Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Harita: Thank you. It was fun coming up with the spell for the dresses, and I’m glad you liked the descriptions of them. I plan on making illustrations of the whole wedding party, and more, but don’t hold your breath waiting for them.
Molly W.: Thanks Stephanie! Did you notice I used basically the same colors you had in your wedding? I’m glad you loved the wedding, Minerva, and Tom. Thankfully you and I didn’t have any tragedies in my past to deal with in our mother daughter moment(s). Wonderful memories stirred while I wrote this chapter, and all I’ll say to that is, Thanks for the memories.
Veggie_Potter: Stef, I’m glad you like my story. Quote:
I wonder if McGonagall recognizes Tom as a werecat, since she is an animangus :O
You’re answer is, yes, she more than likely does. Quote:
This is from Post #41 by the author:
Lily told me about the plan to join Dumbledore’s Order of the Phoenix, take me along. Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall, will know what I am, and I can control them if I need to. We are quite rare you know. Honestly though, I’m curious how you knew.”
A few tears welled in my eyes while writing this chapter as well. I’m touched you respond to my story the way you do. Thank you. 
Greenie: Thank you son. I love James too. He reminds me a lot of my Steve. Quote:
wonders what it be like to be a werecat? te hee he
If you was a werecat, I hope you would be like Tom. He’s my hero. 
K’Lari: Having you guys in my story adds to it. Thanks for your permission. Quote:
She gave Teddy a black eye the first time they met simply for him calling her beautiful and winking at her.
It’s a good thing she didn’t have her light saber on her.
~Otts: You made me laugh till I cried. You’re such a sweetie. Quote:
Professor Otterius St. Catchuscoldus Emeritus Squired and Squared Doctor of Englishology & Know-it-all-ology.  Loved it, loved it, loved it.
You can always add your illos later Connie, I'd love to see them it, do you have any sketches? Show me your work?
Yeah, I’ll work on getting them in later. You and your little family are welcome to come over for fruit flavored coffee and a look see at my work, but it’s a far piece to travel. Would you like me to e-mail them instead? Quote:
I love your title. A life spans in the wing beats of a butterfly. Should I be afraid?
Possible spoil alert: No fear yet. (It is coming though, and a clue at the end of this chapter) Ask Kelly if she knows of, butterfly flutters.
I loved your Marriage Rant. lol I however, believe in the Biblical reason for marriage, but I don’t look down upon anyone who believes differently. Quote:
You know that's a dirge right? I don't know why people marry to this song it's soooooooooooooooooooooo sad. Beautiful but sad *pets Pachabel* It's the artists greatest woe when people don't understand our message.
~Otts to my rescue again! While Canon in D is a beautiful song, and is frequently played at weddings it isn’t the song I was thinking of. The song I was thinking of was written for a friend of the author and performed for the first time at his wedding, and not written by Pachelbel. No way was this a dirge! So I asked my daughter about it. Stephanie told me kindly that I was confusing two different songs. She showed me some sheet music for the song she thought I was describing to her, and there it was. The Wedding Song (There Is Love) by, Noel “Paul” Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary. It was written for Paul’s friend Peter Yarrow’s wedding, and performed for the first time there. So, Thank you ~Otts, and my deepest regrets and apologies to Johann Pachelbel for my clumsy mistake. And this clarification doesn’t require a need to write another page from Lily’s Diary.
McGonagall revealing her past I thought was necessary to help Lily understand her reason for wanting to help her. She needed Lily to trust her intentions for wanting to help her, and why she loved her more than just a student. Lily lost her parents, and didn’t have any family to share with her and help her with her special day. Minerva’s maternal instincts’ took over to be there for Lily to be able to have her Mother Daughter moment, and give her the wedding she knew Lily would love to have. Plus, this is foundation for her actions later on. Steve and I was only going to have a couple friends and immediate family, but his mom, God rest her soul, stepped in to give me a wedding she wanted to do for her daughter’s wedding,. She never had any daughters, so she took me aside one day and sweetly asked could she please do these things for me. I was astounded and said yes, just for her to do what she needs to do to make her happy. Needless to say, we had a huge wedding, over 200 people, flowers, the whole thing. It was beautiful, and she and Steve’s dad paid for the whole thing, even though they didn’t have the money to spend on it.
The reason Minerva changed Tom into a white cat and even allowed him in the church, was to take away from what was going on in the wizarding world. The black cloaks of the Death Eaters was an all too common site being seen about, and she just wanted to give Tom a pure look (white) to keep any remotest thought of evil, superstition, and fear out of the wedding.
Ottery and Teddy’s fireworks was something I wanted to make bigger like you said it would have been, but I didn’t want to make the ending of the chapter about them, but what they wanted for the couple.
I’m so happy you like this chapter as much as you do, and thanks again for looking after me, so I don’t muck up my story terribly bad.
Thanks to all my readers for sticking with me, and I welcome any new readers I might have and would like to invite anyone who wants to, to comment if you want. Also I want to start warning you that this story is gradually getting darker, and much sadness will come, but some light heartedness with it. Next chapter will be posted hopefully next Friday. Chapter Eleven: Tom Learns A Secret, and A Family Heirloom?
Butterfly Flutters
James and Lily lived in the house he inherited from his parents. They were so very happy. Tom enjoyed his life and could not imagine that his life before Lily saved him was so hard and desolate.
Lily marveled at how close James and Tom were. Sometimes she wondered if people might think they were strange treating their cat the way they do, as if he is human and one of the family. The thing is he acts like no other cat. "He seems to know what we are all about and he understands us completely", she thought.
In all her remembrances, he has been her best friend. He gave her the idea about the rose bush she was tending. A smile was on her face as she wondered how Petunia was enjoying her bush so full of roses during this time of the year when it should not be blooming. She was deliriously happy at how her life had turned from long periods of harsh storms, to the likes of perfect sunny days with mild breezes that carried fragrances of sweet smelling flowers and freshly cut grass. Life was good, and she was thankful for her many blessings bestowed on her.
She saw the time and moved away from her rose bush to start washing the vegetables from the storage bin, for their evening meal. The stuffed duck she had been roasting slowly all day and the vegetables would be done at the same time if she got stated on them now. James was splitting wood the Muggle way, with an ax and a lot of muscle. He wanted to do it this way to keep fit and trim.
Tom was at his station watching James dutifully, as was his custom to follow James around whenever he was outside. She wondered if maybe Tom might only be pretending to watch when, actually he was napping. She couldn’t tell because his back was to her. She laughed gaily at the site of James talking and laughing with his cat as though he was a real person, maybe like to a son he was teaching life lessons.
She dropped her carrot she was washing, and put her hands below her stomach, a little flutter. She twirled into her cloak, ran out to James, and threw her arms around him. James had no choice, but to drop the ax behind him, as he was about to take a mighty swing on the waiting log section to be split.
“I love you so she exclaimed!”
At first, James was afraid something had happened, and had grabbed her shoulders to look at her. However, the exuberance of the way she told of her love calmed him from that thought.
“I love you to, but Honey you know better than to come up on me like that when I’m splitting wood. I could have split you in two.” he chided her.
“You was about to have to stop because I caused the log to fall over, you wouldn’t have swung that ax. Nevertheless, I had to tell you something this very instant! She exclaimed.”
“Okay” he said confused at her getting so emotional, and what kind of emergency could possibly happen that would make her so happy? “Well, calm down, what is it?” Her enthusiasm caught hold of him and he felt his self-control ebbing away. He laughed and hugged her to him because she was now bouncing off her toes. She planted a kiss full on his lips and said she couldn’t help it.
“My, but you’re a sexy man, your muscles all pumped up, and the smell of sweet sweat mixed with the aroma of pine wood, on this cold crisp day.” She giggled at his arched eyebrows.
“Now?” he asked incredulously. He let the ax fall over onto the ground, and a smile crept to his face.
Lily laughed; she was having too much fun at James’s expense. She decided to behave herself, and give him the reason for her intrusion on him. “Just now as I was washing the vegetables, I felt a little flutter down here.”
“Oh” he said not knowing what to say, “um maybe gas?” he offered, and a little disappointed.
She surrendered her laugh to a little soft kiss, “No Honey, it’s the first indication a woman gets, letting her know that her baby has gotten big enough to feel it move.”
He swept her off her feet and sat on the garden swing with her cuddled onto his lap and chest. “That’s exciting, can I feel it? How big is it now? Can we call it him, instead of it? When will we know if we have a boy or a girl? Do you have any names picked out that we can be thinking on? What did it feel like?” His last question he asked in wonderment.
“It was such a subtle movement; I could have missed it easily if I was doing something more physical. It was so beautiful; I got chills up my spine. He’s a tiny little us happy and content.” She smiled at the wonder on his face.
“When will he come? Honey, I’ll be a great father, and you’ll be a great mother. He’ll be the luckiest kid in the world to have both parents who want nothing more than to love and teach him what makes the world go around. And a great cat for him to chase,” he added seeing Tom wanting to be included in on the conversation. “Come on up Tom.” James said patting Lily’s lap.
Snow flurries were starting to drift down from the cold gray sky. They lingered there on the swing, looking about them as the snowflakes started collecting other snowflakes instead of melting. The garden was no longer full of green shrubs, and vines and beautiful flowers that were there in the spring and summer. Now, clumps of white snow covered brown bare branches that shivered their leaves several long months ago. Still, in that moment it was a beautiful place to be. James put his warm hand on Lily’s face, wiped the flakes from her lashes, and kissed her brow.
“We better get our baby and his wonderful, beautiful mommy in the house Tom,” he said not taking his eyes off his bride of nearly a year and a half. Tom jumped down and walked over to the ax now covered with snow. “I’ll come back out and put that away in a minute Tom.”
“Nonsense, you can put it away now, I can manage getting in the house on my own. I don‘t want treated like I‘m an invalid,” she said. “Go ahead and get that ax put up, don’t forget to oil and wipe it down.” She said as she went to the house.
Tom followed James into the shed, and turned into Jim. James put his coat around him quickly. He new he would get cold very quickly without all his fur on him.
“What’s up Jim?” He glanced towards the house, and seen Lily in the kitchen window orchestrating, flying pans, vegetables, and gravy, to finish making the meal. He smiled at the time they had just spent on the swing, making her have to use magic to finish her meal preparations to keep on her schedule. Still smiling, James shut the shed door and turned his attention to Jim.
Jim said, “While you and Lily were talking, I saw Peter Pettigrew looking around the corner of the house.”
“Really! I wonder why didn’t he come on up and visit.”
“Something is amiss with him lately, and he is so nervous. I don’t like the feeling I get around him anymore. He’s even more cowardly than normal.” James considered what Jim had said carefully.
“Maybe it’s the uncertainty that things are in these days. When we were at school, he had all of us to hide behind and feel safe. All he has now is his mom, and rumor has it that she is a poor witch who drinks too much. I’ll drop in on him tomorrow and see if I can’t do a little fishing. Meanwhile, I’ll put up some charms and enchantments here.”
“How about Lily feeling the baby move Jim, isn’t it great?”
“Yes, I felt him stir last night as the two of you slept.” Jim said, “I didn’t touch his mind though. That is the honor of the father and mother. Start talking to him when she starts showing. You’re never too young to start learning. Teach him the sound of your voice. Teach him how to stay calm in tough situations so he can think clearly. Teach him to trust his instincts.”
“We’re having a boy?” James asked folding his hands under his chin. “You felt him? I didn’t know you could do that.”
“It’s my magic, I didn’t feel him physically, but his presence, and yes, he is a boy.
“How will I teach him all that stuff?” James asked doubting the possibility of such a thing.
“Each evening when Lily is resting, lay down with your head on her lap, and tell her you need to confer with your son. Then just talk as though he is there and you are telling him of the day you had, and what you did that day. Tell him what it felt like when you played Quidditch. Read him stories. Tell him stories of when you were in school. Tell him things you were afraid of and how you overcame your fears.”
“James, are you spending the night in the shed?" Lily called to him.
“I’m nearly done, I’ll be there in a second,” he answered.
“Jim,” James encased the small boy’s little face in his hands, then hugged him and kissed the top of his head. I love you Jim, I hope you always know that we love you so much. And thank you for all that you are, and all that you do for us.”
Jim smiled a little red in the face. “Yes, I know, Little One, and the feeling is mutual” He handed James the coat, thanked him for it, turned back into Tom, then ran ahead of James to the house. James, being filled with tremendous pride, strutted behind Tom as they entered into the house for their evening meal. He was wearing a smile, as large as his pride, upon his face. He was going to be a Daddy!
Last edited by Connie; 11-22-2010 at 05:02 PM.
Reason: Fixing stuff, and there'll probably be more fixing later.