I put up a poll, just so I can see what you guys think. If there is something you'd like to see that isn't in the poll box, feel free to let me know. I am very open to suggestions!
ANNNNNDDDD, I finished chapter 13 a lot quicker than I had previously thought, as well. I hope you enjoy (and please feel free to criticize if you don't like something)!

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Chapter 13: Tobias Snape, Jr.
By the time Clementine and James entered the common room it was nearly empty. The only people inside were Albus and Rose who looked at them with wide eyes as they entered.
“Come, now, you have to know,” said Albus.
“One moment,” she said, and she turned to James who simply nodded and went to bed.
Clementine watched him go up the stairs and disappear behind the wall that concealed the boy dormitories. She finally made her way to where they were sitting, in front of the dying fire.
“Okay, so what did you find out,” asked Clementine.
“This is completely unbelievable,” said Albus.
“Yeah, we never thought this was possible,” exclaimed Rose.
“Well, what is it,” said Clementine, not wanting to be left in the cold.
But just then, they heard someone coming down the stairs from the boy’s dormitory. Thinking of James, Clementine stood up and walked to the stairs. She soon realized that it wasn’t James, but the fifth year prefect, Kevin.
“What are you first years doing up so late,” he said, stifling a yawn.
“Oh, we had some homework to finish,” said Rose, who shocked Albus and Clementine by lying to a superior.
“Then where are your book bags,” he asked, noting the lack of school things they would need to finish their homework.
“Oh, right, well, you see,” started Clementine, but he just held up a hand.
“You three better get to bed. You can talk tomorrow. Good night,” he said, and he stood on the steps to make sure they went to their beds.
Clementine waited for Rose.
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” said Albus, and he was swept up the stairs and out of sight. Clementine and Rose turned around and marched up the stairs for the girl’s dormitory.
“We’ll tell you tomorrow. It is late,” said Rose. Clementine simply nodded, pulled on her pajamas and laid down in bed, her mind swimming in thoughts from James to Snape.
* * *
They were sitting at the Gryffindor table, eating large portions.
“So, can you tell me now,” said Clementine, gulping down orange juice. James was sitting next to her, Torr across from him. Albus was sitting across from Clementine.
“In a little bit, when we aren’t surrounded by too many people,” Rose replied from Clementine’s other side.
Clementine was getting frustrated. She wanted to know already. They finished up their food, and said good-bye to Torr and James. Clementine nearly forgot about her brother when making the decision to go out with his best friend. She couldn’t spend too much time with them without looking suspicious, so she and James agreed that they should continue with their every day actions.
Clementine followed Albus and Rose out into the grounds. They found a small, secluded area, and sat on the cool stone benches that magically sprung up at their arrival.
“Okay, so please tell me about Snape, I am tired of not knowing,” said Clementine.
“Okay,” started Rose. “Well, Severus Snape was the son of Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape. Tobias was a Muggle man. Severus was disappointed by that. His mother was relieved when he showed signs of magic; she had believed that because he had a Muggle father that he would not come to posses the magic she had,” said Rose. Clementine already knew most of this, and she could not understand where Blake fit in with this.
“So,” Albus continued from Rose, “Severus went off to school. During his third year, his mother was impregnated.” Clementine gasped, but Albus continued as if she had not done so. “She gave birth before Severus returned home, and his father ran off with the child. So, Severus never knew of the brother he had.”
Clementine just stared. She could not believe what she was hearing. “Severus had a… a… a… brother?”
“Yes,” replied Rose.
“But, wouldn’t he have eventually found out? I mean, his brother would have come to Hogwarts,” she began, but Albus shook his head.
“As his brother, Tobias Snape, Jr., grew, he never showed any sign that he was remotely magical. Eileen’s fear about Severus not being magical came true with her younger son, Tobias. He was a squib.” Clementine’s eyes were wide.
“Twelve years ago, Tobias married a woman named Lillian Brooks. They had a child. They named him Blake Snape. Voila. That is the boy that presents himself here today,” finished Albus, a look of triumph on his face.
They sat in silence for a few minutes. During several moments, Clementine would open her mouth to speak, but would close it due to lack of knowing what to say. Finally, she spoke.
“That’s just… just… incredible. Did you tell your dad’s?”
“We sent a letter to them as soon as we left Teddy’s office. This is shocking, very shocking,” said Rose.
“Well, of course, Severus having a brother but not knowing--“ started Clementine, but she was cut off by footsteps they heard move behind them. Then, someone spoke.
“So, found out about me, have you,” said Blake Snape, who stepped out from behind a pillar along with Scorpius Malfoy, and a tall, thin black girl the trio didn’t recognize. They each had their wands drawn.
“Look, we don’t want any trouble,” said Albus, drawing his wand as well.
“If you don’t want any trouble, why have you all drawn your wands,” said the girl they didn’t recognize.
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, your wands were drawn first. It’s only reasonable that we draw ours too, in case you provoke an attack and we have to defend ourselves,” countered Rose.
The girl threw back her head and laughed manically. The trio took a step back, somewhat afraid.
“Who told you about me, huh, Gryffindorks,” sneered Snape.
“Who cares? You can’t do anything to us,” said Albus with a brave attempt.
“Well, what say you, Snape, Zabini,” ask Scorpius, and before they could reply Scorpius shouted, “
At the same exact time, Albus shouted “
Expelliarmus!” Clementine shouted, “
Flipendo!” and Rose shouted “
Scorpius, Blake, and the Zabini girl were thrown backwards by the power of the three spells shot at them. Rose’s shield charm blocked the boil jinx Malfoy had sent their way. They heard footsteps moving toward them so they hurriedly stowed their wands into their robes, and made to leave.
“Oi, what’s going on here,” someone shouted, and seconds later it turned out to be Torr. James closely followed. He looked at Clementine and rushed up to her.
“Oh my god, are you okay,” he said, Albus looking at them curiously.
“I’m fine, but I’m over here,” said Albus, dusting himself off.
“Oh… right…” said James, forgetting that his relatives were there. He helped Rose dust herself off.
“What just happened,” cried Torr, who was standing by the three stirring Slytherin’s.
“Malfoy tried to attack us, so we defended ourselves,” said Clementine.
“Well, we better get out of here before someone else comes running over,” he replied. The five of them rushed away, not turning back to see if the Slytherin’s had woken up.
They went back into the castle. On their way to Gryffindor tower, they bumped into Viktorya, Gordon, and Dane.
“I see you’re hanging out with them again,” said Albus addressing Dane.
Dane simply nodded. He looked raggedy and shaggy again. Rose was avoiding his eyes.
“What is your—“ started Clementine but she stopped herself in mid sentence. Her eyes slid out of focus, her hand was held in the air slightly above her waist. The group just looked at her.
“What is your what, exactly,” asked Gordon, looking stung as if what she said offended him.
Clementine’s eyes came back into focus.
“Oh sorry, just thought of something I can use in my homework,” she said, though she was staring at Dane.
“Well, what were you originally going to say,” demanded Gordon.
Clementine was starting to like Gordon less and less.
“It doesn’t matter now. I need to talk to Rose. Privately.”
Rose looked shocked, Albus was taken aback.
“Me? Alone? But, why,” she asked.
“Just come.” Clementine grabbed her arm and they marched away.
“What is this about,” asked Rose, yanking her arm away from Clementine.
“On Wednesday, when we went to see Teddy to find out about Snape, we saw Dane. You said, ‘It’s obvious’, and at the time I had no idea what you were talking about. But now… He’s…” But Clementine didn’t have to finish. Rose nodded.
“I was wondering when you were going to string it together. I figured you knew before the rest of us. But when I mentioned it, you looked clueless,” she said.
“And he keeps looking at you because he knows you know,” said Clementine, and she was surprised to see Rose flush.
“Well, possibly,” she said, looking embarrassed.
“He likes you,” shouted Clementine before she clapped her hand over her mouth.
“Shhhh…” cried Rose, redder than ever. “Don’t say anything more about it. He kind of frightens me. Look, we better get back up to the common room. Albus is going to have a fit if we leave him in the cold.”
“Do you think we should tell him,” Clementine asked.
“No. We shouldn’t say anything. It’s Dane’s secret. If I thought he wanted people to know, I would have told both of you,” Rose replied.
“Right,” said Clementine, “But what do we tell Albus?”
“Lucky for us, he is pretty gullible. Lets just tell him you thought you had a break-through with a potion so you wanted to run it by me before you showed it to Professor Slughorn.”
“And, if he asks why I wanted to ask you specifically,” Clementine asked.
“Easy. Just tell him that you wanted to surprise him, but it didn’t happen the way you thought it would,” Rose finished.
They reached the common room. Fortunately for them Albus bought their story.
“Too bad it didn’t work,” he said, frowning.
Rose and Clementine exchanged guilty faces.
They decided to skip lunch. An owl rapped on the window of the common room. Rose, noticing that it was a Daily Prophet owl, opened it and dropped the knuts into its pouch and untied the newspaper.
“Anything,” asked Albus, peering up at her while she unfurled it.
Her eyes were moving swiftly across the pages, turning them with several glances.
“Oh goodness,” said Rose, folding up her paper quickly and putting it away.
“What do you mean by that,” asked Albus.
“Well, it just said that Rita Skeeter would be visiting Hogwarts next week,” she said, avoiding their gaze.
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I hope you enjoyed that! Thank you for reading!

As always, comments are appreciated!