Sorry for taking so long, rl things like dance have been swamping me down.. (I do it 5 days a week)
so here is the next part.. There will be at least 3..
Now here's from someones unexpected PoV
Chapter Thirty Five: Death Avenged: Part Two
I sipped my earl grey tea slightly apprehensive. Waiting for what would happen, waiting for what he would say, yell, shout.. If only he just shouted at me! SAID SOMETHING! The silence between the two of us almost made me shout out in annoyance, fear, expectation. The silence was my punishment.. Or he would.. Would he just talk to me? Unwanted tears threatened to start leaking down my face. Dry, empty words started forming in my mouth, but my scorched tongue refused to speak them. I felt a cold, wet tear roll down my cheek in to my tea, it splashed me slightly, but I didn't care. I was waiting for the man I faced to talk to me.. Utter a word, make a sound, something before I went insanely mad.
“ Why did you do it?” His tone was calm, void of accusation, anger, fear, depression, disappointment. Nothing came in to my mind of what to respond, I didn't even know myself why I did it.. What could I say to him. I just stared in to his grey eyes, wanting them to show accusation and hate directed towards me. I wanted him to ask me something else, to start laughing, congratulate me, yell at me, again a silence reigned. I finally mustered up the little courage I had, I finally decided that Draco for once in his life deserved the truth. The truth I had kept so carefully from him.
“ Draco... I..” What did I?” I didn't..” But I did. I DID!” I did. I don't know!” I broke out sobbing and the expensive china cup in my hand fell and shattered I paid no attention to the fact that my hands were slightly burned and started crying harder.” I killed him because I hated him! I didn't want to do anything he told me to do! I didn't want to face the truth that he was the man I married, I didn't want to face the fact that he was your father. Your blood relative. I didn't want to face the fact that I married a death eater, that I became one myself, that I served lord Voldemort, that I.. That I was who I was! I didn't want to face the fact that I was a Malfoy or a Black, or anything.” My anguish showed so clearly through my tears that I surprised myself. And probably surprised my son.
“ Mother.. You. You did the right thing, Lucius was a tyrant and a death eater. He was not family.. At least he is nothing more then someone I share blood with ashamedly. Lucius Malfoy deserved death, my only regret is that I didn't kill him.” Draco let out a small laugh.” Come back to Hogwarts with me. You can be there happily, Harry will make sure no harm comes to you.. You can come meet the young woman I'm engaged to, you can meet Court-Scorpia again.” Draco's tone suddenly turned far more serious. And his proposal sounded far more welcoming and happy then I had expected, I should not have put it past him to apologize for what I did.. I do recall him not liking Lucius much.
“ Come back to Hogwarts with you, Harry Potter? Engaged, Draco what have you not told me.. But Scorpia.. I thought she was killed with the With girl.. I never knew she was alive! I.. I regret for doing what I did, I must talk with Scorpia, apologize and hope that she can find it in her heart to forgive me for lying to her, for letting her believe that she would return home even though I knew she wouldn't.. I just couldn't let her.. Lucius, I couldn't let him know that Scorpia existed. But.. Draco, I know that you may not think this wise.. But I am renouncing the Malfoy name, I will now be known as Narcissa Black.” I had made my decision and I will keep it.
“ Actually, that's one of the best things I've heard in my life.. I might even do that also.. I don't want to carry on the Malfoy line.. Lucius will never know what's hit him. Unless he has another unknown son the Malfoy line will end with him.. I'm not Malfoy.. At least I won't be.” Draco laughed.” Here, let me heal your burns.” With a silent wave of his wand they where gone. I must admit, Hogwarts has taught him something.” Let's go to Hogwarts, you may not receive a warm welcoming when you arrive though. There is something I have to do at Gringotts first mother. I have to access the Black family vault and remove something from it.. Would you care to accompany me?”
“ I would love to accompany you, something I rarely did, or do.. Because of Lucius.. And you seemed to have avoided my question as to who you are engaged to.” I stated with a small laugh. Draco didn't respond at first, he took my hand and apparated us Diagon Alley, right in front of the large, enormous Gringotts Bank. It's white and gold marble pillars glistening in the sunlight, it never has ceased to amaze me when ever I go there, most of the time I was in such a hurry to bother to look at it though. Together, my son and I entered the bank that was occupied by wizards and goblins alike.
“ You wouldn't believe me if I told you who I am engaged to, so you'll have to meet her in person.. You may not agree with my choice though.” Draco finally answered my statement, or question. For that is what it was at first.” We would like to access the Black family vault. My mother Narcissa Black and I, Draco Black.” Draco sounded rather grown up as he approached one of the goblins. Oh wait! He is grown up.. I must admit I am rather slow on things sometimes. The goblin looked at us suspiciously then nodded curtly handed us a key then called for another goblin to take us to the vault. After arriving there Draco entered and exited not long after carrying a small golden cup decorated with a.. Badger.
“ Is that Helga Hufflepuff's goblet?” I almost shrieked in surprise, as far as I knew my family was not in any way related to Helga Hufflepuff, and I don't even remember it being in the vault before, but then again, I hadn't entered the vault for several years. But Bellatrix and Andromeda were the only ones.. Bellatrix must have gotten as a gift from our.. No HER master.
“ Yes it is, but here is not the time.. Harry Potter needs it and I must deliver it to him, I can.. If possible explain later, I'm not even sure what exactly it is but I do know that Harry needs it in order to defeat Voldemort.” Draco responded tartly as we re-entered the cart and were taken up to the ground level. We exited it and the bank in silence. After arriving in Diagon Alley he apparated us right out side the wards of Hogwarts, so that meant we were somewhere in Hogsmeade. Quickly we headed up towards the castle. The castle that so boldly bore the dark mark above it....