Thread: Harry Potter: Depart in Peace - Sa13+
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:45 AM   #11 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Sorry for taking so long!!!

Chapter Two: Forgotten Mountains

Having had a incredibly rough and terrible I decided it would be best if I went straight home. Quickly I apparated in to the living room and was shocked to see Hermione Granger on a couch there. Suspicious I drew my wand and right when I was in the midst of doings so Granger passed out. I so need to talk to Draco about this. Hesitantly I levitated Granger in to one of the guest rooms and went to the kitchens to find Draco. My long legs aching from all the running I had done before.

“ Oi, Draco, is there a reason Granger's here and she passed out on one of the couches in the living room?” I asked once I found him.

“ Darn. Yes. She's starving herself and not sleeping, I found her still working at three am I am her boss by the way. I don't want people passing out. And she already did.” Draco glared at me.

“ Uh right. And I thought she was smart. I levitated her in to the first guest room on the right, and I'm starving. Where's Winky?” Right as I asked Winky apparated in front of me.

“ Hello Winky, could you please make me some dinner?” I asked her, it was such a relief that McGonagall let me hire her from Hogwarts.

“ Yes master.” Her long ears bobbed as she bowed quickly before going to work.

“ I still don't understand how you can be nice to those things, Blaise.” Draco rolled his eyes.

“ It's called being polite, you should try it sometime. Now let's go check on Granger.” I responded tartly, Draco's retort was cut off by someone (I would guess Granger) yelling.


“ She yells loudly.” I commented as Draco and I ascended the stairs out of the kitchen.

“ Wait. Did you say the first guest room on the right?” Draco suddenly asked.

“ Yea, why- Oh! That's the one with Lucius's painting!” We both practically bolted for the room. I got there first and silenced Lucius Malfoy's portrait quickly.” Sorry Hermione, forgot he was in this room.” After saying this I realized she probably had no earthly idea who I was. I had changed a lot since Hogwarts.

“ Uh huh.. What happened, where am I?” She blinked a couple times.

“ You passed out shortly after I got home from work and I happened to apparate into the living room which you were in, your still at Malfoy Manor by the way.” I answered.

“ And he forgot that this room had Lucius's painting when he levitated you in here.” Draco added.

“ Okay.. And who is he?” Hermione glared at us. I KNEW IT!

“ Me.” I just couldn't resist.

“ Who is me?” She started to glare more directly at me.

“ You.” Draco caught on quickly.

“ OKAY FINE! Who is the guy next to you? What's his name?” Hermione was furious with us.

“ Blaise Zabini at your service.” I grinned happily at her.

“ Here's some bread, eat it before you pass out again.” Draco handed her bread trying to conceal his laughter. Hermione ate a small portion of it staring suspiciously at us.

“ It's not poisoned.” I couldn't stop the grin on my face from spreading. But even as I said it she started choking.” Is it Draco?” I rounded on him.

“ It's not, just wondering if you'd fall for it.” Hermione sat up frowning. Draco started to laugh, I joined halfheartedly.

“ Master Blaise. Your supper is ready.” Winky apparated in the room startling us all.

“ Thanks Winky, I'll be down in a bit.” I smiled at the house-elf.

“ Would master like me to keep it warm?” Winky was always worried about things like this,

“ Nah, it'll be fine. If it's cold when I get down there it will serve me right.” I chuckled a little bit, Winky nodded then apparated away.

“ You hired Winky?” Hermione looked surprised.

“ Not really, Winky's more like his friend.” Draco answered for me.

“ And I'm going to go eat, you should eat also Hermione.” I said before walking out...

*** Hermione's PoV

“ When can I go home?” I asked staring at the bread in my hand.

“ Eventually.” Draco responded seating himself on the edge of my bed.” After I'm sure your not going to pass out at least.” He added.

“ How long will that take?” I let out a exasperated sigh.

“ As long as it will take is my guess.”

“ Your just so funny.” I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“ Am I really?” Draco can be so DUMB sometimes. Unless this was sarcasm.

“ No.” I groaned in response then fell back on my bed. Tired.

“ You should get some sleep.” Draco got up off my bed.. He is dumb officially.” See you in the morning.”

*** Mysterious person from Chapter One's PoV

I dissaperated from my grassy swamp home to Malfoy Manor, it was always a.. Pleasure to go there. I felt slightly under stress as I arrived there, Bavaria followed.

“ This is where I take my leave mistress.” Her raspy tone almost surprised me. I nodded my head curtly then watched her leave. I eventually made my way to one of the smaller fountains. It's water seemed silver in the moonlight. I slid my small dainty white hand through the trickling water with a faint smile on my face as my hand met the cold substance. I let out a singly harsh note of laughter. Then remained quietly seated at the marble bench by my favorite fountain.

“ Enjoying yourself?” Draco startled me. I turned around slowly to face him. Slightly straitening my white robes as I did so.

“ That depends if one may enjoy themselves or if one can.” My green/brown eyes met his grey ones.

“ You can do both.” Draco seated himself next to me.

“ Not-” I paused slightly.” Not with Bavaria around.” I finished taking in a deep breath of the cool air.

“ And who is this unknown Bavaria?” Draco seemed mildly interested, his mind clearly elsewhere.'

“ A dementor.” I answered wondering if I could catch his attention.

“ A what?” He turned his face away from the stars to gaze in to my eyes once again.

“ I said nothing, must have been the wind.” My look was tinged with just the right amount of innocence for him to believe me. All was well.

“ Must have been.” Draco agreed absentmindedly.

“ Draco.. Something's on your mind.. What's wrong?” I finally spoke after what seemed hours of silence.

“ I.. I'm not to sure.. Something I don't understand is on my mind.” Draco responded with a slight sigh.

“ You'll eventually understand right?” I teased playfully, wondering if he would even notice.

“ N-I don't know Xenia... I think.. I think I'm in love.” Draco turned to face me again.

“ In.. love...” This was indeed something serious. Draco Malfoy. My best friend was in love.” Well.. That's not a completely bad thing.”

“ Your not the one that's in love.” Draco muttered darkly.

“ Well, no, but I have been in love before.” I admitted.

“ Have?” Draco wondered aloud.

“ He was killed some time ago, and I felt as if... Oh never mind.” I blushed slightly.

“ No, go on please. If you'd like to.”

“ I felt as if I had forgotten all the mountains I had to climb to survive, and it felt like I was stuck back where I began.”

“ If you don't mind me asking, how did you get over it?”

“ I... I met a dementor named Bavaria. Bavaria drove all my happy memories away, then did the final stage of destroying the memories forever. Bavaria helps keep me alive.”

“ The dementor had a name?”

“ Dementors often do, they even have feelings and can talk.” Draco stared at me as if I had lost my mind.” So who's the lucky girl?”

“ You wouldn't believe me if I told you Xe. But uh.. Yea.”

“ It won't do any harm if you told me, but that's your choice.”

“ Do you want to spend the night here, Bavaria could come if wanted.” Draco's offer surprised me.

“ If you insist.” I manged a slight grin.

“ I do insist, that marsh were you live in gives me the creeps.” Draco laughed took my hand and led me inside. We paused at the door for a second at my request.

“ Bav will be here in a minute or so. She'll spend the night with me. Don't worry she won't kill you or kiss you for that matter.” I chuckled. Draco rolled his eyes then set me up in a room. Bavaria did indeed arrive and we had a quick conversation before I fell asleep...

*** The next day.

Yawning I awoke with a start and almost forgot where I was. Glaring at Lucius portrait I headed downstairs after quickly getting dressed. I spotted a girl with long flowing strawberry colored hair. There was something familiar about her but I couldn't remember where I'd seen her before.

“ Hey Hermione.” Blaise had also just walked in.

“ Uh.. Hey.” I couldn't bring myself to say his first name, it was to awkward.

“ Hermione? Hermione Granger?” The girl with the strawberry hair turned to face me. Her green/grey eyes where SO familiar.. Where had I seen them before? This was starting to creep me out a little bit. But then again..

“ Yea.. That's me.” I finally answered.

“ Oh.. Pleasure to finally meet you.” She flashed me a definitely fake smile then walked off.

“ Who. Is. She?” I asked Blaise unsure of what to expect.

“ Xenia Pine. Or at least I think her last name is Pi-” Blaise cut off in mid word, I was about to ask why but then it hit me. I felt all my happiness start to pull away. I whirled around pulling my wand out as I did so. A tall dementor was approaching me.” What the!” Blaise Zabini also pulled out his wand.

“ Don't be scared. I won't attack you, I'm just looking for my mistress.” The dementors cool tone surprised me. Actually a dementor talking surprised me, I shrieked and dropped my wand in surprise.

“ What?” The dementor asked confused. WOAH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! Dementors. Don't. Have. Feelings.

“ Uh... Dementors don't talk.” I gasped in fear slowly bending down to pick up my wand.

“ I do. But, I must go find my mistress.” The dementor cast one last strange look at me then drifted away.

“ Well.. I would ask why Draco kept dementors but he's not a girl.” Blaise rolled his eyes.

“ I tend to disagree, about the last part.” I blinked a couple times still watching the dementor till it turned a corner. Blaise laughed.

***Harry's dream.. Or not a dream.

Harry looked around through the misty thick grey fog. He thought he saw a figure. Form. Person, approaching him with steady confident steps. Finally the person arrived, Harry must have thought he was looking in a mirror for the man looked exactly like him.

“ Who are you?” He almost accused the man, mostly his tone was caused by shock.

“ Your soul, conscience, whatever you want to call me. I am the inner you.” The man replied.

“ Right.. Uh fine your Bruce.” Harry snorted obviously not taking this seriously.” Uh huh, so Bruce, why are you here? Why am I here? What is here?”

“ You are.. Well let me put it this way.. Through the veil.” The man or Bruce didn't look amused in the slightest. Harry stopped his stomping around and turned to face his inner self.

“ Through the veil?” He gaped.” Am I dead?” Harry looked around expecting to see Sirius at any moment.

“ No, no, dear no. Not dead but your mind Is through the veil. It is deep magic that can not be understood fully.” Bruce chuckled lightly.” But I have not told you why I am here.” Bruce ended with a slight barely audible sigh.

“ No you haven't.” Harry went back to sounding accusing.

“ You have a power in you unlike any other.. The power that helped you defeat Voldemort.” Bruce sounded a little pitying.

“ Yea, yea. I know I can love.. I don't care.” Harry looked immensely annoyed.

“ No, this is called Time-Affecting. The power to bend time, to change or effect peoples lives. The last Time-Effector was stripped of there powers and the powers were used to be turned in to time turners, the gift is more rare then being a parsel-tongue. Some call time-affecting a curse. But I have to tell you this now because you have to keep the world in order. As usual.” Bruce's sad look deepened and became more serious with each word.

“ So uh.. Your saying I can literally change how something happened from the past and make people come back from the dead?” Harry's look brightened.

“ Yes.. And no, your decisions will change the world completely.” Bruce almost glared at Harry.

“ But my parents, Sirius, Ron, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Cedric, Dumbledore, Colin. I can bring them back!” Harry yelled angrily.

“ Think about how it could affect the world Harry, if your parents had not died for you or Sirius, Ron, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Cedric, Dumbledore, Colin. Think about the fact that Voldemort might be still here. You dead, and no one to stop Voldemort.” Bruce sighed heavily.


“ They are Harry, they are happy.” Bruce murmured.

“ You know what, I don't believe you.” Harry snorted.

“ You may not believe me Harry, but you must. Your forgetting which mountains you need to climb.” Bruce stated, staring deeply in to the fog.” I have something that you might enjoy.” Bruce added.

“ What?” Harry asked but even as he asked the answer was given.

“ Hey Harry mate, why aren't you married to my little sister yet?” Ron appeared grinning.

“ Ron. What?” Harry gasped.

“ Harry.. I wish I had been there for your fifth year, DA looked awesome!” Cedric had arrived.

“ Don't ever blame yourself for my death Harry, it was my decision.” Sirius let out a small laugh.

“ Oh, Harry, you've grown so much!” Lily Potter smiled warmly at her son from behind James.

“ Harry Potter. The boy who lived, I've wanted to meet you for some time.” Someone who looked much like Sirius but slightly less handsome glanced over Harry.

“ Uh.. What is going on?” Harry looked confused.

“ Ah, Regulus.. Finally came around to the good side did you?” Sirius grinned.

“ Finally.” Regulus half grinned back at his older brother.

“ HARRY!” Fred boomed running over.” Why are you NOT married to to Ginny?” He seemed furius.

“ Because he's a dimwit.” Nymphradora Lupin smirked cockily at Harry, her hair it's usual bubblegum pink.

“ Sirius, Ron, Remus, Mum, Dad, Tonks, Fred, Cedric, Dumbledore, Colin. Regulus! YOUR ALL DEAD! WHAT IS GOING ON!” Harry finally managed to get something through all the chatter.

“ Yes we are Harry, but here.. As Bruce so kindly put it, through the veil. We can talk with you.. Or.. Maybe it's because of who you are.” Dumbledore watched Harry finally speaking.

“ Oh uh.. Where's Snape?” Harry asked for lack of anything else to say.

“ Right here Potter.” Snape's icy cold tone surprised Harry.

“ Hey Sev! I'm glad you did what you could to protect Harry.” Lily smiled at him.

“ Okay.. Seriously, my legs hurt, is there somewhere I can sit down?” Harry's leg's started to fell rather weak from all the shock.

“ Of course Harry.” With a flick of Bruce's hand the fog turned in to a room full of plushy couches and chairs. Immediately everyone sat down. Harry then realized he was in for a long night.

“ What would happen if I brought any of you alive?” Harry asked impatiently.

“ Well Hermione would be dead.. I was in front of her when the killing curse hit me from Miss Pine-White. I dunno.” Ron shrugged.

“ Regulus would probably make little difference aside from the fact that many muggleborn witches and wizards would have been sent to Azkaban for some time.” Dumbledore said.

“ But they'd be free now.” Sirius added.

“ What about you Sirius?” Harry rounded on his godfather.

“ Would you have had a place during your 7th year. Would you have made Kreacher more.. Polite?” Sirius paused slightly.

“ Kreacher was a great house-elf Sirius.” Regulus glared at his brother.

“ The both of you shut it.” Harry groaned.

“ You'd be dead and Voldemort unstoppable.” Lily put in to the silence that followed.

“ You wouldn't have dated Cho.. But then again, you didn't think that was really worth it.” Cedric laughed, Harry laughed also.

“ What about professor Snape?” Harry then asked.

“ I'm not sure what would happen.” Bruce spoke up.

“ No FAIR! Snivvelus has more of a chance of becoming alive then I do!” James scoffed.

“ Shut up dad.” Harry snapped at him. James chuckled.

“ I don't think really bringing anyone back is a smart choice. The smallest difference would probably be Regulus.” Bruce sighed.

“ What about Ron? I could just bring Hermione alive after that” Harry growled.” And can't I do more myself?” Like go back in time myself?”

“ There is much you can and can't do Harry. Do not overestimate your powers.” Bruce's tone remained level.

“ But! I.. What happened last time a Time-Effector brought someone back from the dead?” Harry tried to keep his voice calm.

“ Adrianna's magic was found out and they stripped it from her, to make the time turners. She still had some magic which had angry outbursts. The man who she tried to bring alive never made it long, he died again two day's later. The world went back to normal except for the fact that Adrianna was broken.” Dumbledore spoke with sadness in his tone.

“ Oh.. I'm sorry professor Dumbledore.” Harry's head bowed with shame.“ How much of the world be different if Ron became alive and we didn't go on the trip though?”

“ Ron and Hermione would be married, as would you and Ginny.” It was Bruce's turn to accuse Harry. Harry shut up and decided to deal with it...

Floating, in the distance.

Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 01-30-2010 at 03:03 AM.
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