A tiny, tawny coloured-owl swooped into the quidditch official's office, a letter as large as itself clutched in its tiny beak.
He offered it to the professor with a throaty little chirruping coo that likely meant a treat would be appreciated.
SPOILER!!: The Note
Deputy Headmaster Vindictus:
I hope that this letter finds you well and that the school term has been productive thus far. I apologize for my regrettable absence, which was entirely unavoidable. Thank you for your understanding and for managing the school leadership in my absence. The mantle of Headmaster is a heavy burden to bear, but I am entirely confident that the students are thriving and safe under your competent leadership.
I am writing to inform you that I shall be returning to Hogwarts by five pm today. I respectfully request that your personal effects be removed from the Office of the Headmaster, especially any quidditch paraphernalia (the odor from broom handle wax, while pleasant, disturbs my sinuses). I also request that you reset the gargoyle's password to "Fuzzy Bunnies" so that I may access my office and resume my post without incident.
I am grateful to you for your support and assistance in this matter, and very glad to have you as my second in command once more. Thank you.
Warmest regards,
Professor Valon R. Kazimeriz, esq.
Order of Merlin, Third Class
Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Council Member, International Confederation of Wizards Council on Defense
Cultural Attache, Council for Magical and Muggle Relations
Defense Master
Potions Master