as she heard the timer go off to get the bread out of the oven. We have an order meeting tonight. Don’t forget.” “Hey, if you all enjoyed playing Basketball lets get together again next Saturday and play again. I had a blast.”
“Oh yeah, that was a blast what with you getting sprayed with some sort of funky demented acid gunk, nearly killing over, and scaring us all to death. What do you have for next week’s half time entertainment?” Ottery asked with a wry smile on his face.
“Point taken” James said.
“How ‘bout if any of us get stopped by a snake in the grass we stick our wand up his nose and tell the ugly git to mind his own business.” Teddy said in a matter of fact voice.
“Yeah ok” Agreed Ottery, and Sirius.
“Just don’t anyone tell anyone else we’re going to be here. See you all tonight at eight then.”
That evening as James was getting ready for the meeting and Lily was cleaning up after supper, the Muggle way, Tom came in and James sat on the bed to tie up his laces.
“You gave everyone quite a scare today.”
“Not you though. Thanks for stepping in when you did. It really frightened me, thinking I would never see my son, or, well, just thanks. I felt your presence in my mind, and you telling me I was ok helped me immediately. It’s such a strange feeling, being next to dead.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s even stranger feeling yourself die, and then come back to life.” On a different note, I don’t want to go to the meeting tonight. I think I should stay here with Lily.”
“Thank you for that Tom. I was going to ask if you would mind staying home with her. Can’t take any chances with our girl can we?”
Yes Tom?” He sat back down and looked at him.
“Remember that day we met, just before Lily came out of her trance? You said you’d tell me sometime how you knew I was a werecat.”
“Yeah, I remember. Do you want me to tell you now? I just never brought it up again, it being such a sour memory and all. But, yeah, I’ll tell you.” He smiled and scratched behind his ears and started stroking his fur.
“When Lily arrived at Kings Cross that day, I snuck over behind her, and started listening to her and Petunia and I noticed you there. I watched you and realized you was a werecat from a book I have on magical creatures thought to be extinct. I was so thankful I was down wind of you so you couldn‘t smell me, cause I knew you would never trust me if you knew I was there, hidden from you and Lily.”
“You was behind us? I remember looking around when Petunia started getting loud and I didn’t see you. Wait a minute; I did see you! I watched Lily going to the train in tears over Petunia being so hateful. You was standing against the train with your arms folded. You was waiting for her.”
“That’s right, I was there then, but had you looked, earlier, you wouldn’t have seen me, because I came over as soon as I seen Lily. I stayed long enough to hear Petunia and all that she had to say, about us all being freaks and all. When it looked like she was winding down, then I ran over to the train and pulled off my invisibility cloak.”
“You have one of those? Can I see it?” He asked anxiously.
“Sure Tom.” James went over to the closet and pulled out the cloak. “Have at it.” He put it on the bed for Tom to see. “Lily didn’t know about it till much later. I used to play such tricks on her,” he said smiling at the memories.
“Hey watch for Lily for me.” he changed into Jim. “This is the one, the true invisibility cloak! Listen James, don’t ever let this out of your possession, and you need to start wearing this when ever you go out.” I did not believe Peters story today. I think he had a change of heart and he and Severus were planning the whole thing. It’s odd that he didn’t take off his shirt today when everyone else did. Could it be that he was hiding his new tattoo? And you don’t think it a little bit odd that Peter of all people was the one keeping his cool, and figured out Severus’s brilliance, when no one else did?”
“Lily! James warned in a whisper. He turned back around to look at Jim as Lily walked into the room.
Tom was on the bed washing himself. “That was close!” He thought. Tom looked up at him and winked his eye.
“Are you guys about ready to leave?” she asked as she came into James arms. She tilted her head and they kissed. Smiling she gave him another soft peck on the lips and pulled herself away.
“Yup,” All ready, only Tom is going to stay home with you from now on.
“Awe Honey, Tom loves going to those meetings, and Dumbledore seems to really enjoy him being there. He always makes such a fuss over him. If anything goes wrong here, I can just apparate over to the meeting. I do know the way of course, after all I did grow up in that house.” She had donated the house to the Order to have their meetings in.
“No, Lily. I need him to stay with you. He’s such a comfort to you. He’ll keep you company and you won’t worry if I’m not home when you think I should be. Oh, and on that subject, Dumbledore asked me to stay after the meeting for a minute after everyone else leaves. He’ll escort me home for extra protection.”
“No James! Don’t give him your cloak! Tell him no!” Tom put in James’s mind, so forceful, that he had to shut his eyes hard.
James kissed Lily, and scratched behind Toms ears. “Don’t worry, I’ll be home before you can miss me.” He smiled and left the house.
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 05:26 PM.