Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Pigfarts
Posts: 577
Hogwarts RPG Name: Guenevere 'Gwen' Olivia White Graduated | ♫ Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts ♫ | That makes me your Mama. | I'm Team Dumbledore! ♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione Your welcome...i really do like this fanfic and i dont mind how long they are...mine arn't long..not really.
Yeahhh i agree.....gutta have some annoying person on hand...i have a feeling he's gunna do something really bad though...i can just feel it!!!
x Thanks. And, I'm not sure that I'll add anymore about John in here... But maybe I will. We'll see.
I finished part 2 much quicker than I had anticipated, so I'll post in now, before I head off to my Storytelling class. I hope you enjoy part 2.
__________________________________________________ ____________ Chapter 11: The Winter Woes: Part 2
Their last week of winter break seemed to be flying by. It was Friday; two days before they had to head back to the castle. The Higter’s seemed to be doing a lot better, though having lost a parent, but gaining one at the same time. Gordon was keeping Viktorya preoccupied, so she had hardly anytime to dwell on the melancholy atmosphere. The snow let up, and the kids spent most of their time outdoors, throwing snowballs at each other, and building snowmen. Rose came by, and was spending the last weekend with them.
“This is quite fun,” she said, forming a large snowball in her gloved hand, and aiming it right at James’ face. She threw it and it hit him square in the back of the head. He turned around, and had many snowballs and was pelting them directly at Clementine and Rose, who dove for cover behind a mound of snow. James laughed, but was hit once again, unexpectedly, by his accomplice, Torr, who had staggered to the ground because he was laughing so hard. James, stunned, still had snow on his face and was spitting some out of his open mouth. He had one last snowball, and he threw it at Torr, but it missed.
Later that night, Teddy Lupin, Victoire, Ron, Hugo, and Hermione Weasley joined the Potter’s and Higter children for dinner. Teddy, with neon green hair and a very mischievous grin, announced that he and Victoire were engaged to be married. They had a celebratory toast. Victoire’s long chic strawberry-blonde hair glittered in the dimmed light, and she was smiling graciously. James was boasting loudly that he knew they would get married ever since he caught them kissing at Kings Cross Station.
“Forgot to mention the other bit of good news, sweetie,” Victoire said to Teddy. He grinned at her, and kissed her on the cheek.
“Ah, yes. Although its happy for me, its not so good either,” he said, in a somewhat strained voice. The kids at the table looked at him inquiringly. So he continued. “Well, your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lamond, has gone missing, and the ministry hasn’t been able to uncover where he might be.”
The atmosphere at the table changed. Harry did not talk about work much because many disappearances have been happening and he wasn’t allowed to give out information.
“But, the Prophet hasn’t said anything about it,” cried Rose, who was very fond of Professor Lamond.
“Of course not. They don’t want to mention it quite yet, as it has only been a couple of days,” said Harry, looking displeased. They all knew how much he despised the news portion of the Prophet, but couldn’t say anything outwardly about it because Ginny was employed in the Sports department with them.
Ron shifted in his chair and said, “We’ve been working around the clock on it, but since there are hardly any clues to go by, the ministry, and Hogwarts has had to think quickly.”
“So,” said Teddy, continuing off of Ron’s response, “They have had to replace him for the meantime, and I was offered the job! I accepted, of course. I wanted it since I graduated two years ago, but Lamond wasn’t going to retire, and McGonagall said I was much too young.”
The dining table erupted in noise as they all congratulated and patted his back.
“How wonderful, Teddy,” exclaimed Hermione. “Your father was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we,” she indicated Harry, Ron, and Ginny, “ever had! You’ll be amazing, I just know it!”
Teddy beamed at the room. After everyone had finished dessert, the Weasley’s and Teddy bid them good night, and jumped into the emerald green flames and out of sight. At very bad timing, Albus had sudden inspiration to ask Teddy about Blake Snape, but he was gone before he could ask anything.
“What was it you were going to ask Teddy, Al,” asked Harry, wondering why his son wouldn’t confide the question in him.
“Well, it was about a kid at school,” Albus started, but Ginny interrupted him.
“Is it that Scorpius? I knew he was bad,” she said, looking at Harry.
“No… Well, sort of. Its really about a kid he has been hanging out with,” said Albus. “Well, I was looking at the Marauder’s Map and I noticed something peculiar. It showed Scorpius moving toward us, but he wasn’t alone. The dot next to him was labeled Blake Snape.” He was looking at his dad, who just furrowed his brow. When he didn’t answer, Albus continued. “I wanted to ask Teddy if he knew anything about it because he works in that department at the ministry. He would know if a wizard with the surname Snape was born.”
“That’s very strange. Snape is an uncommon surname, and there is no possible way Severus could have had a kid. Yes, maybe you should write to Teddy, I’m quite interested now, myself. Go ahead and take Whisper, she knows where to find Teddy.”
Without another word, Albus, Clementine, and Viktorya rushed up to the room, and began to write the letter. The finished product was nearly perfect, and they tied the parchment to Whisper’s leg, and let her out of the window.
“There. Hopefully, he’ll get back to us soon,” said Albus, clearly exuberant.
“Well, if he doesn’t get back to us this weekend, then we still won’t have to wait long since he’ll be at Hogwarts now,” said Clementine. “Perhaps we should send a letter to Rose telling her what we did so that she won’t be lost when we get a reply.”
“Good idea,” said Albus, unrolling another bit of parchment, and scribbled hurriedly across it.
“There,” he said, blowing on the ink for it to dry. He rolled it back up, and set it on his desk, waiting for Whisper to come back. Clementine and Viktorya said goodnight, and left the room.
The weekend was over before they knew it. James, Torr, Gordon, Albus, Viktorya, and Clementine were by the fireplace, waiting to return to Hogwarts. They each grabbed a pinch of floo powder, and disappeared, one by one, into the emerald flames.
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Thanks for reading! Stayed tuned for Chapter 12. I'm not sure when it will be done.  Thanks again, and as always, comments appreciated!
Last edited by veggie_potter; 01-26-2010 at 06:38 AM.